Well I'm back. I have finally managed to get this story started. As I said in the summary it is the sequel to Forgiving You so if you haven't already read that go over and read it and give me lots of reviews :) I probably won't be updating this story as often as I did with FY because of the silly time consuming thing known as uni but I will try to get at least one chapter out per week, preferably more. Anyway I would love to hear your thoughts so please leave a review.

Disclaimer: I don't own Terra Nova but if Fox doesn't want it any more and wants to give it to me I would be more than happy to adopt it.

"Morning sexy,"

Lucas opened his eyes to spy Skye straddling him, her fingers tracing patterns up and down his naked chest. Lucas moaned slightly as he woke up properly.

"It's about time you woke up." She said. Lucas looked up at the woman on top of him, grinning as he saw the seductive smile on her face.

"Well this is a good way to wake up," he said in a husky voice.

"I can make it better," Skye replied in a seductive tone before leaning down and pressing her lips to his.

Lucas kissed her back passionately as he slid his hands down her body before settling them on her hips, holding her against him. Skye moved her hips, smirking against his lips as he moaned. She ran her hands up his chest, feeling him shiver under her touch. His skin tingled at her touch, awakening him. Lucas hastily flipped Skye over, now fully awake. He broke away from the kiss to study her. She lay beneath his, chest heaving, eyes hungry with desire. She wore his shirt with only a few buttons done up, it hung open at the top, exposing part of her chest. Lucas moved his hands to her legs, sliding them up her thighs slowly, watching the way her breath hitched in anticipation. His hands travelled up towards the hem of her shirt which strictly speaking was his shirt but Lucas had no problem with her using it in times like these. She made quite a sight sitting atop of him in his clothing and Lucas was happy for her to borrow his shirt whenever she liked. Lucas was nothing if not generous when it came to Skye.

Lucas continued moving his hands up her legs, moaning when he realised that she wasn't wearing any underwear. He looked down at her face, her expression was innocent yet suggestive, she was well aware of the effect that she had on him. Lucas leant down to kiss along her jaw, turning his attention back tending to Skye. His hands moved up to undo the two buttons that held her shirt closed. His hands slowly pulled the two sides of the shirt apart, revealing her gradually, his fingertips gently grazing her skin. Skye sat up slightly, allowing Lucas to push his shirt back over her shoulders, leaving her laid out naked before him.

"So beautiful Bucket," he whispered, entranced by the sight before him.

"I love you Lucas," she murmured as she looked up at him, moving her hands over his shoulders before running them back down his chest.

"I love you too Bucket," he replied softly, the love and adoration obvious in his eyes. Skye's hands travelled lower to the waistband of Lucas' pants. Her hands slipped inside his pants, stroking him gently.

"Then show me," she whispered in a seductive tone as her other hand moved to slide Lucas' pants down his hips.

Lucas wasted no time at all in showing Skye exactly how much he loved her. He assisted in removing his pants, pushing Skye gently back against the bed before entering her slowly. Then his lips were against hers in a searing passionate kiss, pouring everything he felt into it. Tongues danced and hands roamed as Lucas pulled nearly all the way out before pushing back into her, causing Skye to moan against his lips. She wrapped her legs around Lucas' waist, pulling him closer to her, revelling in the feeling of having him inside her. Her hands clutched at his shoulders, his hands gripped at her hips. Soon Skye and Lucas climaxed simultaneously, calling out each other's names as they came before slumping back against the bed.

"Well that was a good way to wake up," he said, chuckling slightly.

"Maybe I'll have to wake you up more often," Skye replied in a suggestive tone.

Lucas wrapped his arms around Skye, pulling her close to him. They lay there in silence for a few minutes before Lucas decided that he had to get up. He sat up slowly and swung his legs over the side of the bed before standing up and walking across the room, picking up with clothes from where they littered the floor. He dressed himself before looking out the window at the rising sun. He calculated that there was about ten hours of daylight left, he knew that he would have to move fast. He looked back over at the bed to see Skye lying peacefully where he had left her.

"Come on Bucket," he said in an almost lecturing tone. "Get up, we leave in ten minutes." Skye sighed and pushed herself up off the bed before gathering her clothes and dressing.

"Do we have to go?" she asked, almost sounding like a whiny child.

"Yes Bucket, we do have to go," he chastitised.

"But we've only been here a week," she replied, pouting slightly.

"It's been too long Bucket, we have to go," Lucas answered, his words coming out a little harsher than he intended. This seemed to quieten Skye. She stopped her arguing and stood up before walking over to Lucas. She looked up at him, her eyes conveying an apology. Lucas sighed and leant his forehead against hers, taking a deep breath to calm himself. He hadn't mean to snap at her, he had seen something change in her when he did, some dark thoughts seemed to cloud her mind, saddening her, leading her to seek comfort from him.

"Are you all packed?" he asked in a much softer tone.

"Mhmm," she murmured in reply. Lucas brought his lips to hers in a short and sweet kiss.

"Then let's go," he replied. Together they walked over to the door to grab their bags. Lucas took one last glance around the room, checking to see if there was anything left to indicate that they had been there. Once he was satisfied that there was no sign that they had stayed there they made their way out of the shelter and set off through the jungle, they had a long walk ahead of them.

