After 1912

Summary: Spoilers for Season 3 Episode 1912. Sort of follows from my stories These Long Hours and Choices but you could read this without them. Finally a perfect excuse for Elena to sleep over at the Salvatore mansion, I'm so pleased with myself and the canon, though I'm sure on the show they'll find some other way around this I like my version better lol

Disclaimer: The Vampire Diaries are sooo not mine, I just like to play without people's toys sometimes, please don't sue me! Seriously don't, all I have is a bunch of TVD DVDs and books lol

"Pack a bag Elena; you're not sleeping here tonight. Sorry Ric, I just can't trust you until we sort out this ring thing. I'm sure you understand, none of us wants you cutting Elena into tiny pieces in her sleep."

"Damon!" Elena exclaimed in shock. "Alaric I know you would never," she began.

"He's right Elena. I wouldn't mean to, but I didn't want to hurt Bill Forbes either, my god Caroline?" Alaric swallowed hard to stop his voice from choking up. His face was pale with shock. "Damon's right we need to keep you safe till we figure this out. But I should be the one to go. I'll get a hotel."

"No, it's my family's ring that did this to you. I don't mind staying with Damon really, it'll be fine, it's not like I haven't slept there before."

Alaric raised an eyebrow. He and Jenna had their suspicions of course but they'd never really spoken opening about just how serious her relationship with Stefan had been, after all she was a minor and she'd been in her Aunt's care. Now she was technically in Alaric's. He somehow doubted community services would be very happy about this situation, his teenage ward sleeping over with two young men, one an adult, after her guardian had just been realised from jail.

"It'll be fine Daddy, I promise to protect her honour," Damon winked. "What she has left of it since my

"DAMON!" Elena glared, her eyes could have seared holes in him and his stomach did a bellyflop. Why did seeing her angry have that effect on him. He was trying to be good, trying to help Stefan, trying to slowly worm his way out of this ridiculous triangle that had developed between them. Stefan was hanging by a thread, if anything happened between Damon and Elena now Stefan really would go all ripper on their ass. But that wasn't going to happen; Elena had made it clear more than once, this was about keeping her safe from her psycho killer guardian. Damon genuinely liked Alaric but he wasn't going to be stupid about this. You don't let the single most important person in your universe sleep under the same roof as a serial killer even if he is a little bit like a battered teddy bear with a drinking problem.

"Sorry, maybe I was mistaken, I just thought my brother had that happy relaxed thing going on when you were together, at least once or twice, maybe I just imagined it. Maybe going all Ripper on us was just his way of venting his pent up frustration, I can't blame him really if you weren't-"

"Damon one more word and I swear I'll uninvited you from this house, no better, you can sleep here with Alaric and his bag full of stakes. Someone should be watching him anyway," she paused embarrassed, "Sorry Alaric, but we probably should, just until, y'know, we work out if the ring thing is permanent, I mean it won't be, Bonnie can probably do some spell or something – but she's a little hard to get hold of right now and- " This was just so awful and embarrassing and awkward. Alaric looked like he wanted to die, or drink, or drink and then die. She could see he was totally freaked out and this wasn't helping.

"It's okay Elena, I agree. Can we trust Stefan to help? If you guys could take shifts… Not that I'm planning on getting a lot of sleep tonight, although I don't really know how this works, I can't remember if I was asleep when it happened or I just blacked out."

"Either way someone will have to be with you at all times. Elena and I will stay here for a couple of hours, I'll ring little brother and he'll come over. Rebekah might even help out."

"And have her in my house? I don't think so Damon."

"True. And I suppose Alaric doesn't really want to go over to hers. Well for now Stefan will do. Dr Fell can take over in the morning, Rebekah can keep an eye on you at school tomorrow, I'd ask Caroline but I have a feeling she's going to take a few sick days this week."

"Abby," Elena agreed. "Okay well as much as I hate to agree with Damon, I think we have a plan. I'll pack a bag. You talk to Stefan." Alaric nodded in stunned agreement. He hated being the cause of all this drama.

"I think you should hold on to this, just don't put it on," said Alaric handing Elena his ring.

Elena nodded and slipped the ring into her handbag.

"Feels kind of strange with it off. I guess I got used to knowing I was protected but I don't want it anywhere near me right now," Alaric confided.

"It'll be okay," Elena reassured him giving him a hug. "Well get to the bottom of this. No one will ever have to know. It wasn't your fault Alaric. You can't beat yourself up about this."

Alaric nodded but he couldn't really agree. He wasn't sure he could live with this but he didn't see what other choice he had. Insanity by reason of cursed ring wasn't exactly an acceptable defence in a court of law.

Damon was already explaining things to Stefan. Elena was a little nervous about the idea of a night alone at the mansion with Damon, but maybe it would give them a chance to clear the air after all the tension between them. At least he still cared enough to offer to protect her.

Author's Note – So this one definitely needs another chapter. I'm uploading as M just in case things get a little out of hand next chapter. What do you think? Keep going?