"Tony…Run Tony…Take Bella with you. Run! Escape this monster!" Tony sat up in a panic, his mother's voice still ringing in his ears. Another nightmare. It felt so real… just like the day it had happened. He shivered. Today was going to be a long, hard day. He looked over at the clock. It was only 0130. Tony sighed. He didn't want to go back to sleep…no, he couldn't go back to sleep. He might as well get up early. He jumped into the shower, yawning as he did.

After he was ready and ate his breakfast, he sped off to work. He signed in, sat down and started on paper work. And it was only 0215. He sighed. At about 0630, Ziva walked in and sat at her desk, looking strangely at him as she did. McGee closely followed, mirroring her look. Tony knew that Ziva was watching him like a hawk, and that McGee was sending him glances every few minutes. HE finally got fed up with it.

"See something either of you like?" he looked up at them. McGee was still staring at him, probably wondering why he had been in so early. Ziva held a look of concern, which only grew as he looked up. He was staring at Gibbs' desk. There was an eerily familiar girl sitting on his desk, staring at him. He realized who she was…but that's not possible, Tony thought, she's dead.


A/N: So..what do you think? Should I continue?