Percy: It was the last day of school; I was staring at the clock on the wall in my seventh hour class intently. I knew that in just one minute, the school year would be over and I could finally go to camp half-blood. I only had so many summer left until the giants war, if I had known I would live through and be part of two war related prophecies back when I had first entered camp I would have gone and jumped of a bridge, sadly I would still be here most likely thought I have fallen off the St. Lewis arch, after all. The bell finally rang and I jumped up out of my seat grabbed my backpack, threw it over my shoulder, and ran of that school like a mad man. I felt so dunk with my own thoughts and happiness it would have given Dionysus a head ache.

Yo boss, you're out already? That makes my job a lot easier said a voice behind me, I turned around to see blackjack.

"Nice to see you to, what job?

The blonde one that like to blow stuff up, Annabeth, told me to come get you, some huge monster outbreak down town I think she called it a Dakon?

"Holy Poseidon, that is bad! Why didn't you get me sooner would have loved to have left sooner?"

Hey boss bad vibes I just came to take you there, so far the blonde one is the only one there, she is fighting it alone!

My heart almost stopped, "Go! Take me now, as fast as possible and no we can't stop for doughnuts so don't ask!"

It wasn't hard to find where Annabeth was, I just had to follow the sound of a smashing cars and loud roars, as I got closer I could also hear Annabeth yelling some choice words at it in Greek. I had blackjack land just around the corner from where the fight was so we had an exit strategy if we needed one, and I had a feeling that we would.

"Annabeth I am here!"I yelled

"Finally seaweed brain, it's about time," she yelled back, it just wouldn't be Annabeth if she didn't call me names when I came to try to save her life.

"Over their Carter" I heard someone yell behind me in a British accent

I turned around hoping to see a familiar face even thought I didn't recognize the name Carter. The girl that had been yelling at cater, turned to me and she smiled, she had blondish hair with royal blue streaks, and wore a pleather jacket and combat boots over, were thoseā€¦ pajamas?

"Hey don't worry, we are back up," she yelled, I was relieved to hear that we had some backup but I still didn't recognize her from camp. Then I snapped back into reality, and remembered that we were still fighting a Drakon. The girl ran over, with some African American kid wearing the same pajamas, who I guess must have been Carter.

"So what are we dealing here?" Carter asked

"Oh, you know your classic Drakon," I said casually

"What? What is a Drakon?" he asked "I have never heard of it in the stories,"

"Well be glad you're with me and Annabeth over there," I said pointing to Annabeth while being barely missed by the Drakon tail. "Annabeth and I have fought their kind before," He looked somewhat impressed.

"We can talk later," he said "we have to focus on the mess at hand."

He was right; I pulled out riptide and uncapped it. I braced myself and charged, while Annabeth tried to keep the Drakon's attention I crept up behind it and was reminded of what Clarisse did last summer, I jumped on its tail and using its back plate's I used them like stairs and sprinted up to its head. Below me I saw Carter and the very colorful girl, running to help out Annabeth I was glad to see that she was no longer alone down there. I used the face of my blade and wacked the Drakon's skull with the sword. If I was trying to get its attention, which I sort of was it sure worked, it went berserk. I held on for dear life to some of its loose scales while it thrashed around violently. I shouted for help, when none came I was afraid that they were too far away for Annabeth, the girl or carter to hear me, when out of nowhere a huge explosion next to my ear went off. I reached up to my ear, only to find a warm liquid pouring from my inner ear. Great I thought now my eardrum is bleeding, just terrific. It was only after that that I realized my mistake, I had taken one of my hands off of the scales that were the only things keeping me on the Drakon's neck, I felt my last finger start to slip , and I fell twenty stories.

I sensed a presence near me, not human or half human for that matter it was the presence of a god. I opened my eyes to see a woman above next to me, she had bright yellow eyes, with slit pupils and dark hair pulled back in a pony tail and she was wearing a full body skin tight jump suit with a leopard pattern on it.

"Don't be afraid, little godling," she purred, literally

So of course I said something really intelligent like "uhhhhhhhh,"

She laughed, then she stared down deadly serious at the impeding street, and she did a mid air flip and landed lightly on the pavement, we should have been dead, I didn't understand. I guess when you're a god you can do stuff like that. I let go of her shoulders and ran off into the battle zone, I found out soon after that the massive explosion had been from the girl, because very soon she did it again. She raised her hand in an odd gesture making and L with her fingers and having her thumb parallel with the concrete, and she yelled Ha-Di. Another explosion sounded, I looked over at her and she looked almost as bad as the Drakon now did, exhausted and ready to pass out any minute.

"Quick," I yelled "get her some nectar and ambrosia,"

Annabeth nodded in agreement, and pulled out her canteen. I ran up to the front and pulled out anaklusmos, I charged again ready to give the final blow when Carter pulled out a small curved blade and threw it like a boomerang It smacked the Drakon in the eye but it hardly flinched.

"You have to use celestial bronze,' I shouted at him, I wasn't sure where he had gotten his sword but it looked like a scythe to me and that didn't bring back warm and fuzzy feelings. I raised riptide again when another distraction occurred, a bronze knife flew by my head curving upward towards the Drakon, and stabbing him smack dab in the middle of his pupil. It let out a final roar of indignation and imploded in a pile of sand and dust.

"Good job, guys!" carter beamed

"You as well," Annabeth responded, I then realized that it was her knife that ultimately banished the Drakon.

"So any ways like we said," I said "This is Annabeth Chase and I am Percy Jackson,"

"Hey, Percy and Annabeth" the British girl chimed in

"I am this anxious ones little sister," she said as if little was the most embarrassing thing that could have possibly been an outcome, and while pointing and Carter.

I gave her an odd look, mainly because I didn't believe her, they looked nothing alike, for starters she was white and he was African American, but that's not all I am not like racist or anything.

"Who are you guys anyways?" Annabeth finally asked, while I was still in mid thought

"Us?" the girl asked innocently " We are Carter and Sadie Kane, and we are like you, we are godlings we have much to discus once we get back to the Brooklyn house."