A/N: These are not chronological. The first three, which were originally in Together Forever, are and the fourth one happens a few weeks after the third one, but from the fourth on they are not necessarily in chronological order though everything from chapter four on takes place after chapter 3.

"We're back with the second half of the championship game. So far, senior Rachel Berry has had the game of her life and it seems she intends to keep it that way." Artie said. He and Puck were hosting their podcast that they did for each basketball game. Artie was in charge of hosting one for each sport and during football and boys basketball, Rachel would join him while Puck was in the game.

"Yeah, she and Carmel's captain Adrian Michaels have been going back and forth all night. I think that's what's driving Rachel even more tonight." Puck added.

On the court, Rachel was having an exchange with said girl.

"Better be careful, Berry. Wouldn't want to get injured and lose that scholarship." Rachel rolled her eyes as she dribbled the ball.

"You're not going to get to me, Michaels." she said.

"Yeah? Maybe after the game, I'll take that pretty cheerleader of yours home with me." Adrian said right as Rachel made her move. The comment caused Rachel's pass to go out of bounds instead of to her teammate, who had to jump in the middle of the girls before Rachel could lunge at Adrian.

"Don't fucking talk about her." Rachel growled as she was pulled away. Adrian laughed.

"Guess I found your weakness."

"Looks like Adrian finally said something to set Rachel off." Artie commented.

"Knowing Rach, it was probably something about Santana." Puck admitted as he watched his best friend walk away.

"What was that?" Quinn asked. Santana shrugged.

"She's been trying to get to Rachel all night. She can only take so much." Brittany nodded.

"She probably said something about San. That would be the only thing that would get to Rach in a game, especially one this big." Santana raised an eyebrow, watching her girlfriend carefully. Rachel looked over at her and gave a strained smile.

"You okay?" Santana mouthed. Rachel nodded and turned her attention back to the game. The next couple of minutes went by without any excitement until Rachel went up for a layup only to be knocked down by Adrian. There was a collective gasp as the brunette went down.

"That sounds bad." Artie whispered when he heard Rachel land. Puck wanted to say that she'd get up, but he was pretty scared.

"She'll be okay, right?"

Santana felt anger rush through her when her girlfriend landed with a loud thud. Immediately, she and Brittany pushed their way through the other Cheerios to get to the smaller girl and when Santana saw Adrian smirking as she stood over Rachel, she snapped. "Get the hell away from her." she growled, pushing the other girl away.

"Rach, are you okay?" Brittany whispered. Santana turned and started to kneel down only to feel herself pushed from behind.

As she started to get up, Rachel could hear the sound of her girlfriend yelling and looked up to see the Cheerios in between Santana and Adrian. With Brittany and Quinn's help, she stood up and immediately grabbed her girlfriend's waist from behind, pulling her away. "San, calm down." The cheerleader relaxed when she felt her girlfriend's arms and turned around. "I'm fine." Santana sighed and nodded, sending one last glare toward Adrian.

"I'm not going to ruin tonight for you. Go do your thing, Rach." Rachel smiled as Santana kissed her forehead before moving back to her spot.

"Damn, Berry has her whipped!" Adrian yelled. Santana started to turn around only to be stopped by Rachel, Brittany, and Quinn.

"It seems Rachel is okay. Luckily, they managed to keep Santana from reaching Adrian."

"Yeah, she definitely would not have finished the game if Santana had gotten to her." Puck said, chuckling.

The rest of the game went by without any drama. When the final buzzer sounded, Santana cheered as Rachel ran over to her and tackled her into a hug. "Congratulations, superstar!" she said, kissing the sweaty brunette. Rachel grinned before she was pulled away by her team.

"McKinley wins! Rachel Berry has become the first person in McKinley history to lead the team to a championship all four years of high school!" Artie yelled as Puck cheered in the background.

"So what does a cheerleader have to do to get the star basketball player to go home with her after a win like this?" Rachel grinned as she felt her girlfriend hug her from behind after she stepped off of the bus.

"Look exactly like you and agree to be my date to the party Brittany is throwing at our house that our dads are pretending isn't happening."

"Oh yeah? I can do that." Santana whispered, kissing her girlfriend softly. Rachel leaned into the cheerleader. "I'm so proud of you, babe."

