You all have been so patience, but very, very clear you want a new chapter of A Hybrid Twin and that you wanted one NOW. So here it is. Enjoy, the next chapter is already written and off to my pre-reader and beta!


Rebekah met her siblings at the house, but the air around them was different. Not as united as she thought they would be, seeing as how they all for once worked together, and didn't injure each other or fight.

So, when she walked in the sitting room, seeing the room divided, she frowned. Bella sat on one side of the room, while Klaus and Kol sit on the other side, with Elijah and Finn standing behind her two sitting brothers.

"What is it? Why are you all looking at Bella like she stole your pride?" Bekah asked.

Kol snorted and shook his head.

"She could never hurt my pride. Our dear sister, killed mother! Walked into her witches' pentagram and killed her." Kol whined, "None of us but her could get in; she took all the fun, and had it all to herself."

Rebekah may have been mad at their mother for trying to kill them, but she still felt a bout of sadness for the woman who gave birth to her. She thought for all these years that her father killed her, that she had been taken from her. Then she came back and she felt a sense of hope, of having a loving mother around, to be a real family, for once, and again. But she tried to kill her and her siblings, and killed all over again.

"You killed her?" Rebekah asked walking to Bella and sitting next to her, holding her hand. "How?"

"Spelled holy oil." Bella shrugged.

"Smelled awful, that holy oil did." Kol scrunched his nose.

"Yes, and it seems this whole time our sister had plans of her own." Elijah spoke

Bella shot him a look, one that read annoyance.

"So, everybody, like yourself is allowed to have plans, but not I? Elijah with kidnapping Elena, Klaus with everything he ever does, Rebekah going after Elena when she got un-daggered; it's only a matter of time before Finny and Kol have plans they don't share." Bella hissed

"We're not mad at you love, just shocked is all. How long have you been planning her death? How did you get spelled holy oil, only somebody powerful can spell oil as old and powerful as that?" Klaus softly spoke, his eyes tender for his twin.

Kol rolled his eyes in annoyance and jealously. He hated that his twin siblings were so close. He knew Bella loved him, would die and murder for him no matter what. But he hated that he didn't have the close bond the two had. He wanted her to treat him as she did Klaus. All of their siblings wanted it. Bekah with Klaus, and the other boys with Bella; their bond had always been different since they were born. As infants they cried if not in the same room as each other.

"How else would I get spelled holy oil brother?" Bella asked him slowly as if she were speaking to a mere toddler, a child and not her brother. "I had a friend spell it. Just as that friend spelled the pentagram to keep me in, and you all out; the only way all of you could be safe, away from her. It also kept her in without way of escape!" she rushed out.

No way in hell was she ever going to give up Rosalie and Emmett. She knew her brother loved her, but he always looked to collect on powerful beings. Rosalie was very powerful, her whole linage had been special, add in the fact that Emmett was one of the biggest wolves she had ever witnessed; Klaus would collect them from her, regardless of her protest. She couldn't have that.

"Let us leave her alone about it, brothers. Bella did no different than what we would have, had we thought of it and had the means. She got rid of the threat from our mother, I'm thankful." Finn spoke

Elijah nodded along with Klaus, Kol just shrug his shoulders, but they all looked at Rebekah.

"I'm not mad, I wasn't even there. I was in those bloody tunnels, my whole outfit is ruined!" Rebekah said gesturing to her body with her hand.

But the screen lit up as she moved her thumb on accident giving Bella the perfect view of a paused video of Elena. The picture behind Elena made her grab the phone right from her sister's hand.

"What the hell is this? Is this a joke, Bekah? Tell me this is made up, artifice!" Bella's eyes were wide and her tone caused all of her siblings to gather around.

"It's not a fake; I noticed it while filming my hopeful torture of Elena." Rebekah whispered.

"We burned that tree down; I burned that tree down myself. It can't be." Klaus hissed taking the phone from Bella

Rebekah shook her head no, and stood close to Klaus and pointed.

"Look at the drawing, Nik. The burnt tree is here, marked in our history. But a new one, in different script was made here." She pointed out.

