Mk, no real warnings for this one, so you'll either like this one or you won't, I'll let you decide.

Watching from a Vase

Oh to be as ostentatious and unobtrusive as a wallflower.

That's exactly what I am. I sit along the left wall of the fourth corridor, upon a small podium in an ornate vase matching the lavish dressings of the luxurious Moon Dorms of Cross Academy.

Though I am most often taken care of by the numerous delightful dorm staff, a young man, by the name of Kuransama I believe, sometimes waters me. An odd name don't you think? Kuransama? But there is another young man with hair that matches the moon out the corridor's windows, who just calls him Kuran. How odd don't you think?

They must not like each other very much.

When at first I witnessed, in the halls, the silver haired man, who was called Kiryuu by the Mr. Kuransama, he was being dragged along with sour expression upon his face. He would enter Kuransama's rooms and stay for a short while. When he left, his lips would be as red as cherries and cheeks the color of my own fine wine stained petals. I can only assume they must have gotten into a row.

I watched, as a wallflower does, for weeks to come. Kuransama coming by to water at least once a week. Eventually, Kiryuu would come all on his own, and Kuransama would open the door just before he knocked, a slight smile on his face. Kiryuu would still frown.

Their rendezvous became more animated. Loud noises that sounded like groans emanated from the behind the large oak door. Kiryuu would also stay longer. Perhaps he was learning to hold his own? But always he would leave with red cheeks and bruised lips. It seems Kuransama always won their bouts. How odd that Kiryuu would return for certain failure.

Many more weeks passed and their wrestling matches continued. Then, to my surprise, Kuransama emerged from the door after one particularly loud match. He, like Kiryuu, had a pink tint to his cheeks though his lips weren't nearly as red as the other young man's afterwards. Oh and look! Upon his neck were teeth marks! That would count as foul indeed. But I never saw a third party enter to referee their matches. Perhaps that blond man, Ichijo I think, could do it? He was the only other person besides Kiryuu who entered Kuransama's quarters but he never fought with him like the white-opal haired young man.

A few days later, Kuransama again spotted me as he left his room, a glass of cool water in his hand.

"You're looking a bit down Rose, perhaps you do not get enough sunlight?" he said to me. It was true, the windows were farther down the hall and the only sunlight I got was in the early afternoon. He grasped me by my crystal vase, my stems bowing and swaying under new movement and led me through his ornately carved oak door.

If I had thought the corridors were lavish, they were nothing to Kuransama's own fine furnishings. He placed me by the window on the far side of his living space and immediately the sun warmed my waxy palms and I faced the sun hoping to further imbibe on its rays.

Kiryuu came again that week and I was thrilled to get to witness their matches in person.

Like the Greeks, they stripped down to their nude skins. As they commenced they called each other by different names then I'd ever heard them called and shouted these names at each other. Kiryuu called Kuransama, Kaname and he called Kiryuu, Zero. Perhaps these were more personal names and they used them out of respect for each other?

Their fight was rough and elementary, keeping mostly to grabbing and clawing though Kiryuu again bit Kuransama as I had noticed before. The match ended abruptly after some time and both collapsed tiredly upon the large, rectangular, soft looking arena on which they had started the match. I could not tell who had won that match for both had fallen asleep and snored gently.

When Zero came over after that, he came with a shy smile rather than the frown he used to carry to their meetings. He, too, became a benefactor for myself and began pruning my dead buds and watering me when need be.

As I could feel my season of life coming to a close, Kaname trimmed all my blooming flowers at the base of my stem and he took silver ribbon and tied them up giving the bouquet to Zero later that evening.

I must say that as the life of a wallflower, I could not have been happier to end my year as a memento of feelings between Kuransama and Kiryuu.

Okey, hopefully you all got where that was going. XD Also, the rose plant thinks Kaname's name is Kuransama rather that Kuran with the suffix sama because everyone calls him that but Zero.

Sorry about Say Yes folks, I'm trying, I really am but that chapter has been refusing to be written. :'(