History of Takeo

Disclaimer:                Okay, this will be one disclaimer for the whole story, so that I don't have to repeat over and over again that I don't own any characters of Dragonball Z/GT and that I don't earn any money with it! This would just be too depressing. The only persons that I own are Takeo, Angela, Junior and any other original character that I might make up during this story! *sticks her tongue out*

A/N:                           Well, this is the special that I've planned for you. Normally I wanted to write it AFTER I'd finished Until we meet again, but now that Trunks and Pan are also together in Takeo's timeline I think that I can give you this "1.000 reviews special" and write at least the prologue for you. But in this prologue I want to thank all of you, who had reviewed Until we meet again until now. I'm so happy that you liked this fanfic and I hope that this story can keep up with it, even though this will be a genre I've never written before… General… Let's see what I can make of it.

                                   First of all this story will be mostly centered on Takeo (duh!) and Pan, but I will also slip the other characters we all love in. The Prologue will be no biggie, mostly a summary of what had happened in the beginning of Until we meet again, since this is exactly the same that had also happened in the future timeline, but I thought that this would be a good beginning, especially for readers, who don't know Until we meet again.

                                   This chapter will also be different from the other upcoming ones (you'll see what I mean).



It was a warm evening at the end of August and the slowly setting sun painted the sky in a mix of the colors blue, orange and red. A young man, wearing a pair of dark blue jeans and a white T-shirt, stood on the green grass at the side of the road, his motorbike standing next to him. His spiky black hair gently moved in the light wind, as he looked through his dark sunglasses down to the beach that was found some meters under the cliff, he was standing on. The beach was almost completely deserted… Almost, because there were two people strolling over the soft sand, their feet bathing in the surf, every time a new wave arrived. It was a couple, two people walking hand in hand, laughing and exchanging kisses now and then. The young man on the cliff smiled down at the two persons, reveling in memories…

My name is Takeo Vegeta Son. I'm twenty-four years old and the son, or rather (great-) grandson, of the most powerful and at the same time richest persons on this planet. Those two happy people down there are my parents. My father is Trunks Briefs, the President of Capsule Corporation and my mother, Pan Son, is the granddaughter of the two greatest or most-known warriors in history: Son Goku and Mr. Satan, who would be my great-grandfathers. My grandfathers are Son Gohan, the man who had truly defeated Cell at a merely age of eleven, and Vegeta Briefs, the Prince of all Saiyajins. For the last 16 years I've been secretly friends with the son of Son Goten and Bra Briefs, Goku Junior, because my mother had forbid me to see him. Why? Well, see, my parents have not always been this happy. Until about two months ago, my father didn't even know that I existed.

It all began like this…

More than thirty years ago, as my mother had been sixteen, she had gotten the news that she had been accepted at a famous boarding school in LA and even got a scholar ship there. She took this opportunity and moved to LA, having different reasons for this. One of the reasons was the fact that everyone was still treating like a six-year old and she finally wanted to show them that she was able to take care of herself. But another reason was that she had been in love. In love with a man who was fourteen years older than her. A man who used to babysat and never saw more than a real good friend in her at that time. She always had a crush on him as long as she could think, but as she was fourteen she, her best friend and her grandfather Goku, who had been turned into a small kid at that time, had to go into outer space. Well, the man and her grandfather wanted to go along with my mother's uncle, but she had sneaked on board and started the ship, before her uncle could go on the ship as well. In this year in outer space, my mother found out that the feeling for the man had not just been crush, but had developed into something more. This man was my father.

Whatever… My mother spent 7 years in the States, not coming back once to visit her family and friends, just calling every couple of weeks, and came back, after she had graduated early, as a changed woman. Gone was the tomboyish way of acting, as she left the plane dressed in a short black leather skirt and a blue halter top, which showed perfectly all of her curves. She came back to start a new life as Pia Shen, wanting to show everyone that she could build up an existence without anyone helping. She had planned on revealing herself to her family and friends as soon as she had done that.

Everything went smooth at the beginning. She had a job interview at Capsule Corporation, knowing that she wouldn't be fired, when she finally revealed herself and thanks to her changes, Bulma hadn't recognized her and had offered 'Pia' the job as the President's personal assistant.

First the same evening things started to go wrong. Mom had been at a club, dancing and suddenly something had happened. At one song she got a strange feeling in her body and soon found herself dancing very closely with a man, who had been no one else but Trunks Briefs, my father. Luckily, he hadn't recognized her, thanks to her changes and the small ki-shield she had been wearing around her wrist, and as she found out later, he had felt the same in his body, as they were dancing. During this dance they had both been in a trance-like state and as my aunt Bra had called it, almost had sex on the dance floor.

That night my mother hadn't told him that she should start to work for him the next day, so he was more than a bit surprised, as Bulma presented 'Pia' as his new assistant. Both tried to ignore those new feelings they felt for the other, but didn't quite succeed. First after mom had a small run-in, including a sparring match, with my grandfather Vegeta at Bra's graduation party, who had told her that those feelings were representing the Saiyajin in her, that she had already unconsciously chosen her mate, she listened to him and let her feelings go. In this night, after my father had brought her home, they had exchanged their first kiss.

Now everyone would say how good it was. Maybe in some way it was, but in another way, it wasn't. Okay, both of them were happy, but Mom had never told him, who she really was, not even after Vegeta had warned her about the upcoming full moon, which would activate the Saiyajin and the primal instincts in both her and his son's body and would lead to the inevitable: mating. She had kept this secret until it was too late and eventually slept with him. That was the night, in which I had been unknowingly conceived.

Scared and confused by her actions that night and my father's reaction, if he found out what she had been hiding from him, she pushed him away and broke up, after she had called Bra and outlined what had happened, where she had let out the fact that she was talking about Trunks. My father didn't take the break-up too well and started to reject my mother in any way, making it impossible for her to explain anything, when she finally found the courage.

Not just that she had been emotionally drained, her body was also acting like crazy, what mostly showed the morning sickness. Finally after three weeks she decided that it was just too much and that she would talk to my father, no matter what happened. She also got him to listen, but before she could tell him that she was Pan, a wave of nausea overcame her, letting her throw up in his waste-paper basket. Though showing a bit of concern, while my mother was emptying her stomach, he immediately put the cold exterior back up, as she was feeling better, just telling her to go to a doctor, before he left.

Later I heard that, at the same day my father had a heated but short argument with Bulma, which ended with him sobbing into her shoulder. Bulma told me that he then went to 'Pia's' apartment to talk to her, also to disprove the others suspicions that she was an evil android, because of her lack of ki. She wasn't there, but then my father made the fatal decision to go through her stuff and found out, who she really was.

Around the same time mom was sitting in the doctor's room, getting the news that she was pregnant.

That's how everything began…


I know, pretty short… But it's just a prologue and I promise that the next chapter will be longer, whenever I'll have time to write it.

But I hope you like it though and tell me that in your many, many reviews… *grins* Thanks to "Until we meet again" I'm now not just addicted to cliffhangers, but also to reviews…

Eternally yours
