As fireworks wreaked havoc across the grounds, Hogwarts students laughed in delight, professors tried not to smile and the headmistress… Well the headmistress was absolutely livid, just like they had hoped she would be. Fred proudly surveyed the chaos before he noticed Hermione standing at the other end of the Great Hall. She was desperately trying to act her part as prefect, but she couldn't quite keep a smile from peeking through. Fred grinned at her and winked. Hermione let out a little laugh, hidden by a demure hand. Fred laughed back before disappearing quite successfully into the crowd.

Hermione felt her heart flutter. I'm just annoyed. She thought, He just broke about a thousand school rules. I bet they get expelled by the end of the day.

Fred ran down one of the castle's many secret passages, glorying in the success of their latest prank. Wait 'til he met up with George. This was going way too good. Next they'd have to- No Hermione wouldn't approve. You know she's actually really pretty when she smiles. Woah! Where did that come from? He shrugged to himself and continued on his way. But he couldn't quite get Hermione off his mind.

The next day he was meandering by the library on his way to Umbridge's detention. She had made sure that he and George had separate detentions on opposite sides of the school at the same time. Seriously, this woman was paranoid, although for good reason. He hadn't really been paying attention, so he jumped when Hermione's voice echoed from somewhere behind him.

"Aren't you supposed to be in detention?"

"'Course. But since when do I do what I'm told?" His heart was beating like crazy. He hoped to Merlin Hermione couldn't tell.

Hermione shrugged but managed to repress a smile, "It's never too late."

Fred just snorted. "If I ever start listening to Umbridge you had better get me to St. Mungos asap."

She finally allowed a small smile. "You'd better go."

Something in Fred's eyes faltered, something like disappointment.

"You don't want to end up with another detention. Umbridge is going to be livid as is."

"Yeah… right. See you around?"

Hermione looked slightly puzzled but didn't comment other than to say, "Sure. See ya." Before turning to go back to the library.


I headed back towards the library but I couldn't quite face Ronald right then. He was nice and all but I was confused and he wasn't going to be able to help me. I was wandering the corridors without really paying attention when I quite literally ran into Neville Longbottom.

"Oh my gosh Neville, I am so sorry! I wasn't paying the least bit of attention! You're not hurt are you? I would feel really bad if you were. It would be all my fault! Are you sure you're okay? No, you know what? I'm going to go get Madam Pomfery just in case. Sometimes you can't tell if-"

"Hermione! Just breathe for a minute! I'm fine. It's not the first time I've fallen down."

"I know I'm just- I guess I'm- I don't- It's complicated and confusing and-"

I wasn't sure why I was babbling so much and I was trying to stop but I couldn't seem to calm down. Just then Neville's face lit up.

"Ginny!" He looked extremely relieved to see her. I guess I was overwhelming the poor boy. He whispered something to Ginny and she grabbed my hand and dragged me back to Gryffindor tower. I let her pull me up the staircase to the girl's dorms. Having checked to make sure we were totally alone, we settled onto her bed.

"So Mione, what's up? Neville said you were going crazy."

I looked down and started studying the comforter as if my life depended on memorizing every thread. Ginny just waited for me to talk. She settled back against her headboard, perfectly content to let me do the talking now.

"I honestly don't know, Ginny, that's the problem. I'm just so confused about it that I don't know what to do."

"You do remember that I have no clue what you're talking about, right?"

"Sorry. It's kind of a complicated story…"

"I've got time."

I paused, not quite sure how to put any of this into words.

"Well last year when I went to the Yule Ball with Viktor, Ron got really really jealous. I'm pretty convinced that he likes me."

"He does."

I sighed. Just my luck. "Of course he does. Anyway, I can quite honestly say I don't feel anything other than friendship for him. He's a great guy and all but…"

"You can't quite stop thinking of him as the awkward eleven year old from first year?"

"Exactly! He's one of my best friends but that's it."

"So what's confusing?"



"Yeah. I just… He makes me feel… weird."

"Weird… like how?"

"I don't know! I just don't feel normal when he's around! And whenever Ron brings him up I have a very strong urge to leave to room. The two just don't coexist well." I turned to see Ginny smirking at me.


"You've got it bad girl."

"What? No! It's not like that at all!"

"Sure it isn't."

I leaned over and punched her arm playfully, feeling the heat rise in my cheeks. We were both laughing.

"I can't like Fred. He drives me insane. And there is no way I could be attracted to someone who gets in so much trouble."

Ginny looked at me, incredulous, but didn't say anything.

"Thanks for the talk. I have to go get my stuff from the library before Ron leaves and somebody vanishes it." I jumped off her bed, genuinely feeling better. I guess I just needed to talk it out. There was nothing between me and any of the Weasley boys. I don't know why I was so freaked out. I shook my head. What happened to being logical and focused. This was not the year to lose my cool. I was way too close to my O.W.L.s.


Hermione's kind of a stuck up stickler for rules but… maybe that's what was so attractive. She didn't fall head over heels for me like some of the other girls. I have to admit the fangirl giggling got annoying after about five seconds. Even the most gorgeous girl couldn't pull that off. But Hermione… Hermione never did that. Sure she was obsessive but she had to have some sense of humor under all that, everybody did. Well maybe not Umbridge but there's an exception to every rule, right?

"Testing, testing, one, two, three. Earth to Fred!"

"Sorry George."

"What the bloody hell was so fascinating? Have I been talking to myself this whole time?"

"It's nothing."

"Fred. I have known you for way too long for you to lie to me. It doesn't work."

"If you must know it has to do with a girl."

"I must know. Angelina?"

I tried not to blush but I felt the heat rising up my neck and I knew my ears would soon match my hair.

"Not Angelina? I thought you guys were solid!"

"We were! Well, we are! I just- that's why it's nothing! I have a girlfriend."

"That you totally forgot about until I mentioned her."


"Yes. Now can you please pay attention this time? We've got to figure out how to get out of here."

"Maybe I don't want to leave yet."

"If this is because of said girl that we're forgetting about I am going to strangle you."

"Geez George! I was teasing! I'm paying attention."

"Good. Now…"