Elijah, Finn, and Bella shared a look.

"There had to be a sapling. It's the only way that a new one could take its place." Elijah suggested.

It's the only thing that made sense. A burnt tree couldn't just come back to life, it was impossible. Not even a witch could take the ashes of a tree and bend it back to health; there would be nothing to mend.

"What does this mean? That there is a possible way of killing us, just sitting around Mystic Falls, for the taking?" Kol asked

"It means we need to find where that tree is. It's been a long time since that drawing replaced the one that died over a thousand years ago. The tree is either dead, or decaying as we speak, or used somehow." Klaus looked at every one of siblings as he said this.

But it was Bella that shook her head, causing him to sigh.

"Not all of us can stay here. Face it; they wouldn't expect us to stay here. But if some of us leave, and some of us stay, that would puzzle them, give us more time and opportunities to get rid of it. Forever." It wasn't really a suggested or an idea.

From her tone, they all knew it was a request, a demand. She was being protective Bella, sending them away and splitting up meant she was plotting, for their favor.

"Where and who will go, darling? I wouldn't mind going, but to where? I've been daggered for 90 years, Finn for 900, we barely know enough about the modern technology and places that have replaced and been built from the past." Kol said hugging her and Rebekah close to him.

"I'll take Finn. He could use some exploring and traveling until this issue is taken care of. He's been in a box for three fourths of his life, magically compelled to commit suicide, he needs a break from this place already." Elijah nodded as he spoke to not only Bella but Finn.

Finn nodded and smiled. He didn't mind the town, but he did want to get out explore, learn all he could from Elijah. Maybe see if Sage was interested in joining him, he missed her. His soulmate, he wanted her with him now, or at least near considering at least one of his sisters hated her.

Rebekah looked between Bella and Klaus. She didn't want to leave Bella, Klaus she didn't mind leaving, she still anger towards him. Bella on the other hand was always fun loving, she wanted to show her sister she wasn't the same bratty little girl she acted like the last time she saw her. She wanted to help, to just stay with her.

"I'll stay. I know you and Klaus could get on fine, but what's another set of hands and another brain to add to plotting?" Bekah smiled

"What brain?" Kol whispered to Finn

She rolled her eye and Bella smacked him upside the head.

"I can agree to all of that. But as long as you're sure; I won't force you three to go if you don't wish to." Bella said softly.

They all rolled their eyes, she would make them go if it was the last thing she did. She suggested it, meaning she would see it through properly.

They nodded regardless, which picked her spirits even farther, as she whipped out her own cell phone.

"Who are you calling?" Klaus asked

"Everybody who is leaving will leave in two days' time. But at the moment I'm calling a doctor friend to see about a hunter." Bella smiled wickedly.

"Why? Why are you calling the Fell woman about Alaric Saltzman?" Elijah groaned.

He just knew something was going to happen, something big, and Bella was going to be in the middle of it. Like a tornado, flying through and ripping things apart.

"You know the reports around town, about council members or family members of the council have been staked, as if vampires?" Bella asked

"Yes, the old medical examiner, Walter or Walters something, staked after that council party." Klaus nodded, "Also, William Forbs." Then his eyes widened. "You compelled her to give him the blood to turn him?" He asked, the other's gasped

"Apparently her new doctor likes to give her dying patience vampire blood to stop their death, but healing them with our blood." Bella laughed, but caught Elijah's eye and sighed, "And so I might be compelling her things to do and forget from time to time, so what!" she defended.

"Constant compulsion can cause serious problems with humans, their health mostly their mental health and problems for us." Finn shook his head at his sister.

Bella actually looked chastised for a second before she looked at him pleadingly.

"I promise, it's in benefit to us, not for play or entertainment." She swore and he sighed along with Elijah.

There was nothing they could really do about it, they couldn't stop her. They had no choice but to just let it go, though Elijah did hope the woman lived, and wasn't going to be badly affected by it.

