It was nearing the end no one could help them now as the musical princess fluttered her eye's open and looked straight up into violet eyes about to overflow with tears of worry.

A hybrid of witch and fairy had got up and sent herself flying into the air to move and expand her gas to try and save the two fairies struggling to hold of two incredibly powerful wizards.

A white haired twin and a princess of Zenith was standing with the ginger shy specialist and the blond confident prince trying to keep dangerous wizards trapped but sadly failing as they fought and struggled.

A green eyed princess with the power of technology was failing to keep her energy levels up as she was being hounded by spell after spell. Not a single breath staying in long enough for her to breath, her blond hair helper who was trying to help her had passed out a while ago and she knew she wasn't going to be up there much longer.

Musa moved her eye's away from Riven's and saw Tecna falling, eye's shut, through the air a few feet from impact. In slow motion Musa sat up from her boys lap and stumbled to her feet with his help. "Saviours! Save her! Saviours!" and the code word saviours was called out and as soon as it was heard, everyone sprang into action, Mrs Faragonda cast a spell on Tecna lowering her safely and Saladin shot Musa with an energy boost causing her Winx to race through her body and send her straight up to where Alto was placing her cloud of gas. "What I miss?" Musa asked as she looked around at the hectic scene. The sky around Red Fountain had gone a blood red and black rain fell from the sky as a war raged between the Evil and the Prophets.

"Not much" Alto shouted in fury as her cloud yet again missed Tillman "Help Electra! We need your barrier to trap them!" Alto shouted and with that Musa flew down right beside Electra who was stopping to try and catch her breath. Timmy was firing nets after nets but Ervin and Maruti where fighting back, Sky standing at their heads with his sword ready every time one of them was near escape.

"Trap them Musa! We cant keep them down much longer" Electra panted and Musa raised into the air and pointed her finger tips at Maruti and Ervin who where still fighting to get out.

Musa gritted her teeth and took in a long breath in and before she knew it her spell was being cast and Sky and Timmy where moving back.

"No!" she heard Maruti shout as a blinding flash of light fired straight at them. Once the light died down Musa, Electra, Timmy and Sky all looked clearly at the two wizards trapped and unconscious lying, like they where dead, on the floor.

"Way to go!" Sky cheered not even noticing Musa and Electra where gone to where Alto was firing beside Bloom and Flora.

"How are you two?!" Flora asked as she forced vines to grow from the ground trying to corner Flint.

"Tired!" Electra sighed

"Pumped!" Musa smiled and then laughed at Electra's "how is that even possible!" face. "Hows Tec?"

"Miss. F has her, you should check on her" Bloom shouted over to Musa as she tried to fire some of her dragon fire energy at Tillman who was dodging amazingly.

"We are going to need all four of us to send them to their own personal Hells!" Alto panted and took a deep breath in as she conjured another cloud still trying to hit one of the two wizards.

Musa nodded and put her hands together. "Stop for a second!" She shouted Tillman and Flint looked at her as she closed her eye's "Gotta make this big Musa!" she said aloud to herself. She drew in one large breath and then screamed as loud as she could "SONIC BLAST!" two large speakers at either side of Tillman and Flint appeared and vibrations where sent and knocked them clear at each other, doing enough damage for Alto and Electra to get them into an electrical poisonous cloud and knocking them out nice and clear.

"WOO! WAY TO GO GIRLS!" Riven and Timmy cheered running over to Tillman and Flint. Musa, Alto and Electra all flew down to them and Musa cast one last spell to trap them like she had done to Ervin and Maruti. Riven was leaning right down beside a barely conscious Tillman and said harshly and sternly and to be quite frank scarily "if you ever, and I mean ever, think about coming after my girl again, then I will kill you" he then took a breath in and said even scarier than before. "I promise you that!"

"Riven calm down!" Musa laughed and squeezed his shoulder reassuringly.

"Only cause its you" he laughed and took her hand as they walked over to Tecna who still hadn't woken up.

