A/N: This story is actually for a dear friend of mine who's asked for it! Well, this isn't exactly what she's asked for, but I believe it contains what she wanted!:D

I hope she likes it, and so do you! :D

I know this chapter is kinda too short, but it's the first one and needed to be done this way! More will come soon, hopefully! :D

This is happening during season 7 , So, SPOILER ALERT. SPOILER ALERT. It's happening before episode 15, though! So, if you haven't watched the last two episodes yet, this fiction is not gonna be a problem!

All mistakes are mine and I'm sorry!



. The Doors In Between .


Slowly and cautiously, he walked out of the back door of the abandoned hotel. Trying to stay focused, he narrowed his eyes and pushed the unpleasant memory of his recent fight with his brother to the back of his mind. Now wasn't the right time, he needed to be alert and on top of his game or he'd be the next victim of the fugly creature they were currently looking for.

It wasn't easy to concentrate, though. It was so dark that they couldn't see anything further than one foot in front of them and his distracted mind wasn't helping him at all.

Despite everything that had been going on between the two of them the last few days, they were still having each other's back. Turning around to make sure his brother was still there, he caught the glimpse of a moving object, something like a ball, towards his brother's head. Not having enough time to come up with any good idea, he did the only thing that came to his mind and pushed his brother back.

The ball hit the ground and blow out with a loud bang. The light coming out of it engulfed everything and before he knew, he was collapsing to the floor.


"Dean." Sam jolted up, the alley was dark once again. He must've hit his head, because he couldn't remember what really had happened. One second he was standing there and the next he was opening his eyes while lying on the filthy floor. Looking around, he found Dean lying a few feet away, his eyes open, staring at the wall behind Sam.

"What the hell was that?" Sam snapped before standing up. "Come on, move. We don't have all day. If that thing wanted to distract us, he's found a great way."

No answer.

"Dean. Move it. We don't have all day." Sam sighed. "OK, you want me to thank you for pushing me out of the way. Fine. Thanks. No get the hell up."

Still nothing.

Bending down, Sam looked at his brother more closely and then the realization hit him hard. Dropping to his knees, Sam reached out and turned Dean around so he was lying on his back. Dean was staring at the sky but his eyes weren't really seeing anything.

A shiver ran down Sam's spine as he took in his brother's situation. "No, no, nonononono." Murmuring under his breath, he put his trembling fingers on Dean's neck to check his pulse. Much to his relief it was there; strong and steady. Sam closed his eyes briefly and calmed down his breathing.

His palm resting on the side of Dean's face, Sam moved into his line of sight. "Dean, hey man. Can you hear me?"

No answer.

Taking Dean's hand in his, Sam talked again. "Squeeze my hand if you can hear me."

His brother remained motionless.

The dread came back to Sam's stomach. "O God. What now?" Not having any other choices, Sam grabbed his cell phone and dialed 911.


"DEAN." Dean heard someone screaming his name as he hit the ground. He was staring at the wall in front of him, not able to blink or move. But something was wrong; that much he could tell.

His eyes began to flutter as the pain began to overtake him, just when he was about to slip into unconsciousness he saw a figure appearing in front of him, cautiously turning him to his back.

Something was wrong, Dean knew it, he looked up weakly and tried to focus on the figure but his eyes were slightly dim and there was a roaring in his ears. He closed his eyes and before the darkness swept him up and carried him into unconsciousness he came to an important conclusion.

The person sitting by his side, calling his name shouldn't have been a woman!



... TBC ...



A/N: I really need to know what you think! :)


