
"do I even want to ask?"

I don't know


Please enjoy

"Neko doesn't own shit, oh the glory!"

Prussia *sweet voice*


Programming start: Alfred F. Jones and Ivan Braginski

Alfred F. Jones and Ivan Braginski are the confusing couple, meaning no one knows what the fuck they are doing half the time. One minute they are lovey-dovey with one another, the next they are partially wrestling one another. No on could every understand they reasoning for anything they did.

The strange thing was that everyone knew they had a thing for one another, way before they even did. Them dating was nothing to life changing, well except for their siblings, boy did Natalia have a cow, poor Alfred had to run for his life. Any who they relationship is very much like a teenage girl on her "time of the month", they're unpredictable.

Exhibit A:

"Damn you commie bastard!" A loud voice shouted, carrying it's self from the classroom to almost the other side of the school. Standing there in the middle of the classroom was a boy with golden blonde hair and sky blue eyes hidden behind glasses. He was huffing and puffing wile pointing a finger at a boy sitting in a desk, this boy had platinum blonde hair and bright violet eyes.

"Whatever do you mean?" The other boys asked, his Russian accent thick as he smiled a sweet smile at the pissed off blonde.

"Damnit Ivan you know what the hell I'm talking about!" The blonde shouted, making his way over to the other, placing his hands of the desk and leaning over. "Stop acting so innocent when you aren't."

Still smiling his sweet smile, he leaned in close to the other boy, their foreheads nearly touching as he whispered, "And what are you doing? Acting like the victim, da?"

Shocked by the others words, the blonde started at the other, his mouth hanging wide open, flies almost flew in it. Smirking the other one reached over with his hand and gently closed the others mouth, "Close your mouth or flies might make a nest inside Alfred."

Leaning over he placed a small kiss on Alfred's cheek, watching the others face light up like a Christmas tree.

"B-bastard," Alfred said weakly, covering his face in his hands and looking away from the other.

Patting his head, the taller of the two walked around the other one as the bell signaled for the end of class. Leaving the room, a real smile was on Ivan's face as he made his way through the busy halls.

Exhibit B:

Sweat rolled down his face, trailing the lean lines of his nose until it rested on the very tip, holding on for dear life until it fell off the nose and onto the floor below.

"Give it up Ivan, you know I will defeat you!" A loud voice boomed, echoing across the walls of the gym. Smirking a golden blonde haired boy dribbles a basketball through his legs before doing a backspin around a platinum blonde boy.

Once passed his "so-called" defensive, he sprinted down the court towards the basket that was so close yet so far. Passing over the half-line, than the free throw, he could already hear the ball going through the net. Taking one finally step, he jumped his left knee already in the oar while his feet foot pushed him off even further off the ground. Smirking as he soared through the air he knew nothing could ever stop him, nothing.

Well except the arms the randomly wrapped around his waist, puling him close to another's chest and also onto the floor. Tangled in a heap, he pushed the arms, legs and anything else out of his way. Standing up he glared down at the person that just ruined his moment of fame, well in his eyes at least.

"Ivan you ass! What the hell are you doing?" He shouts, his voice echoing across the gym's walls as he continues to stare down the said ass.

"Aww is Alfie mad at me, da? Well if he wasn't so clueless he might not have been hurt, da." Ivan explains, a thick Russian accent hanging heavily on his well-spoken English.

"Fine, you want the ball so badly you take it!" Alfred shouts, throwing a hard chest pass at the other, who is still lying on the ground.

Catching the ball Ivan got up and stood next to Alfred, almost a foot taller, placing his arms around the others waist he pulled him towards him.

"W-what are you doing?" Alfred stuttered, blushing a very deep red, almost as red as his basketball shorts.

"Can I not hold my dear close to me," he mumbled placing his head on top of the other's blonde hair.

Blushing a deep red, Alfred stood there his back pressing up to the others chest and he started down at the floor. "Whatever."

Exhibit C:


Everyone seemed to cringe as the door slammed shut as a very irritated boy stormed out the room. No one every understood why the American became an emotional wreck on the 30th of September; it bewildered them each and every year. Only the people closest to him knew and they wouldn't tell a soul, it was all Alfred's problem was what they said.

Sighing a tall Russian boy stood from his chair, startling the people around him, and walked towards the door. Opening the door, he ignored the stares, as he removed himself the room and into the hallway. Looking from the left and right he strained his ears for any sort of sobbing sound, for he knew whom that sobbing sound would be coming from.

Hearing a faint sound he turned to the left and began the long, quiet walk down the hallway, passing by random students who did shot him a glare. Turning one last corner, he spotted the object of his searching.

Sitting in a corner, knees hugged close to his chest and crying ever so softly was Alfred F. Jones, the Hero of HA. Walking over to the sadden boy, Ivan draped his arm over the other boys shoulder, pulling him close.

Unfazed by the sudden pull of Ivan, Alfred turned his head and began to cry into the others shirt, leaving wet spots. Not caring about the mess that was happening to his shirt, he only hugged the crying boy closer. Gently rubbing circles on the others back, he hummed a Russian lullaby into his ear, claming the other slightly.

They stayed like that for a while, not caring about who passed by or what was happening in the world. All that was important at that moment in time was helping Alfred through the day of having his brother taken away from him.

The confusing couple has basic ways of showing love.

Programming stop: T-20 seconds

Programming next.

Programming restart: Emil Einarsson and Lukas Bole



I've kinda fallen in love with this pairing but the ironic thing is my best friend is Russia and I'm America so writing this was a bit interesting

"It was good through"

Thanks please R&R

"Yeah and send more pairings of me in them!"

FYI: I'll be putting some brotherly love pairings in here so if you guys want those please send those in