"Tecna?" Electra asked her sisters name as she knelt down on the ground. She took the pale hand in her own and squeezed it gently. "Do I have to wake you up?" She giggled with tears in her eyes and yet Tecna did nothing. "You know I'm going to shock you right, with electricity!" she urged.

"Electra" Alto whispered.

"Let us help" Musa smiled. Alto took one of Electra's hands and placed her other on Tecna's head. Musa did the same and then she turned to the white haired twin. "now think really hard on something you want to say to Tecna, we'll get it in there" She winked and waited.

Electra closed her eye's and thought really carefully about what she wanted to say. "Come on Tec! Wake up! Don't leave me twin-less again for another seventeen years! Wake up you crazy..."

"Shut up Electra" Tecna breathed out "leaving you twin-less? are you serious ? Is that even a word?" Tecna smiled and the three girls laughed as Tecna blinked her eye's open.

"Nice to see you awake Tec" Timmy smiled as he knelt down over her and ruffled her hair again.

"Nice to be awake" she smiled up at him and slowly sat up. "What do we need to do now?" Tecna asked as Musa and Alto hauled her to her feet. Electra then jumped on her and hugged her sister as tightly as she could.

"Girl's your going to be sending them back to their hidden prison." Miss Faragonda said and looked at the four girls. "The four of you just need to recite a simple spell and send them far far away.

"You got it miss F!" Musa and Alto smiled leaning on each other.

Timmy, Riven, Brandon and Sky all lay the bodies of the trapped wizards in a line. Musa stood in front of Tillman, Tecna in front of Maruti, Alto in front of Flint and Electra in front of Ervin. "If you don't mind, I wanna go first" Musa said the girls all moved a little bit away from Musa. She closed her eye's and placed her hands over Tillman. "Earth is the simple land of battle. Now defeated his own Hell awaits, No longer wanted sent back he is and to forever remain" Musa sang and Tillman was dropped through a hole in the earth which closed up again as soon as he fell, Musa fainted as it happened and Riven caught her instantly and carried her away as they continued to watch the girls send them away one by one.

"My turn!" Electra growled and leaned over Ervin's body. "Water is the dangerous seas. Now calmed he is sent to his own place of drowning, no longer wanted sent back he is and to forever remain" Electra hissed, Ervin turned to water and soaked into the ground and like Tillman was gone for good. Electra like Musa fainted and collapsed into Sky's grasp and he was taking back to rest beside Musa.

"You want to go next?" Tecna offered as Alto glared at the body of Flint.
"Thanks" She spat out, still furious with the memory of Flint and how he burnt her when she was captured. "Fire is a the wild inner heat, now extinguished he is sent to burn forever, no longer wanted sent back he is and to forever remain" She scoffed and watched Flints body burn into flames before it turned to ash and blew away in the wind, and smiled peacefully as she fainted and was caught by Brandon and was laid beside Musa, and they unconsciously leaned closer to each other.

Tecna stared down at Maruti's body, he had haunted her for all these years, left her living without her sister, and help destroy a whole planet, Tecna couldn't be happier that she now had the chance to send him to his own personal hell. "Air is a style of suffocation, now captured and contained, no longer wanted sent back he is and to forever remain." Tecna nodded her head as she fell into Timmy's grasp and Maruti's body turned to dust and then was carried away with the wind.

The four girls all lay asleep smiling and everyone turned to Miss Faragonda who nodded her head and whispered, "Time to make the world remember" she breathed in "Congratulations Prophecy's you did it, saved us all" While, Alto, Electra, Musa and Tecna couldn't hear these words they certainly felt it in themselves.

10 years later

Melody was a busy place, music played everywhere and people always felt safe under the rule of their precious Queen Musa, and There loyal King, Riven. But the hectic nature of Melody always seemed to ease in the evenings and it was easy to sit in the back garden and sit with a glass of wine talking to your cousin and your twin best friends. "Riven!" Musa interrupted her conversation to yell at her husband. "please be more careful with Joseph!" she urged worrying about the safety of her son who was being flung about by her husband.

