All right I lied. I said the next chapter would be from molly's pov but this came out instead. I hope you all like it.

He looked at the screen before him as if it showed him another world, perhaps it did. The image frozen there, the exhausted but joyous woman and the happy little man, stirred within him a whirlpool of emotions. Guilt , anger, fear, remorse, and, yes, jealousy.

"Do you plan to say something or are you going to continue to stare at the computer as if it might bite?

"Was it terrible for her, Mycroft. Did she suffer much?"

asome. Dr. Watson saw her through it well."

A baby. Molly had had a baby. His baby.

They'd only had the one night togeather. A night ment to comfort and be a reminder of life in the face of his "death", had created this new life.

Hed thought about it afterward. They had shared such pleasure in Molly's little office. The memory of it still invaded his dreams.

He was usually smarter than that. Contrary to what others thought, he wasn't inexprienced with women. He just wasn't driven by the persuit of sex like most men and he didn't feel ther need to discuss his conquests. He always used a condom. He never wanted any of his partners to have that kind of hold on him. The kind of hold he had given Molly without even thinking twice. Somehow he couldn't bring himself to care.

He found it unbearably right. Molly had been the first person to love him for what he was she should be the one to nurture his son.

How unfair. There was John, with his arm supporting an exhausted Molly, grinning ear to ear where Sherlock himself should be. John holding the tiny creature while his own father could not. Still, He thought, John will probably be a better father than I could ever be.

He could never claim the child anyway. If this debacle with Morarity had taught him anything, it was that anyone close to him was in danger. If an enemy could make him walk away from everything in his life that mattered by threatening his friends, what might they be able to make him do if they threatned his child. Anything, he knew, and that terrified him. No, staying away from the boy was the best for all conerned.

Poor Molly, though. As if it wasn't bad enough that she had to lie to his friends, now she would have to spen the rest of her life lying to her -their- child. Why hadn't he been more careful?

Still, he couldn't regret the turn of events. A new life, new possibilities. Even he wasn'tso jaded that he couldn't appricate the wonder of the life he had helped create. Would his son be a (tortured) genius, like himself, or stunningly ordinary, like everyone else. Never normal, not with a mum like Molly Hooper and John Watson as an uncle. Sherlock's brilliance tempered by their infiate patience and compassion. A stunningly daunting individual. He found himself grinning at the thought. Look out world, here he comes.

"Does John know that the boy is my son?"

"I believe he does. Though what story Dr. Hooper concocted to explain I do not know. Incidently, I believe she made him the boy's godfather."

His grin widened thinking about John's reaction to that request. "I'll bet he was thrilled. I'm glad, he'll be a good influenc on the child and a good support for Molly. Speaking of Molly ans support... What has been done to ensure that they are both properly taken care of?

"An inheratince from a distant relative in America. The funds can never be traced back to anyone connected to you. Don't worry brother. You're son and his mother will be well provoded for." Mycroft began shifting in his chair, preparing to rise." I really must be off. I only came personally because Dr. Hooper insisted. She thought you might wish to see me."

"Thank-you, Mycroft." He said as his brother rose to leave. He thought of another question as Mycroft gasthered his umbrella and overcoat. "What did she name him?" How was that not the very first question he asked. Maybe there really was something wrong with him.

"Benedict John Hooper. She agreed that giving him our family mane could be hazerdous to his health. Dr. Watson thought it was a shame that your child could not carry your name but agreed it was probably too dangerous. Good-bye." And he was out the door.

Sherlock looked back at the image on his computer screen. Absently, he stroked his finger across the cheek of the bundle in Molly's arms.

"Welcom to the world Benedict. Though we may never meet, I swear I will do all in my power to assure that your life is truely blessed." Pulling himself togeather he closed the video player and went back to work ferreting out Moriarty's minions.