To my funky faithful readers, thank you so much for your kind words. You do not know how much it means to me that you take your time to drop me a review. It warms my heart that so many of you have been touched by this little story. I wish you all to know that I plan on wrapping this up soon, but that does not mean this adventure ends for Penny and Sheldon, they may begin a new one in another incarnation. I do not wish to drag it out as many fanfics do when they do not know how to wrap it up. Some stories just become drivel when they cling to describing the mundane everyday things that people do without really a point. Stories have always had a beginning, middle and end. This story has always had an ending in my mind. This does not mean that they will not appear in maybe another story, with another title.
Also on a side note: Is it me or are too many of us writers using "holy crap on a cracker" I mean come on; this woman must have other ways of expressing herself. I find it is too overused and has lost its comedic and expressive value. No crackers or crap for this stories' Penny. :D
Chapter 18
The next few weeks were spent between Penny's place and his. There was so much to be done with regards to their research; Penny's new job and Leonard's impending move, which left little time to do much, let alone make any decisions with regards to their relationship. Sheldon was busy in meeting after meeting with the board at the University and with the International Physics Department; they wanted him to present his finding to the committee at their next meeting in Germany in late November. This would be very good timing as they would be between semesters and Sheldon wanted very badly that Penny accompany him.
"Sheldon that would be great, I have never been to Europe, I have heard that Germany is a very beautiful country" she gushed, she was making some dinner for them. She had gotten Sheldon used to eating more at home. She explained that if they cooked he could be assured the food was prepared to his specifications and that he would suffer less gastrointestinal distress if he didn't worry so much about people touching his food. While she was happy he liked her cooking she had another motive.
She secretly wished that they could save some money; maybe rent a nicer place near the university. There were some cute little townhouses with a beautiful view and a pool. They had ones that even had an office so that they could work from home without filling the living room with whiteboards and papers. Amy had been the one that dropped off the flyer as she had one unit too and wanted very much that we become her neighbors. Raj had asked her to move in with him, but since Amy was worried about the residual mercury levels at his apartment from when it was a watch factory, they decided to rent a townhouse at the Strawberry Fields Townhomes and Gardens. Even the name was cute and Penny was sold at the idea.
With Leonard leaving soon, there was no need; she thought at least, that they keep two separate apartments. They were practically living together with the 'musical beds' they were playing lately, they might as well settle on a place. It was her plan tonight to mention it since they had not had a chance to do much in the way of talking lately with all the work they were doing. The fact that they couldn't keep their hands off each other too was keeping them from anything else, not that she was complaining at all.
"Sheldon, can we talk about something?"
She watched as Sheldon polished off the remaining rice on his plate, he loved when she cooked Spanish dishes. He mentioned something about exotic flavors and aphrodisiacs one time but the conversation quickly led to the bedroom, she had not caught the scientific reasoning, all she knew was that it was good to keep those spices handy.
"It worries me when you ask in that manner Penny, it has been my experience from what I have heard from Leonard and the guys is that whenever the words 'can we talk' are uttered, it usually means there is a problem"
"No Sheldon, don't be silly, I just wanted to ask you if you had given any thought to our living arrangements?"
"What do you mean Penny?"
"I mean, we spend most of our time together, you either sleep here or I sleep at your place, I was wondering if maybe you had thought about maybe moving in together? I mean logically it makes the most sense" she said this last line using her best Spoke voice.
His eyebrow arched at her last line, he seemed impressed and was thinking. She was proud of herself for knowing when he was doing this. It led her to believe that in time she would be able to almost guess what he was thinking, that when you come and think of it, is not as easy as it sounds, considering the man has a genius IQ. She offered another fact to support her argument.
"I thought since both of our leases are soon to expire, it would be most economical for us to pool our resources and find a place together, possibly closer to the University? Amy suggested that the townhomes she is leasing with Raj are very well situated and aesthetically pleasing"
"Penny, I do believe you have made a very good argument to why we should cohabitate at the termination of our respective leases. However, you pretty much had me won over when you asked if we should move in together." He smiled at her and then planted the sweetest kiss on the corner of her mouth.
"Oh" it was her turn to act surprised. She didn't think it would be that easy. He did love her, she found it endearing that they were making new routines, which always included each other. He was growing not only as a scientist, but as a man, and she was falling in love with him more and more every minute that passed.
"Penny, it is the most logical move, but it is not because it is logical that I want us to live together, it is because you are the last face I want to see when I close my eyes at night and the first one I want to see in the morning when I awake. Your body is the only blanket that keeps me warm and to think you want to share your life with me on a permanent basis is a magnificent thought"
"That is so special baby; of course I want to share my life with you"
"So let's go look at these places tomorrow. It is the weekend and I thought we could use some time away from work" she finished with a smile. They sat to watch a movie and quickly sleep claimed them again. Their hands held together in their sweet slumber.
Sheldon gave the realtor a hard time at all the places we looked at. One was too drafty, one was too loud, the other had a bird's nest outside the window, there was really no pleasing him this morning. She wondered if this would ever happen as they were at the tenth apartment, an old style bungalow, with rich mahogany walls and a bedroom with French doors that led out to a patio that overlooked the pool. We looked at each other and knew right then and there, that this was the place. The realtor however said that they place was only for lease if those interested in leasing did so with an option to buy. The place was way below market value because the owner was very elderly and living in Europe. The pool was private and the townhome was very secluded as it was on a cul-de-sac with only two other homes on the street.
"We'll take it" they answered in unison. There was nothing to be discussed, they knew they were in it for the long haul and Sheldon as surprised as she was by his response, pulled her into a kiss.
"I'll get the paperwork" said the realtor, obviously a little embarrassed by their display of affection, left to her car.
"I love you baby" she whispered into his mouth.
"And I you" he responded as they stood and stared out of the open French doors. The sun was setting and she thought she could get used to this view. She wasn't looking at the sun though; it was his smile that had her heart skipping a beat.