Sitting in Alfea, Tecna looked at all of her friends. Musa her best friend bopping her head to the strum of her guitar, her short pigtails moving slightly, Riven sitting watching her trying to disguise the small smile on his face. Musa looked up at Riven and placed her small; delicate, pale hand on his stiffened jaw some of her fingers touching the specialists magenta hair. He relaxed a little but didn't let anyone see the pleasure he got from her touch.

Tecna turned her head seeing Flora staring out of the window, she was the only one of the Winx who was still waiting for a specialist to sweep her of her feet and well Tecna was still waiting for Timmy to do something like that. But the fairy of nature was looking at the forest which surrounded the Pink collage for fairies. The little gusts of wind waving through her light brown hair. Flora was mumbling to the vines that grew around the window, probably making sure everything was still ok with the balance of nature.

Out on the main balcony were Stella and Brandon, holding each other in their arms, Brandon whispered sweet things in her ear and she played with his light brown hair. He couldn't really play with Stella's long blonde hair as no one not even Brandon was allowed to touch her hair as it had to be 'perfect'. All the time. For all the love Tecna had for the blonde she could never get the thought of 'Wow Stella's Vain' to leave her thoughts.

She turned her head to see Sky and Bloom standing arguing, the two pretended to be the world's ideal couple but they fought almost as much as Musa and Riven, at least the Musa and Riven had a real connection that kept the two bonded. The ginger, dragon fire fairy snapped her head away from the blonde specialist whose face was angered. Bloom started walking away and Sky followed her. They were probably fighting about why Sky miss there midnight phone call. Although the fact that they were still together showed there had to be some connection between them. Tecna was tempted to follow to make sure everything was alright but decide she didn't want to get it the middle of the fight.

It was the summer holidays and instead of going home everyone had decide to stay here at Alfea and help Mrs Faragonda prepare for the next year. After the big battle between the girls and the Trix Alfea was in a state of repair, the majority of the work was finished the Winx and their boyfriends where mainly trying to re-decorate the dorms. Musa had the honour of making a plaque in memory of the Fairies, Hero's and Witches and the few teachers which had gave there life for the greater good. Tecna was pretty much doing the calculations, for the hours needed to rebuild the schools and the cost of it all, and the amount of magic drained fixing them, but today was all of their day off and Tecna sat huddled up on the couch, her arms wrapped around her knees as she waited for Timmy.

She looked at the overly vibrant pink walls. While Tecna didn't mind pink she hated it everywhere, and the main room was a vibrant pink, the couches were pink, the rug was pink, the curtains where pink. There was just too much pink, even Bloom and Flora agreed and they were the pink obsessives. Every morning Musa and Tecna left the room at the same time and when Musa saw the Pink room she would pretend to be sick. This was one of the reasons Musa was Tecna's best friend, Musa made her feel happy and she laughed around Musa, Musa could keep a secret and was open minded, Musa had nothing against anyone unless you were called Darcy. She then instantly assumed you were trying to take Riven from her…..

Tecna climbed off the couch and moved to beside Musa and Riven, where the violet eyed hero was shifting closer to the musical fairy he wished was his girlfriend. Everyone could tell Musa and Riven liked each other but each of them where to stubborn to tell the other.

When Musa noticed Tecna coming over she quickly grabbed all of her sheet music and threw it a Riven's chest. He laughed as her small fist hit his large and muscular chest. The two of them were so opposite, she liked dancing, He didn't, he was an arrogant jerk, she was an open minded beauty, he was poor, she was rich, the only two things they actually had in common was the love for music and the stubbornness, it was probably the love of Music that kept the two together, well that was the only logical explanation Tecna could think of. Musa shot Riven an icy glare, as he laughed at her for her weak attempt of trying to hit him. Riven wasn't intimidated by anyone not even Musa, even though sometimes it was suspected, but she was the only one who changed him, she had some sort of effect on him, maybe she was his drug.

Tecna didn't understand there love hate relationship, as she herself barely had a relationship with Timmy she had no right to judge. But Tecna was logical in every way and Musa and Riven's relationship was anything but logical. But it didn't really matter what Tecna thought on the relationship, everyone knew that the Riven escaped from Darcy and the rest of the Trix just so he could protect Musa in the final battle.

