So this is it… It took me forever, but it's done. Hopefully everyone likes it. I want to say thanks for the reviews I have. If you have been reading this from the beginning all that time ago I want to extend another thanks to you. It means a lot to me. I'm trying to finish my other story I have posted, Age is Just a Number, and I don't think I'll start posting anymore stories until I have them finished or almost finished. I obviously can't stick with them.

Ten Years Later

It's been ten years since graduation, twelve since Quinn left. Noah, Beth, and I live in a penthouse in New York City.

I graduated with honors from school, and ended up attending NYADA for theater. Two years after I graduated high school I was given my dream role. I got to play Fanny Brice in the Funny Girl Revival until the show went off Broadway. My next role of Sophie in Mamma Mia; I enjoyed that one a lot. The role that I'm currently in played is Elphaba. I am in heaven and loving my life.

Noah and I are still going strong. We are engaged and I've never been happier with my life. We are supposed to be getting married next year. Noah had completely turned his life around. He knew he had to take care of Beth so he pulled his act together and pulled his grades up. He ended up attending NYU for business. He owned his own music shop which was in high demand.

Beth was her father through and through even down to how she looks. Her hair had darkened into a light brown, but she kept her mom's piercing green eyes. She had nothing of Quinn's personality, however. She did pick up our love for music, and had even played young Colette in Les Mis.

We hadn't heard from Quinn since she left, but she must have been doing well because the checks increased over the year. Beth didn't know much about her mother, and she considered me her mother. We were a happy family.

Brittany and Blaine didn't last after high school, but Brittany and I remained friends. Blaine was a doctor and had moved out to New York with us. He was single and enjoying the single life. Brittany had been out in LA working as a backup dancer for different musicians. She also choreographed many of their dances. She was dating some actor, I think his name was Jared Padalecki, or something like that. He was a sweet guy but I had only met him once.

Santana was the biggest surprise out of all our friends. She'd gotten married to Nick, shocking right I guess all of those late night cuddle sessions turned into much more. They owned a law firm together. They had a big house in Lima and lived there with their two dogs.