"What does that have to do with the Doctor and the hunter?" Kol asked confused

"I compelled her to get closer to him, be friends, lovers, whatever. I compelled her to bring back whatever information on him and the human blood bag she can. She sent me back a journal. A Gilbert family journal from one of the founding members from the 1900's; Alaric is showing traits this woman had." Bella said and walked out of the room.

"That's it, that doesn't answer any of our questions we have!" Rebekah shouted

"I honestly don't care; let her have her fun, have her activities. That way while everyone else is away, she can boss us around, doing her bidding." Klaus smirked to Rebekah and patted her head as he walked away leaving the rest to get to it.

Finn looked concerned for Rebekah and walked to her holding her.

"Are you certain you don't wish to come with 'Lijah and I? We promise to do as you want to do as well, it could be a new adventure. Those two will have you in trouble faster than you can blind, their mischief makers, they are." He sang to her causing her to laugh

Rebekah nodded her head anyway, and then shook it.

"I'm sure. Don't worry about me, brother. Have fun with Elijah, he's the right person to get you properly accumulated to the 21st century. Once you're ready, you can come back or we will all join you if we finish this tree business." She promised giving him a kiss on the cheek and going to her own room, to shower and settle into some new clothes.

"I can't wait to get out of here, it's boring. None of the locals are enjoyable." Kol pouted.

Elijah and Finn laughed quietly.

"You just wish to cause mayhem." Elijah stated.

Kol rolled his eyes, then pushed his brothers before blurring away to his own room, to do whatever it was that Kol did when he was alone, with down time.

"What's wrong brother?" Finn asked as he studied his brother.

Elijah sighed and looked troubled, rubbing his hands over his face and looking torn at his brother.

"Mother was right, I claim to be moral, yet I wield our sister, as I would a sword today. Just in the name of revenge, I set Bekah on Elena, an innocent." Elijah whispered "I was a monster today, I proved mother right, and I, for that, feel atrocious." The angst in his eyes caused Finn to shake his head.

"You took the girl who knew mother was going to kill her own children, and lied to your face about knowing it. You set your sister on a girl who was just going to not only let you die, but all of us. You've always been moral Elijah, the most moral of us all, even I before daggered. You asked her kindly, and specifically, should be worried, should you trust her. She told you not to worry, that you could trust the woman who was set on murdering her children in your own self-righteous belief because she couldn't take responsibilities for her doings." Finn spoke strongly, never once believing his brother a true monster. "She would have been an accomplice to murder, condoning it no matter what we are guilty of or not. She daggered our baby sister in the back, and kept her in a dungeon! That is no innocent girl, which are the actions of a monster at heart. A human monster capable of doing what she thinks is right, to anybody at the sacrifices for herself and her friends." Finn said standing up.

"How is that different than us doing to gain what we wish, even if we don't need it?" Elijah asked

"We all have our moments when we show how monstrous we are or could be. She was going to willing let us all die, without warning! What of our siblings? What of our baby sisters, their death at the hands of her and mother, that's why your feel guilty, because you stopped their deaths?" Finn asked, getting angry.

Using Bella and Bekah as examples to make his point was a low blow. Finn knew that the girls were their princesses, even if they had their harsh moments towards them; they were the love that truly held them all together, when they all got along. The most precious of any treasure to them, were Isabella and Rebekah.

Elijah nodded and smiled his eyes lighter, and his heart feeling better. He didn't feel as guilty, he saw the bigger picture.

Neither of them aware of said treasure, Bella, in her room eves dropping on their conversation. She started listening after her phone call, glad that she did. She wasn't surprised by Elijah feeling bad bout kidnapping Elena and setting Rebekah loose on her. She was proud of Finn though, proud he put family first, even if neither he nor the others knew the real person who lied, as Bella.

Turning to her mirror, looking and admiring the bits of evidence of her mother's death, she smiled at herself.

Monster at heart, indeed. She thought to herself.

And there you have it my loves, please review, let me know what you think. As I stated above, the next chapter is already written and with my pre-reader and beta. REVIEW, REVIEW, REVEW!