Tecna sat down beside Musa and rested her shoulder on her best friend. Musa wrapped her arms around her friend, Musa could tell something was up but didn't want to drag everyone into it. Riven leaned forward noticing a watery shine in Tecna's eyes. Tecna had been distraught lately which no one would expect seeming her birthday was just a few days away. Riven may not have been very open with anyone, but he always felt bad when he saw a women cry and so he rested his large muscular hand on Tecna's leg. "Go on, leave with Musa and talk to her" Riven whispered making sure he spoke only loud enough for Tecna to hear, but knowing Musa would hear to as she had sonic hearing. Tecna rested her hand on top of Riven's and gave him a weak smile He got up first and ran out onto the balcony and started toy fighting with Brandon, Flora coming to watch the two boys with Stella giving Musa the perfect opportunity leave with Tecna. They sneaked into Musa and Tecna's room and Tecna sat down on Tecna's bed, which had to be the coolest as it was a massive computer chip.

Musa burst out laughing and Tecna looked at Musa confused. "What did you just hear?" Tecna asked smiling at her friend's crazed laughter. Her short pig tails flying back and forth. Her eye's filling up with tears.

"Riven just jumped of the balcony and pulled Brandon with him, as they were falling through the air Riven let go and shouted 'prepare for impact'." Musa found this very entertaining, Riven's sarcastic and crazy actions must off thrill her; another reason Musa liked Riven Tecna thought.

"Have they hit the ground yet?" Tecna asked watching Musa's face. It went from a happy giggly face to an 'Ouch that gotta hurt' Kind of face. She bit her bottom lip and closed her left eye, and breathed in a short quick breath.

Tecna sat and watched Musa for about a minute before Musa turned to look at Tecna. "Yea they landed, kind of…." Musa trailed off, she had heard Riven land silently on two feet, perfectly fine. Riven was though extreme talented at stealth and was silent and sneaky all the time. While Brandon landed on his hands and flopped over onto his back. This was what Musa was laughing at, for being trained in this kind of thing, she would have thought they would all be able to jump from ten feet high balcony's and land safely.

Musa sat down on the bed beside Tecna who was almost back to sulking. "So what's up with you Tec, I mean you're turning seventeen in two day's! I'm like totally jealous!" Musa joked trying to cheer up Tecna. The pink haired fairy of technology sat on her bed and looked around. She sighed heavily, even the positive energy radiating of Musa wasn't making Tecna feel any better.

Tecna lay down on her bed grabbing her blue pixel toy, and holding it to her chest, like Musa would do with Pepper, Musa's toy dog which her mother had given her when Musa was just a week old. Musa sat crossed legged on the bed and rested her hand on the palm of her hand.

"Do you ever feel like something's missing?" Tecna asked looking up at the Musically talented fairy. Musa thought about this. She kind of did but it was a constant feeling of Loss rather than something was missing in her life.

"I think when I first lost my mum I felt like something massive of me was gone." Musa explained as Tecna sat up looked over at the door's to the balcony.

"I don't know what It is Musa, I really don't, and it's like a loss of something I have never known." Tecna sighed, she practically knew anything about Everything but she was still a mystery to herself. Tecna constantly felt like she wasn't complete and she felt it most around her birthday. When she was with the Winx, the constant nagging feeling that she's missing something almost completely leaves, and it the same when she's with Timmy, but the fact of the matter is it was always there.

"You mean something or someone?" Musa asked maybe she was feeling down as she hadn't seen Timmy as much as she could of, or maybe she was just purely homesick now. It had been a few good months since any of them had seen or would see their families again.

"Possibly a person. I honestly can't tell I know that I'm not complete though, I'm not all here." Tecna explained. Musa looked at Tecna worried for the wellbeing of her friend. It was unlike Tecna to feel incomplete when she was with the girls.

"Do you want to go home for your birthday you know, You, Me, Timmy and Riven all go to Zenith and see if we can maybe get some answers for you" Musa suggested, Tecna thought about it, if her life and what she was feeling was going to be anywhere it was going to be at Zenith. Tecna had promised to take Musa and Timmy to Zenith, Musa being the princess the Melody wanted to do some realm exploring before she had to rule one dimension of a nebula and Timmy wanted to go to Zenith as it was the realm of technology, which Timmy was incredible fascinated with.

"Ooh Riven" Tecna teased feeling a little better after talking to Musa.

"Shut up, I could just as easily go, ooh Timmy" Musa joked and the girls started hitting each other with pillows. Tecna enjoyed laughing like this it made her feel wanted, that was the only reason she was scared about joining Alfea, as it involved taking herself away from those she knew loved her for who she was. But luckily she had found the Winx and then the specialists.

