Ok so, yeah... I have some 1910 lingo in here cause tis story is back then... So Jake ment alright.. Here are some awesome reveiws
It's a very interesting start, and though it was short, that leaves me wanting to know what happens. I hope the future chapters are a little bit longer. I like how you started it off though, and I'm glad you decided to write a story for this category. :) Keep it up, and update soon {THANKS!}
OHMYGOSH yyessssssss!You are AMAZING for doing this!I love ya!(big sloppy toon kiss).I am so excited it isn't even funny:D:D:D {Awe, stop it... Or not I'm good eather way! :D}
In Mobias there were never storms of any kind.. Exept in the pitiful town. There, surprise storms, Bad storms, would hit when least expected.
The Warner boy now was no longer alone. He now had a baby brother who seemed to have a tounge a bit too large for his mouth. Only seven and he already has to take care of a baby, beacase with his parents out "Working" the Warner boy simply had no other choice. Remember those suprise storms? Well today was going to be a surprising day...
Yakko's POV
Mom and Dad are off doing there so called job. Leaving me to watch Little Wakko. Boy, mom is such a Ding-bat, I mean Yakko? Wakko? What kinda names are those? Dumb ones, thats what.
So while Mother dearest and my lovely Father are out griffting, the grandmother of all storms just hit. Wakko is bauling his poor little eyes out, as we sit in the living room on the floor. Dad didn't like us on the couch. Thats when I heard a thunderous crash. I could smell smoke and hear the roof cracking. I had Wakko cradled in my arms as I sprinted for the door. Sadly, before I could get there the flames poored down and surounded us. I was blinded by the bright flames. Holding Wakko tightly, as if the tighter I hold him the safer he was, I had one thought in my mind... This was it. The end.
That's when there was a splash of water in front of us and I saw somthing. It was geting closer. When it yelled "Hurry up before the place comes in!" I quickly ran out, the whatever it was behind me. "You jake?" I finaly got a good look at the kid, he was around my height and looked like Mr. Disney only with shaggy black hair.
"Nope" I said "I'm Yakko"
He than gave me a funny look, then he laughed." That's a good one, man." He looked up at the sky. " I think we should get back in, before lightning disides to strike twice" He said as he motined to the Disneys house. At first I didn't want to, Dad says the Disneys were bad news. Then lightning struck, and I thought 'why not?'.
When we made it past the broken fence, witch was the only boundery seperating the Warners and Disneys, I felt naucious. All my life I was told not to set foot in there yard. I hesitated until the Kid looked back at me. I must of looked stupid ecause he smirked at me and said "Whats wrong, Warner. Chicken?
I didn't care how much dad was gonna kill me, I wasn't gonna let him call me a chicken. I crossed the fence, but slowley. When my foot hit the ground I closed my eyes tight, I gusse I thouht I'd blow up or somthing. When I didn't I opened up one eye and saw the kid laughing his but off. I glared at him but he didn't pay me any attention he kept walking. When I looked at Wakko I saw he was also laughing.
As we enterd the grey rundown house I noticed it was Identical to my house, witch isn't necessarily a good thing. It would be quite quaint if their wasn't brockin bottles every where. He gestered for us to sit down on the dirty yellow couch as he left to go in a different room. I didn't sit. I stood in the doorway looking at the living room. It was just like ours exept for different colors. As the kid was gone I kept asking my self this, What is so bad about the Disneys that makes us hate them? What was SO different?
When he returned he had a little blue toon in his hands, she looked like she had been crying. Already she had messy hair that covered some of her soft pink eyes Thats when I remembered somthing. I don't know The kids name. "Hey, I never caught your name"
"I didn't know I threw one" He replied.
I simply rolled my eyes trying not to laugh. "Whats Your name"
That time I did laugh. He glared at me, be I didn't stop until I said "How about I just call you Will, eather that or my ribs break"
He shruged his anger seemed to have left him and he acted in a careless way the rest of my stay. He seemed cool headed. I wish I could say the same about his and My dad. Beacause after a few hours or so, dear old dad just disovered the semi burnt house and Mr. Disney just discovered two Warners in his house.
Oooooooooooo, Cliff hanger aren't I good at those? No flames please, I'm fragile *Breaks in a million peices* Told ya! :D :D