Hi, this is my first story and i hope you like it.

Summary: Adina Whitewood lives in a gang fill neighborhood. she lost her brother at a young age when he was protecting her from a gang, her parents are no longer the same and she is slowly losing herself in her little world. she had survive with just luck but what happens when she begins to be a traget from the same gang that ruin her family's life then somehow gets thrown into a war that wasn't meant for her? well, let's just throw in a certain boombox and see what happens.

Diclamier: i don't own anything except my oc. also, some characters might be ooc. enjoy.


The wind grew stronger as it passes through the small neighborhood, making the windows of the houses to rattle, startling the few people that were awake at this time. Once the wind had reached the house that was just at the end of the street, it almost bangs against the windows with such force, it seemed like it was going to shatter them. Almost like it was trying to wake someone, to give them an omen of nearby disaster.

The occupants of house didn't wake to the noise, almost like they were used to it. They just stir a bit before burying themselves deeper into their pillows. The winds seem to calm down for a bit, allowing the family to relax for a while. In the master bedroom downstairs, the parents cuddle with each other, seeking comfort.

Both were sleeping peacefully, their dreams not pang with the nightmares of the past. Sadly, the same couldn't be said for their daughter who resides in the room upstairs. The girl kept on twisting and turning, her hands gripping the blankets. Small noises of fright escape from her as she tried to escape the haunted memory of long ago that kept on replaying in her dreams.

As if sensing her uneasy sleep, the wind came back as twice as strong, making the windows rattle even more, almost reaching their breaking point.

The girl quickly gasps in both surprise and fright as she open her eyes. The last scene playing through her mind as she quickly glance around her room to make sure nothing threatening was there, waiting in the shadows for the right moment to attack. Her grip loosens their hold on the blanket as she realizes that she was alone, no one was there. She sighed as she quietly crawled out of her bed.

With such ease that only one could ever hope for, the girl step over all her stuff that was lying around and headed towards her nightstand. The nightstand was bare of everything except a book and a single picture. The girl reached over and gently took it into her hands. As she glances at it, she swipes her finger against the surface before turning it over to undo the latches. She carefully took off the back cover and took out the picture.

The girl places the frame down and with what little light she had in the room, she started to search through the top drawer. She started to feel around until she was suddenly startled as a flash of lightening light up the room. With wide eyes, she glances at the window to hear the wind and the splatter of the raindrops bang against it. The girl let out a small squeak of fear when she heard the loud thunder that soon followed.

With deep breaths, she continues to search around until her figure tips brush against a small wooden box. The girl smiled as she brought the small box against her chest.

"Please forgive me for forgetting," 'she whispers to herself as she closed the drawer and slowly made her way towards her door.

Another flash of lightening illuminated the room, casting shadows to appear around the girl. The girl smiled to herself before freezing. As she stared at her shadow, she saw another one join it. A big bird shape shadow. She watched as it spread out its wings before turning around only to find nothing behind her. The girl scan the room as the thunder made its appearance once more, only to find nothing.

She tighten her hold on the two objects before exiting her room and started to head down the hallway towards the door on her right. The girl was slowly wondering if she was starting to lose her mind as she heard small metallic movements behind her. Once the girl reached the door, she griped the doorknob and paused as the metallic noises became louder.

The girl quickly looked up and was once again met with nothing. She scans both ends of the hallway only to find nothing. She growled to herself before sighing. With her head resting against the door, she spoke out loud.

"Great, I'm going crazy," the girl started to lightly chuckle to herself, shaking her head with close eyes. "Oh well, the world is already fuck up, why shouldn't I just join it?"

The girl pushes open the door and slipped inside, locking it as soon as she was inside. She was greeted with darkness but she calmly waited for a flash of lightening to lite up the room, allowing her to see what she had forgotten. As if hearing her wish, a flash of lightening appears, giving the girl a quick view of the room.

The room contains what any young boy teenager would have. A baseball bat was lying against the desk that was off to the corner of the room. A stack of cards was on top of said desk, as if waiting for the day their owner would return to look through them. Serial posters of a soccer and baseball team were all over the walls. A bookcase was against the wall next to the closet, waiting for someone to come by and choose one of its books to read and enjoy. A full size bed was near the window, the bed slightly worn as if someone had slept in it.

The girl slowly headed towards the bed and lay on it. Hugging the picture and the small box against her, she allowed her tears to fall freely.

"Brother, I miss you so much. I'm still living my life but I can't help but just come back here on this day. Hope you are in peace," she whisper to the shadows. She places the items she brought next to her and closes her eyes, listening to the rain hitting against the roof.

The girl quickly opens her eyes when she heard it. That metallic sound, she slowly sat up, glancing around before looking up towards the roof. Her eyes widen in realization, she wasn't going crazy. She was actually hearing something on top of the roof.