Musa fell of the bed and Tecna had the upper hand and started attacking Musa with a numerous number of pillows. Musa stood up and gave Tecna an evil yet jokey glare. "Oh this means war!" Musa laughed and grabbed the pillows from her bed.

On her way back a hand wrapped around her waist and picked her up and spun her around. Timmy walked past the Blunt and obvious specialist who was spinning the very sarcastic Fairy of music around in a circle. He looked over at Tecna who was building a little fortress, doing calculations to give her the best possible chance of beating Musa. "Hi Tecna!" Timmy smiled excited as he walked over to the bed.

"Timmy!" Tecna smiled and reached across the fort and gave him a quick hug.

"What are you doing Tec?" Timmy asked as he noticed the crumpling fort and Tecna's mad hands trying to keep everything stable.

"nothing just…" Tecna was cut off by Musa and Riven.

"LOSING A PILLOW FIGHT!" Musa jumped on Tecna and Riven pulled Timmy into the safe zone where there was little chance of the girls hitting them with pillows. Riven and Timmy smiled seeing the two girls who made their days smiling and laughing. Musa turned to Tecna and the guys started to get worried. Tecna and Musa looked at the two specialists with evil yet happy faces.

"You wouldn't" Riven questioned in a whisper.

Musa laughed and nodded her head. "Oh yes I would" Musa joked as she slid of the bed and Tecna grabbed onto her shoulder whispering in her ear.

"Tecna…?" Timmy questioned the look on Tecna's face telling him that Tecna's up to something which probably involved foul play. Timmy and Riven took a few steps back and tried to reach for the door handle but they were to slow and Musa jumped on Riven and Tecna threw a multitude of pillows at Timmy. Musa attacked Riven with no pillow's just the pure hope that Riven would get distracted by her and give her some time to win giving Musa Tecna : one, Riven and Timmy : Zilch. Her plan didn't work he wasn't even fazed by her. Musa sighed silently; she was forever questioning whether or not Riven liked her as much as she liked him. Eventually after five minutes of screams and giggles, the girls grew tiered and took refuge at Tecna's bed.

"So…." Tecna panted getting up on a serious note the boys sitting down at the girl's feet. "I'm going to Zenith Tomorrow until Wednesday, would you to like to come?" Tecna asked and Timmy nodded his head making a note in his calendar.

"Who else is going?" Riven asked wearily. Musa raised her hand even though she was lying face down on Tecna's bed. Riven laughed and stroked her calf muscle with his hand. "Anyone else?" Riven asked.

"Nope, it would be Musa, I, Timmy and you." Tecna explained. Riven shrugged his shoulders.

"Yea why not" Riven shrugged Tecna knew as soon as Musa had raised her hand Riven was going to come with them. Musa sat up and smiled Tecna released a small laugh, the majority of her hair had fallen out of the incredible tight bobbles and Musa was trying to remove the hair from her face.

"Oh, Come on!" Musa moaned reaching for the brush on the floor and yanking the bobbles which were now holding a minimal amount of hair from her hair. Timmy started laughing and so did Tecna, Musa did not look like her normal self and the fact that she never took out her bobbles, ever, her hair was adapted to the shape the bobbles held it in. Her hair was curving were the bobble was supposed to be, making her hair fall in a very funny position. Riven on the other hand wasn't laughing but pulling out his phone. Musa was laughing as her hair was being very reluctant to go back into the bobbles. There was a quick flash and Riven was finally laughing. Musa snapped her head in Riven's direction. "You did not just take a photo!" She growled angrily.

Riven smirked at her "No, I password protected it so you couldn't delete it!" Riven Laughed and dodge Musa who was flying in his direction with her hands open wide to swipe the phone. Tecna and Timmy where in a fit of laughter at the two, they were generally best friends, well Tecna was still above Riven but Musa was defiantly Riven's best friend and that was a good sign for the two becoming a couple.

"I am going to kill you!" Musa screamed she had finally got onto Riven's back and was messing up his hair but it kept on bouncing back into place. "Have you spelled your hair or something!" Musa yelled in Riven's ear leaving him deaf for a good few seconds.

"No the process of my hair….."Riven started.

"Involves seven tubes of gel and a full bottle of hairspray!" Timmy laughed; Timmy would know this fact as Timmy was Riven's roommate. At first Musa wasn't sure if Timmy was joking as Tecna and Timmy were still laughing and Riven still had his disproving look.

