Annabeths POV

"Uh guys? A little help here?" I yelled to my band members. Oh, wait. I forgot. Hi, the name's Annabeth Chase, and I'm in a band called Riptide. Being a demigod, it's hard to live a rockstar life without getting caught by monsters. So, we have fake/stage names. By 'we' I meant; Percy, Grover, Luke and I. Percy is known for being the lead guitarist in the band. His stage name is Aaron Woods. Grover is our drummer, also known as Drake Shadows. Luke plays bass and his stage name is Matt Evans. And last but defiantly not the least, I'm the band's lead singer, sometimes I play an instrument in some songs. I'm also known as Sam Austin. Before I forgot, Luke has a sister named Emma Grace Castellan. She's our manager and also my bestfriend. Of course, next to Thalia. I'll talk more about Emma later on. Now that you've learned the basics, let's go back shall we?
"Uh guys? A little help here?" I yelled to my band members. You see, being the singer of the band, I write most of our songs. The three dudes told me that 'it's your job! not ours!'. Pfft, as if. Right now, I just can't find the exact word I'm looking for. All three of them came from the back of the bus, which I'm now calling the b-back.
"Let me guess, you can't find the right words?" Grover asked.
"Got that right Drake." I'm using our stage names for the sake of our bus driver, Johnny.
All three of them looked at the paper and turned their attention to me. "What?" I asked.
"Sing it." They said in unison. I rolled my eyes and started to sing. After I was done singing, I didn't realize that I have closed my eyes. I opened them only to see the three dudes' mouths are open.
"That..." Luke started.
"...was..." Grover continued.
"AWESOME!" Percy stuck the landing! I smirked at their enthusiasm and held my index finger up.
"Not so fast," I began, "I need a few more words to complete it." And so after an argument that I should name the song 'Percy', I finally finished and told them my thanks.
I sang it one last time and went to the front of the bus.
"Hey Johnny, are we there yet?" I asked the driver.
"Almost there, Ms. Austin." I chuckled at his formality and started walking towards the b-back to tell them the news but I stopped because I heard them talking. Ok hold up. I know eavesdropping is bad but I'm doing this out of curiosity... which isn't eavesdropping... I think. And plus, I'm a daughter of Athena for Zeus' sake! I need and am hungry for knowledge! Speaking of hungry... no Annabeth don't distract yourself! I sighed and hid behind an object and started to listen.
"So Perce, I bet you're wishing that Anna's new song is about you." A voice said. I'm pretty sure it was Grover.
"Guys I'm sure it's just an idea that came to her. And besides, she would never return my feelings." I'm pretty sure that was Percy's voice.
"Percy come on," Luke's voice started, "we all know that you wish that song was about you."
There was silence for about 5 seconds and Percy said, "I wish."

Hope you liked it!

1st story :)