Author's Note: I'd like to take a moment to thank everyone who has reviewed and stuck with this story even after all the months of waiting for an update. Finally, we come to a close on our story. I hope you enjoy the last chapter of "Clash". Thank You.

"Hurry Courage-chan," Yachiru shouted, her little hands gripping onto your shirt as she tried her best to hang onto you, not use to riding on such a small (e/c) colored orbs never left their target, the Sokioku, as you ran forward with the ryoka close behind.

"I know Yachiru, I know." You felt your legs starting to burn as you ran faster. You knew you had to hurry before it was too late and everything that you had done would be for nothing.

"Ru-Rukia!" Ichigo cried out, lying helplessly on the ground, watching as Aizen approached closer to the young woman. Rukia stood there as she was fear stricken, how could this be, how could captain Aizen, Ichimaru, and Tousen all be turned against the Soul Society? The brunet smirked as he stopped right before the much smaller woman and in an instant, he plunged his hand into the center of her chest. Ichigo screamed out, unable to protect her as he was wounded from his battle with Byakuya; her brother.

Pulling his hand from her body, he pulled out along with it a small, marble sized, glowing purple orb. Ichigo watched as Rukia was now being held above Aizen, a smirk on his face. Was all this really for that small little orb that Urahara had created and sealed away? What was so important about such a small object that he was willing to go to the lengths to kill Rukia?

"Gin," he ordered, holding Rukia out from his body, her feet dangling well above the ground. Ichigo watched in horror as Gin aimed his sword right for Rukia, and he was helpless to stop it.

"Rukia!" The new and unexpected voice made Gin pause for a split second, glancing over he saw [Name] leading the group of ryoka toward them. But, that didn't cause him to stop his attack. In an instant, you watched as his blade extended in a split second. Your eyes went wide as you rushed forward, thinking that you were so close that you couldn't stop now.

Then, white flooded your vision as you saw Byakuya reach Rukia at the very last second, holding her in his arms and taking the full attack of Ichimaru's blade. You drew your blade, charging right for Aizen. Anger has risen from the pit of your stomach, you had never felt so much hatred for one man before in your life, not even Kenpachi could match just how pissed off you were right now.

Swinging your blade downward, you watched as he caught it in mid-air between his forefingers. Your eyes widened, you had never been able to meet anyone, aside from Kenpachi, who could stop your blade with their hands, let alone their fingers.

"Now, now, [Last Name]-Fukutaichou, is that any way to treat your superior officers?" you gritted your teeth, trying to push your blade down into him only to be unable to move it at all.

"You lost that title when you pulled all this shit! Why the hell are you doing this, Aizen?" He smirked; you glanced around at Ichimaru and Tousen before turning your attention toward Ichigo, Renji, Kommamura, Rukia, and lastly Byakuya.

Aizen's smile never faltered, even after the harsh language you used with him. You growled, trying to pry your blade from his fingers. He made a click noise with his tongue.

"It's such a shame though; you held such high standards for us." Your eyes narrowed, sending him one of your harshest glares.

"What the hell are you talking about?" You growled, not understanding this game that he was playing. He frowned deeply and adjusted his glasses with his free hand.

"It doesn't matter now," Before you could even blink, Aizen, with a flick of his wrist, sent you flying across the dirt you tumbled around several times before you finally came to a stop.

"Gin," You barely had time to climb to your knees before you saw the tip of Ichimaru's blade shooting toward you. Pushing your own sword up, you were shoved back by the sheer force of his blade. You knew that he was a captain, but his power was terrifying. Your feet continued to skid across the ground and laving large groves in the dirt. The voices of the others fell deaf on your ears, Gin's shikai made it to where the wind rushed past you, blocking out any and everything.

Suddenly, a pain shot through your chest. You couldn't understand why. Silver flooded your vision as you were thrown back, no longer feeling the ground underneath your feet. Red mixed with the shining silver, a voice in your head cried out and slowly faded, the sky was your only view, the bright, blue, beautiful sky. The wind wisped past you, until there was nothing left.

The room was silent and dark. Kenpachi waited inside, waiting to hear anything about what they found. As the door opened, both Ikkaku and Yumichika entered no one else. Yumichika approached something in his hands. Laying it down on the desk, Kenpachi's eyes landed on the light pink scarf. The blood dried in the edges where it was folded and placed inside your robes. It was torn, torn from where Ichimaru's blade had broken through your own zanpakuto, piercing clean through you body and sent you falling off the side of the cliff where the Sokioku stood.

"This, this was all they found underneath the rubble." Kenpachi's narrowed, his hand reaching out for the scarf.

"Search again," he ordered, turning away with the scarf tightly in his hands. Ikkaku shook his head, knowing that you would not be found. Yumichika knew the same thing, there was no hope left. However, Kenpachi was too sure of you; you were far too strong to die so easily, he knew that you were somehow alive.

At least, that's what he wanted.