"Yea, you two Simmons! Be careful with Hope will you!" Alto sighed as well as Simmons was about to fling his and Alto's seven year old daughter around like Riven was doing with seven year old, Joseph.

"Sorry" Riven and Simmons replied in sync, putting down there children and chasing them around the garden some more.

"Husbands" Alto and Musa said in sync and clanked their glasses together.

"What you gonna do about them" Tecna and Electra laughed in sync then clanked there glasses together.

"Timmy Sorcha, really doesn't need to be taught maths right this second, let her play with her cousins!" Tecna complained as she heard Timmy say and 'seventeen add three equals?' to there three year old daughter.

"and Rhythmic! Please be less strict with Benjamin will you, just cause he's two doesn't mean that Joseph and Hope can't take care of him!" Electra raised an eyebrow at him. And he let go of his two year old son who quickly went on a bit of a mad dash chasing after butterfly's.

After the three queens and the duchess had dealt with their husbands they carried on celebrating there ten year celebration. It had been exactly ten years since they had taken down the wizards and saved the Magical dimension without anyone become aware.

"I think its simple this year don't you" Musa smiled as she raised her glass and leaned over to turn up the music which Alto and Hope winced at a little but shrugged it off quickly.

"Yes our toast this year..." Electra smiled and raised her glass and placed it against Musa's

"Is to celebrate..." Alto added putting her glass against the other two's

"Ten years free!" Tecna finished and together and they all clanked there glasses together and all shouted in happiness and in one quick swig finished all their wine.

"Next bottle please!" Musa shouted and Riven laughed and went inside to get them another bottle of red wine and some beer for the guys as the kids where all now sitting on a blanket eating sandwiches and cuddling toys and laughing.

"So how's the rebuild of our fourth planet going?" Riven asked as he sat down beside Musa.

Alto shook her head, smiling. "A lot of people who are looking for a quiet life are coming to live on our fourth planet and the silence is rather peaceful. We're defiantly going to be re populating quicker, soon."Alto smiled and placed her head on Simmons shoulder.
"And how are you holding up without the music?" Musa asked out of curiosity to Simmons who was taking a drink of his beer.

"The quiet is nice, and my ball and chain here allows me my headphones so its all good!" He laughed and got a well deserved slap from Alto.

Everyone laughed looked over at the children. "I'm glad there all getting to grow up together." Tecna whispered and blew a kiss to her daughter who had her face buried into a computer screen.

"I suppose that the only good thing the wizards did, allowed us to be what we are today" Electra whispered quietly as she saw her two year old desperately try and put his foot in his mouth.

"It's nice the twelve of us our like a family, all as one" Timmy mentioned and placed an arm around Tecna who leaned happily into him.

"All in sync" Rhythmic added as he stroked Electra's bulging stomach, and felt his unborn baby kick.

"Soon to be thirteen" Riven added smiling at Rhythmic, who he ended up being friends with after he realised that Rhythmic was seriously crushing on Electra.

"I'm just glad I figured out that it was you who was missing from my life" Tecna smiled and reached for her sisters hand. Electra smiled and squeezed her sisters hand in return.

And so ten years on the wizards remained trapped in there own hell's created by Alto, Electra, Musa and Tecna. And the four of them lived Happily, Riven and Musa raising there son and ruling Melody. Alto and Simmons trying to rebuild the Harmonic Nebula's realm of silence while raising there own daughter Hope. Tecna and Timmy raising Sorcha, and Ruling Zenith with Electra and Rhythmic being the Duke and Duchess of Zenith and raising there own family. It all turned out for the best, leaving everyone in there own happy ever after.




I hope you enjoyed that story I'm kinda sad yet happy that its finished, I'm sad cause I really like my OC's but I'm happy because I was scared that I was dragging it on to long and I was scared that I might lose inspiration and never finish it (which nearly happened on several occasions) but that's it!

Now Someone mentioned a Sequel and if I'm honest I don't want to do a sequel, that's why I added the ten years on, but if you so desire I might think about doing a prequel one on Alto and one on Electra both one shots, but you would have to tell me you wanted it so please let me know :)

love you all and thanks for your great support