The first couple of hours of their walk were spent in relative silence. To many people it all looked the same out in the jungle, it was just a mass of trees, rocks and water but Skye's time outside the gate coupled with her survival training had taught her to be observant, to notice the difference in the tree out in the jungle. To her it wasn't a mass of trees, each tree was an individual yet she could have sworn that she had already passed a tree that loomed up ahead on the right.

"Are we lost?" she asked, breaking the silence.

"No we're not lost," Lucas scoffed as if this was the silliest idea in the world.

"Well that's the second time we've passed that tree," she argued, gesturing towards the tree.

"We're just taking a detour," Lucas replied. "Just doubling back, covering our tracks." Skye raised her eyebrows but didn't question him.

They continued walking along in silence until they reached a stream that ran across their path, it was shallow, simple enough to cross yet Lucas held Skye back when she went to cross it. He held her arm, preventing her from stepping into the water. He glanced down at the mud on the bank, looking at the tracks of a small dinosaur that had run across the river.

"We can't cross here," He said, glancing around to look for other options.

"I'm not afraid of a little mud," she laughed.

"We'll leave footprints Bucket," he replied in a patronising tone. He stood there for a moment, running through everything that he knew about this part of the jungle in his mind. "We can cross about one click north of here," he said before starting off in the direction he had indicated. Skye followed along behind him.

Skye stepped on a slightly unstable piece of ground and found herself losing her footing and falling down as the ground below her feet collapsed into the river. She clutched at the ground to stop herself from falling into the water yet she couldn't save herself before her foot sank into the mud. She pulled herself back to her feet as Lucas spun around, his eyes immediately found the footprint in the mud.

"You need to learn to be more careful Bucket," he sighed, walking past her and crouching down next to the river on the dry ground. He reached out to where Skye had left a footprint and smoothed the mud over it. Once he was satisfied that all the evidence was gone he rinsed his hand in the river and stood back up before turning and continuing on his walk.

"Yeah I'm fine thanks for asking," Skye replied sarcastically, slightly annoyed that he had just ignored her. Lucas stopped and closed his eyes, sighing deeply, trying to calm himself. He turned around to look at Skye. He was doing exactly what he had told himself that he wasn't going to do, he couldn't take his stress out on Skye.

"I'm sorry," He replied softly.

Skye knew that there was something not quite right about Lucas. He had been like this ever since they had left the Sixer's camp. He was different, gone was the carefree man who had taken her through the jungle showing her his favourite places. He was instead replaced by a man who was paranoid. He ensured that they moved to a different shelter every week and he was almost obsessive compulsive about ensuring that they left no evidence of where they had been. She knew that there was something different about Lucas but she couldn't help wondering if this was perhaps the real Lucas. The honeymoon period was over and maybe, just maybe this was the real Lucas that was starting to emerge.

After this Lucas seemed to make more of an effort to be caring towards her. He reached out to take her hand and together they made their way upstream towards the crossing. The crossing, it turned out was just a bunch of rocks across the river but they managed to cross without leaving any footprints and for that Lucas was grateful.

Things had been tense for Lucas for the last few weeks. Mira's threat worried him. Mira wasn't the sort to give up easily, if she threatened you she meant it. There wasn't a day since that had left the Sixer's camp that Lucas hadn't gone over the words of Mira's note.

We're watching you

We'll be back

Keep an eye on your precious Bucket.

The words haunted him. He hadn't seen Mira or any of the other Sixers since he had left but he knew that that didn't mean that they weren't around. So Lucas made sure that he never stayed too long in once place, he ensured that they left no evidence wherever they went and he made sure that Skye never went too far away from him, he couldn't risk letting the Sixers get her. Skye was still unaware of Mira's threat and Lucas planned to keep it that way, he didn't want her to worry. He would keep her safe no matter what the cost.

They continued walking through the jungle together. Lucas was eager to make it to their next shelter before dark so he set a crushing pace. Skye didn't complain despite the burning in her legs. Lucas still had that distracted and stressed look on his face and Skye knew better than to push him at that moment.

Suddenly they heard the sound of leaves crunching and a branch snapping. Lucas jumped into action, grabbing Skye and pulling her down into the undergrowth, crouching down and wrapping his arms around her.

"What..." Skye began before Lucas clamped his hand over her mouth, silencing her, his eyes warning her to keep quiet.

Skye's heart thudded in her chest as she crouched there hidden. Part of what had her heart racing was the fear of the unknown thing out there and what it might do if it found them but the other reason was Lucas' close proximity. Even after all the weeks that Skye had spent out in the jungle alone with him he still had the power to take her breath away, to make her weak at the knees, and to make her heart race.

Lucas felt it too. He looked into her eyes and was instantly captivated. His glance was questioning, asking if Skye would keep quiet. He slowly removed his hand from her mouth, satisfied that she wouldn't give away their location. They continued staring into each other's eyes, both lost in the other's gaze. Skye was about to close the gap between them when Lucas suddenly turned his head back towards the direction where they had first heard the noise. The moment was over.

"I think its safe now," Lucas said softly before standing up and reaching his hand out to Skye to help her to her feet.

"Slasher?" Skye questioned as she stood up.

"Something like that," Lucas lied, knowing that it was most definitely not a dinosaur of any sort. With that they set off on the rest of their journey to their new temporary home.