"Timmy, you said you wouldn't mention that ever!" Riven hissed, at that point Musa fell off Riven's back in a fit of laughter. Tecna got up to where Musa was on the floor trying to help her up but failed miserably and ended up on the floor beside Musa, Riven stood still unimpressed glaring at Timmy as he moved across the room.

"So…Tec…" Timmy tried to get Tecna's attention but she was still too busy laughing at all the sarcastic remarks Musa was coming out with about Riven's hair.

"Ha, I wonder If he order's it from Stella!" Tecna joined in the banter that the two girls where having. Riven snapped his head in Timmy's direction, His eyelids almost shut and Timmy took a few steps away as Riven was giving him one of his deathly glares.

"Tec…Tecna" Timmy once again tried to get Tecna's attention but once again he failed and the two girls carried on taking the mick of Riven's hair.

"Ha, we should do an experiment who takes longer to do their hair in the morning Riven or…" Tecna started

"STELLA!" The two girls said in unison laughing. The magenta haired hero crouched down beside the two hysterical fairies.

"PIXIES!" He shouted and the two girls stopped laughing immediately and turned there head's and shot him both their most terrifying glares. Riven unaffected by the glares stood up smirking and turned to Timmy "All yours Timmy, be quick we're going back to red fountain" Riven nodded his head and Musa got her feet and gave him a hug Riven didn't hug back just closed his eyes and took a short breath. Tecna watched and smiled she was glad that Musa was happy even if she wasn't dating. Musa was defiantly a women of power and strength and who didn't need a man to support her, unlike Stella, yet again another reason why Musa and Tecna where best friends.

Musa sat on her bed and helped Tecna up who joined her on the piano shaped bed. Timmy moved and stood up in front of the two overly hyperactive fairies. Tecna and Musa may have been the two quietist ones when they were in the group but together the two were a riot.

"So what time should me and Riven be here tomorrow?" Timmy asked opening up a notes pad from his PPAP (Portable Personal Attack and Planner) which was strapped to his arm.

"How about…. Any preferences Musa?" Tecna asked the fairy of Music who was searching her pockets for her headphones.

"How about noon, cause there's no way me and Riven could be up before ten an he'll need an hour or so" Musa sniggered trying to keep back the laughter "To do his hair!" She couldn't help it and released a small giggle Tecna smiling and chuckled slightly to Musa's comments. Timmy wouldn't laugh when Riven was around but he laughed now.

"So Noon?" Timmy asked. Tecna nodded her head. "Anything else we should pack?" Timmy once again asked all the questions as Riven had left.

"Emm, My mother's is also a bit of a clean freak so a different outfit for everyday so that's tomorrow, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and something formal to for Monday, my Pappy has probably arranged some giant celebration for my birthday" Tecna explained and Timmy typed this all down.

"Do you think I should bring my crossbow, and Riven his Dual Phanto blades?" Tecna nodded as she sighed.

"Even though Zenith is quite a peaceful realm knowing us we'll find some sort of trouble" Tecna sighed, so did Musa. Since the Winx club had been created and news that Bloom had the dragon fire was spread the girls couldn't seem to get five minutes of peace anymore.

"Ok, well see you girls tomorrow at Noon." Timmy waved by and Left the dorm. Musa and Tecna looked at each other, they smiled and opened, Musa's wardrobe, it contained one dress and two outfits.

"I might have a problem with the whole outfit thing." Musa laughed and closed the wardrobe doors again as they walked to the Balcony so they could wave by to the boys before they left.

"Well not really, you have the outfit your wearing today which was clean on this morning so wear that again tomorrow, plus the two outfits you already have and the dress that makes four outfits for Four days see, Logic" Tecna laughed as she opened the door to the Balcony. The two fairies stepped out onto the Balcony and saw all the boys waving to them. Timmy's and Riven's face lit up as they saw the two walk out onto the balcony.

The magenta haired, arrogant, yet slightly caring hero saluted to the midnight blue pigtailed fairy, which as all the girls described it, had a voice of and angel. While the Gingery brown, Geeky, clumsy hero Timmy smiled at Tecna he waved to her, But Tecna was watching him closely, the pink haired, large green eyed fairy smiled at him.

She hoped that the trip to Zenith would bring her some answers to why she always felt incomplete. She had also missed her overly caring family. This could also be good for her and Timmy as the two could get to know each other. This four day trip could give Tecna more than she wanted.

Tecna sighed happily, Peace, hopefully would soon be with her.