"Thank you, San. And thanks for trying to defend me." Santana smiled.

"What did she say that set you off during the second half?" Rachel rolled her eyes as they began walking to her car.

"She said she was going to take you home with her after the game." Santana scoffed.

"She's not my type." Rachel smirked.

"Too blonde?" she guessed.

"Too ugly." Rachel laughed loudly. "Come on, I've got everything I need at your house, let's head over there and get ready."

"Okay. I showered in the locker room before we left, so I just need to straighten my hair and do my makeup." Rachel said.

"Okay, then you do that while I'm showering." Rachel nodded.

"Babe, are you almost ready?" Santana asked. Rachel nodded, putting in her earrings before standing up. "You look good."

"So do you. Come on, let's go downstairs." Grabbing her girlfriend's hand, she walked out of her bedroom. "You have to stay close to me, okay?" Santana looked over at her girlfriend with a raised eyebrow. "You look too damn sexy. I'd be an idiot to let you out of my sight." Santana let out a laugh, pulling her girlfriend into a kiss.

"Good thing I don't want to leave your side, babe." she whispered. Rachel grinned as they made their way into the living room where a smiling Puck was waiting for her.

"What up MVP?" Rachel laughed and hugged her best friend as Santana disappeared before returning with two beers. "The cool kids are outside."

"That explains why you're in here." Santana teased as she handed one of the bottles to her girlfriend. Rachel chuckled as the three went outside. They headed for one of the benches that was surrounding a small bonfire, immediately claiming it for themselves while their friends talked. "Superstar." Rachel looked over and smiled at her girlfriend. "Can you believe we've been together for over a year?"

"It doesn't feel like it's been that long. It's gone by so fast." Rachel commented as she sat on her girlfriends lap. One of her arms was wrapped around Santana's shoulders while the one that was holding her beer was at her side. Santana had one of her arms wrapped protectively around Rachel's waist, the other holding her drink.

"I think that's a good thing. In my experience, the relationships that had the most fighting seemed to drag on. Six weeks felt like six months." Rachel nodded as she took a sip. "But with you... Even though we were broken up for a few weeks a while back, it's been so easy. I like it."

"You're sweet." Rachel whispered, kissing her girlfriend. Santana immediately switched her beer to her other hand, lifting her now free hand to cup Rachel's cheek.

"What the hell?" Hearing Puck's voice, the pair pulled apart to see Adrian walking into the backyard.

"What the hell is she doing at my house?" Rachel demanded. Santana shrugged as Rachel stood up.

"Nice house, Berry." Adrian commented as Santana watched carefully.

"How do you even know where I live?" Rachel asked. Adrian chuckled.

"We heard about the party after the game, thought we'd check it out." Rachel rolled her eyes. "Besides, I told you that I was going to take your girlfriend home with me. Remember?"

"I told you not to talk about her. And anyway, Santana would never sleep with you. She has standards and you don't meet them. Not to mention, she has no desire to get whatever communicable disease you more than likely have." Santana snorted, trying to cover up her laughter. "If I see you so much as look like you're going to talk to my girlfriend... It won't end well for you."

"You'd give up your scholarship for her? You know they won't like it if you get arrested for assault or hurt from a fight." Rachel shrugged.

"I'd give up everything for her. She's my world." Santana smiled softly. "Get the hell out of my house." Santana and Puck stood up and followed Adrian to make sure she left the house before returning to the backyard. "Baby, let's dance."

"Your feet aren't too tired?" Rachel shook her head with a grin as she pulled her girlfriend into her house.

"God, what time is it?" Santana mumbled as she collapsed onto Rachel's bed.

"Five maybe? I'm exhausted." Rachel said as she crawled in to the space next to Santana.

"You did really good today, babe." Santana said through a yawn. Rachel smiled. "Just think, next year every night will be like this. Not the partying part, but us in the same bed."

"Yeah, it will be." Rachel said. Santana gave a tired smile before wrapping Rachel's arms around her own body. "Love you, gorgeous."

"Love you too, superstar. I'm really proud of you." Rachel smiled.

"And I'm always proud of you, love." she whispered before falling asleep.