Title: Roommate

Summary: She needed a room mate to help pay for the bills, he needed a place to stay. She took him in and found out many things one of them was loving him.

Rating: T

Pairing: HinaxSasu, SasuxNaru, NaruxSaku

Warning: Slight yaoi ;D

He sighed as he crossed another name out of the newspaper with a black pen. 'No I couldn't room with him, he just looked so delicious' he thought as he licked his lips with his pink tongue. He knew and that was a fact if he stayed with that guy he would cheat, and he was no cheater. 'Some of these guys are just to good looking' he thought yet again. He loved his boyfriend and he didn't want to loose him. He was such an idiot that's one of the things he loved about him, sighing once again he went to the bulletin board in the coffee shop looking at the fliers that were looking for room mates. A bright blue paper was shown in the middle of the board with large bold letters. 'Roommate, nice room, very spacious. Seven hundred dollars a month with everything such as utilities paid for, and much needed privacy' He thought it was a good deal. That was half a paycheck unlike the others was a whole paycheck and no one took the numbers, probably freshly put on the board. Taking the blue sheet off the board and getting his phone out of his pocket dialing the number as fast as possible.

Ring. Ring. Ri-

"H-hello?" A soft meek voice said over the phone their breathing soft and steady.

"Yeah. I just found the flier for a roommate in a coffee shop. If I could stop by and check the place out it would be great. If I like it I could pay in advance." He said trying not to talk as much and trying to not sound rude, but her voice was also annoying and he did not like her stuttering.

"S-sure, you have the address; could you come by around one this a-afternoon?" She asked politely.

"Hn. I'll be there. My name is Sasuke by the way." he replied coolly as he scratched his head.

"Okay my name is H-hinata" The woman over the phone said and quickly hung up the phone.

He then smiled to himself drinking his coffee he had ordered a while ago, still somewhat warm as it cascaded down his throat. Grabbing his phone he dialed a new number; one that he knew by heart. Waiting and waiting for the person to answer he sighed, no one had answered. It went to voice mail opening his mouth to talk he sighed.

"Dobe, I think I found a place. Call me back if you want to check it out with me." He then pressed the button to hang it up. Sighing once again he took a sip of his coffee; enjoying his peace and quiet, sort of. The cafe was loud with many people talking, but to him it was somewhat peace. He raised his watch and looked at it, it was still morning eleven fifteen. He did not have classes nor did he have work. Hopefully this house would work out, He liked the price, the privacy, and the room mate sounded nice, it was her stuttering that got to him, but he decided he could deal with it. Putting his headphones in he decided to listen to some music, missing the loud flow that entered his ears. Tapping his fingers to the music he looked around the many faces in the coffee shop and started typing on his laptop.

An hour had passed and he was finally due to meet the girl. He had sent the address to Naruto hoping he would meet up with him at the place. Sighing he made it to the apartment, it was a good walking distance from his school, so that was a plus, it was very quiet around the area. He looked around, nice and clean. Trees green and trimmed to perfection. He looked around, a bus stop stood a good walking distance another plus. He thought that it was good, no everything was great. He wanted this house, he had to impress the girl who owned this apartment. He gazed at it once again standing in front of the door that led everyone in the building. A tap was placed on his shoulder.

"E-excuse me, may I get in...?" A soft voice said to him as he looked down to the person speaking. A petite woman stood a head or two shorter than him, her hair straight and violet reaching below her hips. Her eyes stood gray lilac moons in the afternoon, her eyebrows scrunched up as she tried to glare at the guy in front of her only to make the person before her laugh.

"Yeah... Sorry... Um do you know a lady named Hinata?" Sasuke had asked the woman who nodded, she was holding a few grocery bag in her hand struggling holding some of them, but she had managed to take all her items.

"Ah, yes, you must be S-Sasuke. Nice to m-meet you, and I am Hinata now please follow me." she said quietly. The male then grabbed some of her bags to help her out, accepting the offer she proceeded up the stairs. By the time the two made it to the eighth floor Sasuke was pretty burned out. The man out of breath and the girl pretty used to the walk up stairs. She smiled and went to the door grabbing out her keys from the big purse on her shoulder; she opened the door and led him in placing the bags on the kitchen island. She then proceeded to place the items away in the fridge and cabinets. Hinata then looked at the new person whom she let in; she examined the guy. He looked pretty calm and like he kept to himself, she knew that she wouldn't mind him other than he was a guy she thought he seemed good.

"Sasuke...will you be able to pay the bills on time?" The girl said as she got out two glasses and placed ice in them, she then got out lemonade from the fridge and started to pour the two some lemonade.

"I will be able to, I have a job at a grocery store a couple of blocks away." He stated to her his face stoic as he took a sip of his lemonade. The woman proceeded to drink her delicious drink and faced him.

"Do you go to school? Are there any pets that will be moving in with you?" She asked hoping that he didn't bring a pet into her clean house.

"Yes I go to the University, and I do not have pets but I do have a boyfriend who might come by and stay over once in a while. You see the whole reason why I'm looking for a place to stay is because I use to live with him, but I couldn't concentrate on my school work so I decided that I needed to move out." Sasuke said to Hinata, she nodded thinking. If her cousin knew he would flip, but then again this guy is gay so hopefully that would pass her 'over protective cousin' test.

"Well if you want to you can take a look around my room is that one over there, so please if you need anything knock on my door." The girl then proceeded to her room as Sasuke only caught a glimpse of the purple walls. He walked around examining the living area to find it had a small couch coffee table in front of it and a big fifty two inch flat screen tv. He then went into the bathroom the curtain was dark purple and it seemed very clean. His eyes widened as he remembered the poster it also said all utilities were paid for meaning hes paying for cable, if he wanted to, rent and groceries and any other thing he wanted. He was very lucky to be there and to find the flier before anyone else. He proceeded to Hinatas room and softly knocked on the door. She opened it her hair up in a high bun as she peered out of the room.

"Any questions?" She asked softly.

"When Can I move in?" He smirked and the girl smiled.
