title: getting old

fandom: harvest moon:a(nother) wonderful life

pairing: Galen/Nina

notes: I haven't touched this game in years, so I apologize for any inaccuracies |D

notes 2: /shamelessly inserts Christina Perri lyrics because lack of creativity

"You're not getting better."

His words came curt and bitter, like she was a child with a cold and not a kind-eyed old woman just weeks away from dying.

"Oh, hush, you. Dr. Hardy says—"

"Dr. Hardy is an idiot."

Her expression softened. She kept quiet, and began to knit.

(What was she even working on? It looked like an engorged sock, and Galen had plenty of those.)

Nina's tenacity was always one to try a man's patience. Realizing that he was at something of a stalemate— both sides clearly thought their take on the situation was steadfast— Galen grumbled indiscernibly and shuffled out the door.

He embarked on his ascent to the Goddess Pond, occasionally interrupted due to his growing back pains.

(He stopped once to grouse about it right outside that farmer kid's property, earning himself a sheepish, slightly terrified smile and a feeble wave. Galen didn't think that Jack would ever get laid.)

He reached the clearing after a good half hour, taking a pocketful of minutes to slowly make his way to the pond.

The valley sky was gray this morning. The water of the pond was gray, too; the usual virescent ripples completely obscured by the thin veil of clouds.

Was the Harvest Goddess in there?

He didn't know, he'd never know, he didn't want to know. So he kneeled down and he prayed.

"...Your... Holiness, or what have you, please, help my wife... She..."

A hand touched his, hindering his thoughts- he jumped in surprise, all but ready to karate-chop the offending assaulter.

But it was Nina. Only Nina. His breathing came a little easier.

His words didn't.

"I don't see how you can act so— So— Sure about everything— You're not fine and you know it—"

She patted his hand gently, silencing him, and presented to him a neatly knitted hat.

"I'm scared today, more than I told you I was yesterday. But that's not going to change if you don't keep your ears warm."

He pulled the hat down over his ears without a word.