Not even going to give an explanation. It's been 2 years, there is none that I could give to make up for that. Well, here's chapter 2! Finally...

Chapter 2: Awkward...

Yuuji's P.O.V

Kouta tipped his head back and sighed and Yuuji got a front row seat look, well, more of a stare really, at the pale, slim neck of the boy he's stuck with.

Their adams apple's bobbed in unison.

Kouta's in defeat and Yuuji's in a strange and sudden want of his classmate. Yuuji's eyes started to wander over Kouta's slim frame 'Damn, where has that body been hiding?'. Truthfully that body has been there the whole time but, as a boy, of course Yuuji hasn't noticed the body of another guy.

"I should've noticed sooner..." He mumbled out loud. "Noticed what?" Kouta questioned. Oh. Well. How was he going to explain this?

"Ah. Just that something was wrong with the door, I mean it felt a little heavy when I pulled it open to get in here." Lie. The door was fine. "Oh really? It felt fine when I came in." Kouta shrugged. "Yeah. I guess..." a nervous chuckle from Yuuji.

Well isn't this a nice big pile of awkward.

"Why did you come in here anyway?" Kouta asked, turning flat slate gray eyes to the rust colored one's across from him.

"To find something. No need to worry about what." Usually, Yuuji was a pro at holding out under pressure but he could feel the sweat at his temple when he thought about Kouta finding out about his 'playdate' with Hello Kitty pen. Which was absolutely ridiculous considering the fact that Kouta was possibly the biggest pervert in a 40 mile radius. 'Heck, he'd probably ask to join me. And I'd say yes.'

Pause. Pause everything. Where did THAT come from? It was probably true but still, thoughts like that towards his sexy pervert friends are not allowed.

'Damn, I gotta get out of here fast'. Since panicking Yuuji meant suave-aren't-you-distracted-from-whatever-I-did-wrong-by-the-glitter-around-me Yuuji, Yuuji's sex switch turned to 'on' and Kouta was blasted with cherry blossoms (inside a completely closed up classroom) and sexiness.

Kouta's P.O.V

Oh. My.

This had to be a dream. There was no way Yuuji could be looking at him as if he were ready to kiss him then and there...

On second thought. Yes please.

"Yu-Yuuji! Why are you...looking at me like that" a face that red couldn't be healthy.

"Like what?" Yuuji's hand reached up and played with the strands of dark gray hair at the base of Kouta's neck. It's really a suprise that Kouta didn't melt right there and then. What he did do however, was release a keening noise.

Through his half-closed eyes, Kouta saw a smirk line Yuuji's plump lips and shivered.

That look was probably going to be the death of him.