Chapter 1 –

This occurs at the tail end of the Season 6 episode of Supernatural, "Weekend At Bobby's." I hope you like it. This chapter is basically just an introduction to Sam and Dean, which will be followed by an introduction to other key characters in this story. That'll be revealed as the story unfolds, but you can probably guess. If you have any ideas, criticisms, or anything, really, to contribute to this story, feel free to let me know. This is my first fanfiction ever, so, yeah. Hope you like it!

Sam and Dean stood in a 17th century cemetery, surrounded by the highlands of Scotland. The grass was blowing, and the cellphone in Dean's hand crackled as they waited to hear what Crowley's decision would be. Bobby's soul for his own bones, safe and sound.

"I believe those are mine," said a voice, directly behind them.

The brothers turned to look at Crowley.

"You know what," said Dean, his voice full of bravado as he flicked his lighter threateningly, "Now that I think of it, maybe I'll just A-bomb your ass anyhow."

"Dean," Sam said, taking the lighter from his brother's hand. "He's a dick. But, a deal's a deal."

Sam fixed an uncaring look on Crowley.

"I don't need you to fight my battles for me, Moose," said Crowley, sharply, pushing past Sam. "Get bent!"

Sam and Dean watched as the demon collected his bones. Crowley's eagerness betrayed his uncaring charade. The brothers exchanged a knowing glance as the demon brushed the dirt from his remains.

"Now, if you'll excuse me," Crowley said. The boys stared icily at the demon. "I have a little hell to raise."

Sam exhaled heavily as the demon disappeared into thin air.

"Well, Sam! Now what'll we do?"

Sam glanced at his brother. "What are you talking about? Now we go home. Get back to work."

Dean shrugged, looking around at the landscape. "I don't know, man. I think Europe's gotta have at least one or two ghosts… No need to leave folks hanging."

Sam's forehead wrinkled as he considered this idea. He could remember that going to Europe used to matter to him. Well, not him exactly. It mattered to the Sam that had a soul. He and Jess had always planned to go on a big trip after Stanford, but when that didn't happen, the whole idea had been forgotten.

Maybe it would be good to try and do something for normal-Sam. Show Dean that he cared, at least a little. He could see the doubt that occasionally sprung up in Dean's eyes, especially when they were on the job.

"Sounds great," he said, filling his voice with false enthusiasm. "Where to?"

Sounds sincere, Dean thought. He sounds like Sammy.

"I'm thinking London," Dean said. "Tons of creepy old houses there. Might be good to get back on track. A good, clean ghost hunt."

"Since when is hunting ghosts considered 'clean'?" Sam asked, a faint smile on his face. He was pretending, of course. It was for Dean's benefit.

Dean slapped Sam on the shoulder, barking a laugh. The brothers began walking towards their rented car. It was a four door, blue and just plain ugly. When they were picking it out, the only thought that passed through Dean's mind was, modern cars suck.

"Great!" Dean said, tossing a map and brochure in his brother's lap. "Start planning!"

Dean watched as Sam's expression dropped. That was weird. Sam usually loved crap like this. Dean bit the inside of his cheek, turning the key in the ignition.

Sam gingerly turned the pages of the brochure, "Fastest way is flying. There's an airport not far from here."

Dean's eyebrows pulled together. "You wanna fly there?"

"Yeah," Sam said, without looking up. "No reason not to."

"Any other ideas?" Dean demanded.

"There's a train," Sam said, still flipping through the brochure. "But flying's better."

"We're taking the train," Dean told him.

"What?" he replied, finally turning his attention to Dean. "Why?"

Dean fixed him with a steady glare.

"Train," he said flatly.

Yeah, Dean thought. Something's definitely weird.