Kurt stomped into the loft and slammed the door shut. "NYADA is trying to kill me!" he yelled into the loft, more to get someone's attention than anything else. He heard the flush of a toilet and Blaine walked out of the bathroom.

"Did a crazy makeup design major run at you with a knife again?" Blaine asked.

Kurt wasn't laughing. "I had a meeting with my advisor today. Apparently I'm not on track to graduate," Kurt said.

"What? That's ridiculous!" Blaine said. "Did they tell you why?"

"They said I never took my earth science class that I need to take," Kurt said.

"Oh," Blaine said. He knew he was in for an earful, because Kurt's advisor was right, but Kurt would never admit that.

"NYADA is a performing arts school! I don't need to take a science class! I'm going to be on Broadway, not on the moon!" Kurt yelled.

"It's a general education requirement. Everyone has to take one. Just take it next semester and get it over with," Blaine said. "I took mine during my first semester. It's not that bad."

"Yeah, for you. You're practically Bill Nye! I've always been awful at science!" Kurt said.

"Look, the trick is that you have to take something that's interesting. You don't have to take regular biology. Take meteorology or oceanography or something like that," Blaine suggested.

"None of that sound interesting," Kurt said.

Blaine sighed. "Well, when the time comes, I'll help you pick a class that you think will be only moderately painful and then I'll help you study for tests," Blaine said.

"I guess that could help," Kurt said.

"I know it will. How about we make dinner to take your mind off of this. I got all the stuff we need for that chicken and rice you really liked," Blaine said.

Kurt agreed and they made their delicious dinner.