Another update. "Yay," right?! Thank you, readwritereview for correcting on me on the district partner issue. I had no idea I was typing it wrong. And thank you Kitkat1425 and d11olive-13 for reviewing the last chapter. And I have constantly forgotten to thank the lot of you that have favored/reviewed or added the story to your alerts. It means a lot!:D

Disclaimer: The Hunger and the Games are not mine. Neither is The Hunger Games;)

Mockingjay Spoilers!

The world seems to revolve around unanswered questions. My attention has locked on the pale, bitter face that glares ever so intently as Peeta and I pass by. The snake-like vicious eyes that had once shot fear into the bravest of people show hints of curiosity of our being here. I, myself, am thinking the exact thing of him.

Of all things this year Hunger Games could have brought upon us, why would President Snow be among the list? The man is hated by most, if not all, of Panem; surely the Capitol is aware of this. Whether they choose to care or not is upon them, but if the sake of their entertainment is at stake, the smarter move would have been the best.

I feel Peeta's hand loosen from my grasp, and it appears that I had dug my nails deep into his skin without my knowing. He shoots me an uncomfortable glare beneath his phony smile as the name Snow escapes from his lips.

'Good, I'm not alone in this. He notices Snow's isolated figure as well.'

I watch Snow as he simply stands up in the crowd, and makes his way to the beginning of the chariot rides, following alongside side us like a shadow. His everlasting glower is edged in my mind as I turn my head away. The Games, tributes, Snow… What else has the Capitol decided to use against us? I've known that they have had a rather sick and twisted way of entertainment, but to keep the horror up?

I can't bring myself to fake my emotions to the crowd. Instead, I hold my head high up, not quite a smile touching my lips. Just like the last few years, the crowd continues to go wild, sending flowers of all kind and repetitive hoots of our names. When I find our reflection over the large Capitol screen high up, I find my unconvincing pleasure staring back at me.

By the time we've reached the City Circle the chariot ends right by the side of the other tributes'. Snow has reappeared onto a balcony that stands high above us as a dark-skinned woman stands by his side smugly. The music soon dies as we are forced to recognize the face of the vengeful man.

"Where's Paylor?" Peeta's hushed question is loud enough for me to understand. Without a doubt, he has observed the woman by Snow's side. This actually might be the new president Haymitch was referring to a few days ago. However, I can only shrug in response.

But I can't help but question this alongside Peeta. Has the Capitol utterly ignored Paylor? It was her doing to abolish the Hunger Games for good, and her time certainly hasn't ended. …Where has she gone?

Apparently Snow will tell all as he gives his traditional welcoming to us from his balcony.

Snow clears his voice, chin tilted high as he speaks, "Welcome," I notice his emphasis on the word has a whole new meaning itself. "The surprising news of a former competition has surely confused a handful of us all." I can't help but laugh in irony, the way he refers Peeta and I as a handful of us. "And while this might conjure negative behavior by few of the citizens, I assure all of you will find this rather interesting. All will soon be explained in the words of the current president of Panem in another time."

In another time? I'm beginning to think that Snow is just here to intimidate us. Judging by the way he steps aside for the dark-skinned woman, this twist wasn't his doing but hers. "President Vesta," Snow acknowledges her as she prepares to speak.

President Vesta gives the tributes a lengthy, dark gaze before beginning. She's more than likely the one that's entertained by this all, creating such an insane idea. "Due to the great demonstration of affection the two latest victors have given us, the demand for Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark has grown immensely by the citizens. The glorious compassion they showed in the 74th Annual Hunger Games was adored by many, thus triggering an idea of mine." The next part she says without hesitation. "Those Games revealed something that most Games have not."

"There are many differences between the 74th Hunger Games, and the ones before it. For example, plenty of years have displayed emotion of one tribute for another. However, no one has quite sparked rebellions because of a death of a fellow tribute. This was a tremendous act of friendship." I guess that must be referring to Rue's death. This actually might go on for a while. "No love affair has made such a dramatic affect on us like the confessions of Peeta Mellark for his district partner. The stunts he pulled were simply amazing, and it had certainly set the romance high here in the Capitol. This was an act of love"

President Vesta continues, "And then there was the issue of reactivating the mines in general." Neither Peeta nor I had anything to do with this. It was the doing of the boy from Three, but I suppose President Vesta is speaking of the Games in general. "No other tribute has been able to perform such a trick. This was an act of skill. Staying pure and not taking another's life - or harming a tribute at all - was also done by another tribute which showed plenty of mental strength. This was an act of wholesomeness." Not harming a tribute must be Foxface. She had concealed herself during most of the Games. "Another was envious of giving us all a rather entertaining show. This was an act of honor." So Clove's sick idea of killing me gradually shows honor? "Lastly was an act of nobility by sparing a tribute for the better good." This has to be Thresh's shout-out for letting me go at The Feast.

"These are only a few actions that brought upon this year's Hunger Games."

I begin to question if President Vesta is entirely sane, but the malevolence look in her dark eyes says something more. This woman is not demented. No, she knows what she's doing. And it's something utterly bizarre, whatever it is.

Her speech seems to be finished as she backs away from the balcony, Snow creeping close behind her as they vanish behind a number of Peacekeepers.

"What just happened?" I ask Peeta as the doors enclose the tributes in with their prep teams.

He only stares off, "I have absolutely no idea."

Peeta's glare never leaves the sight of the whispering, cunning Careers.

I somewhat uploaded this in a reasonable date... I think... No? So I loved seeing who you all thought Katniss and Peeta should ally with in the Games. And I have to say that they DO matter. There's a poll on my profile about it if you want to vote. If not... oh, well... I did do this in a single sitting, but who cares at the time? I know, it's not the most interesting chapter, but I actually enjoyed typing it up...