Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars nor will I ever own it. All the characters and what
have you belong to the mystifying George Lucas. I am just merely playing with the
characters in my own way. To all those who don't like Obidala, this is a forewarning. It
is major Obidalaness and to all those who think it's cute to flame those who like this sort
of thing, find something better to do with your time other than set on fire our works with
your hurtful words. If you don't like it, DON'T READ IT!

Anyways, much thanks to those who support my stories. I have previously posted this
story, but I have been asked repeatedly to add to this story and make it long. Plus I
thought that it needed some reworking. I hope you like what I have done. I will update
as often as I can.

Kim aka Jedi Knight Tahl