Chapter 5: Getting to know you Part 4

Walking back home, Shadow and Sadie were returning with ten bags of clothes, all for Sadie. "Sadie, get the door." Sadie nodded and she ran up to the door and put her hand on the knob. All of a sudden, machine guns, rocket launchers, Gatling guns, etc. came from the floor and ceiling, startling Sadie and making her jump on Shadow, making him fall. The computer screamed in a deep computer voice, "Identification!"

"What the hell is going on?" Said Sadie, frightened from all the weapons.

Shadow blushed, making Shadow look like Knuckles if he was a hedgehog. "Ugh… Sheila, this is Shadow the hedgehog and Sadie." The guns and launchers all went back to their previous places, "Oh, welcome home Master Shadow and Mistress Sadie." Shadow nodded and got up, picking up Sadie and the bags, the doors opening on their own because of Sheila, "Good to be back Shiela. Status report while I was away?" Shadow said this after putting Sadie and the bags down, "No change since you 2 left Master." Shadow nodded and walked into the kitchen, "Sadie, you want something to drink?" Shadow said, rummaging through the fridge.

"What do you have?" Asked Sadie, sitting down in the living room, one leg crossed over the other, turning on the television. Shadow looked in the living room when she did this, blushing a bright pink, putting the color to shame, turning back to the fridge, "Um… I have sprite, coke, Pepsi, Vault and… What the hell?" Sadie looked over in confusion, "What's wrong?" Shadow, still looking in the fridge saw 2 pink cans, "I don't remember buying this soda…" Sadie walked over to the other side of the counter in the kitchen, "What soda Shadow?" Shadow took out one of them and read it, "philtre d'amour… Never heard of it… You wanna try it?" Sadie shrugged and nodded. Shadow poured the 2 cans into 2 tall beer glasses and brought them to the living room table and set one in front of Sadie.

"Are you sure this is safe to drink? Neither of us have ever heard of it." Said Sadie, looking at Shadow with a questionable expression on her face. "I suppose, if it's in my fridge it is edible, or in this case, drinkable."

"Well okay, if you say so…" Said Sadie, picking up the glass in unison with Shadow. Pulling the drink towards their muzzles.

-With Silver, Sonic, Scourge and Slade-

"Hey Silver, did you put those cans in the fridge?" Asked Scourge, scratching the side of his head, "Because I sure as hell didn't give you those…" Silver looked at the puzzled emerald hedgehog and shrugged. "It wasn't me, I've never heard of it either, and since the rest of us were already here, then who would that leave?" Silver said, thinking. Slade then looked over Scourge and Silver's shoulders, preparing to speak, "Well, I believe that if you check one of the cameras that Silver planted in every room in the house, you might find a sensible answer, wouldn't you agree Sonic?" Slade said this with his head held high, proud of his explanation.

Sonic on the other hand, being who he is, had no idea what he was talking about, "Uh… what?" Slade gave a sigh and face-palmed in frustration, "Just check the damn camera in the kitchen…" Sonic then started nodding in agreement now that he knew what he meant.

"Alright, let's check it out. Silver, when did you leave?" Said Scourge getting ready to type. "Um… I think 7:30 and Shadow got home 30 minutes later." Scourge started typing the times, making sure he got every time right. "Alright, let's watch…" Slade said this while he and Sonic pulled up a couple of chairs so they could sit next to Silver and Scourge. Rewinding the tape, they concentrated on the screen while the video played.

After 10 minutes had passed, the kitchen became… misty? The squad of hedgehogs looked at the screen wide-eyed, "What in the hell?" Scourge said arching an eyebrow. "Silvs, did you fog up the lens or something?" Sonic said this looking at Silver, curious of what was happening. "What? How could I have fogged up the camera! I had already left!" Said Silver, enraged at the very question.

Slade had finally had enough of this and summoned chains from his palms, tying Silver and sonic down before they beat the living shit out of each other. "Both of you morons shut your mouths before I use my chains to strangle you 2 to absolute 0% air capacity!" Silver and Sonic looked at each other then back to Slade, wondering what he'd just said. Slade sighed and tried it again in a way they'd understand. "Shut up or else I'll strangle you to death…" Sonic and Silver nodded in agreement.

Seeing that they were no longer at each other's throats, the chains flew back into his hands, letting the 2 stand to face Slade. "Hey guys! Check it out!" Yelled scourge, trying to get their attention once again. They all looked over to the screens and continued to watch. There was someone in the mist, and looked a lot like Shadow! They all tried to look closer at the screen, trying to contemplate who it is. Sonic then came back to his regular standing position, giving a sigh with a look of recognition.

"Sonic, you know that guy?" Said Silver, wondering if it was good or bad. Another sigh escaped the azure hedgehog's lips, "Yeah… that's the problem…" the others had no idea what he was talking about, and then Scourge finally spoke up. "Whattya mean Blue? Who is that guy anyways?" Sonic glared at Scourge with his deep, emerald green eyes and started to explain.

"That's Striker the Smokehog, he's able to control and transform himself and other people/objects into Smoke, or in this case, mist. He is also able to transform into other people, or rather their appearances and voices. He probably snuck past Sheila by turning himself and the cans into mist and going through the front door." Hearing this, Scourge continued the tape to find anything else that might compromise his perfect plan. When Slade walked back over, he saw the 2 pink cans and turned to Scourge, "Pause it!" he yelled. Scourge paused the tape as Slade took control of the screens. He zoomed into the video, and cleared up the visual enough to see what the cans said. "philtre d'amour… Oh shit…" Everyone looked at the Ruby hedgehog wide-eyed seeing he never cussed without reason. "What's up Slade? What's the matter?" Scourge and Sonic said this in perfect unison looking towards Slade.

"Do you know what philtre d'amour means?" Slade yelled, in an almost worried voice. "It means 'Love Potion' in French! Striker gave them a LOVE POTION!" Scourge, Sonic and Silver all looked him in both horror and amazement, seeing that Slade knew French! Slade then looked dead at the camera that had the feed from the living room where Shadow and Sadie were. Scourge ran over to the ruby hedgehog to look over his shoulder, "Well can you tell how strong the damn thing is Slade?" Scourge yelled, pointing out that he needed an answer, quick!

Slade began to diagnose the pink liquid in the glass and it pulled up 10 different ingredients that made Slade's eyes widen, "Oh no… He's used the most effective possible ingredients you can put in a love potion! Sugar, Spice, vanilla extract, rose extract, nectar to 5 different flowers, 10 different alcohols, 3 different wines… oh god… this is bad… he made it almost irreversible!" Sonic and Silver looked up at the monitor and the 2 standing in front of it and rushed over as fast as they could. "What happens if the 2 of them drink the damn thing?" Yelled Sonic in the best worried voice he could muster. Slade looked back at them to answer, "I don't know, but seeing how strong it is, they could possibly become total sex-crazed maniacs!" Everyone thought about it for a minute. Shadow should have been smart enough to not drink this crap in the first place, but then again, he always does enjoy trying something new. Well… as long as Sonic, Scourge or Silver don't suggest it. Slade then looked at the monitor and his pupils dilated in horror, falling back from his seat in front of the many monitors, passing out. Sonic and Silver ran over to see what he was so scared about and saw what had happened… Shadow and Sadie had drunken the potions… "Oh man, things are about to heat up…" Scourge said with the same worried eyes as Slade had before he passed out. "Oh shit… Shadow…"

Just a warning to all you guys and girls that may be reading this, next Chapter is the very 1st Lemon of the series! So get ready for a lemon between Shadow and Sadie. L8r g8rs, R&R!