The girl slowly step towards the window as she tried to pinpointed where the noise was coming from. She opened the window and flinched a bit when the cold air and water hit her bare skin. She ignores it as she carefully crawls out onto the roof.

Once on top, she turned around slowly to see if she could see what the cause of the noise was. To her frustration, the rain was falling too hard and quickly; she could barely see ten feet in front of her! The girl growled to herself once more as she moved her wet bangs out of her face.

She never noticed the robotic bird behind her until a flash of lightening showed her, her and the bird's shadow. The girl gasped and quickly turned to face the robot only to misjudge how close she was to the edge of the roof. She gave out a small shout of surprise and with quick reflexes, manages to grab the ledge before she could fall, though she was now dangling over the edge.

The girl tries to climb back onto the roof but kept on slipping. The bird robot watches in amusement, slightly wondering if he shows himself once more will the girl let go by mistake in fright, falling to her death. He decide to do it, telling himself that he should at least have some fun while he's out here.

The girl sighed as she fought a hopeless battle, knowing full well that the robot thing will not help her. Just like the people in this stupid neighborhood. The girl thought angrily as she tried to find a better grip onto the ledge.

The girl could see from a distance that the robot was coming closer, his red eyes glowing malicious at her. He stood in front of her, leering at her. The girl just stared at him, her eyes meeting his, showing that she wasn't afraid of this.

The robot was taken aback when he saw the fearless expression in the girl's eyes. Such dull bright blue eyes, almost as if this girl had witness a tragedy that she should have not seen. He was also confused by her behavior, most humans usually beg for him to have mercy on them, to save them. But this girl wasn't begging no it seems like she was willing to accept her fate.

The robot was soon brought back from his thoughts when the girl let out a shout. He looked over to see her falling. Now, with anybody else, he could have just laughed and fly away, but for some reason, he couldn't do that to this one. He gave out a sigh before flying after her.

The girl couldn't help but let out a small shout as she her grip slipped, making her fall towards the ground. She saw the robot glance at her before taking off. She closed her eyes and waited for the impact of the ground. Imagine her surprise when she felt cold claws gripping her shoulders, lifting her up. The girl slowly opens her eyes and glance up to see the robot bird glaring down at her.

"Stupid fleshing, doesn't even know how to save itself from falling," he said in a low almost scratchy voice.

The girl wanted to defend herself but found her unable to speak. Turns out the fright had tired herself out and that she slowly falling asleep.

The robot bird growled to himself, wondering what made him save the girl. His scanners indicated that this fleshing was still a youngling and that she was slowly falling unconscious. He glances around the house to see if a window was wide open and was relief when he did find one. He quickly flew towards it, hoping to get the girl inside before she catches something. Once he reaches towards the window, he slowly and carefully transformed into a small human size robot and climb inside, carrying the girl with him. The robot scans the room before placing her onto the bed and covering her in the thickest blanket he could find.

Once done, he stood back and nodded at his handy work before slapping himself. What am I doing? He thought before jumping outside and transforming back into his regular form. He turned around to fly away but not before closing the window.

The robot frowns to him as he headed towards the meeting place with his brothers and creator. What exactly came over him? He quickly shook his head and landed in front of a taller and bigger robot. He waited as the others came out from the shadows and stood next to him.

The robot stared at each of them before speaking. "Report," was all he said.

At the end of the line, two twin robots stepped up.

"We have found no clues," started out the sliver one only to be cut off by his twin.

"All we got were serial dogs chasing us," he finished before dragging his twin back into the line.

A robot bat flatter towards the robot, making serial whines and chirps. The robot nodded before looking at the panther one.

The panther just gave out a low growl before walking off.

The robot gave out what sound like a deep sigh before turning towards the bird. "Report Laserbeak."

Laserbeak was quiet before giving out his report. "I meet a fleshing that seems different from the others; I think she might have some sort of clue that will help us find what we are looking for."

The robot blinked his red optics before nodding. "Affirmative, proceed to plan 63."

This simple order causes the smaller robots to look up in surprise. The silver one step forward and asked the robot a question.

"Are you sure Soundwave?" he asks.

Soundwave nodded before turning towards Laserbeak. "Information and location."

Laserbeak nodded and proceeded to send the information to Soundwave. "When does the plan take action?"

Soundwave stared outside before answering. "After storm passes, then head out."

All five robots nodded and prepare to recharge when Laserbeak was stopped by Soundwave.

"Explain about actions," he orders, staring at the bird.

Laserbeak gave out a tired sigh. "I do not know, I was about to leave her to fall when something came over me to save her, or at least stop her from falling," he answers.

Soundwave stares at him before nodding. "Very well, recharge."

Laserbeak nodded and headed off towards his spot and outline his optics. Unknown that Soundwave was thinking about what he said, trying to come to a conclusion.

"Interesting, must find reason to why it caused such reaction," he said to himself, watching the rain fall.

so? is it ok? also, please tell me if i made some sort of mistake. thank you for reading! R&R
