A/N: Here's my sequel to A Lovely Cahill Valentine's Day. I'm not sure I'm going to do a sequel to this one. I'd like to do one for July 4th, but that's a long way away. Anyway, I hope you like this story! I know that I only finished A Lovely Cahill Valetine's Day yesterday, I just wanted to post this already.

Disclaimer: I don't own the 39 Clues

Summary: The Cahills go to Jonah's beach house for spring break. Sinead has to pretend to be Hamilton's girlfriend, everyone's trying to get Amy and Ian back together, a thief tries to break into the house, and Dan's recording the whole thing. Hamead and Amian.


Don't you worry your pretty little mind...


Dan's P.O.V.

"Hey, are you still mad at me?" asked twelve-year-old Dan Cahill to his older sister Amy.

Amy glanced back at her brother as she walked up to Jonah's beach house. "What do you think, Dan?"

"I told you I was sorry," Dan said. "I even apologized to Evan."

"After what- the tenth prank?" Amy sighed.

"It wasn't a prank. He was flirting with you, what was I supposed to do?" Dan said.

"He wasn't flirting with me, Dan. He was asking me for help on his homework." Amy said.

"That's the oldest trick in the book. You ask a girl for help on your homework so you can have an excuse to talk to her." Dan said.

"Well, even so, you didn't have to spill your soda on him." Amy scolded.

"I told you that was an accident. My foot slipped." said Dan.

"On what?" Amy said.

"The air," said Dan. "It's possible." he added when he saw Amy's incredulous look.

Amy sighed. "Well, that's not even the first time you did something to him. Remember when you threw his phone into the river?"

"I thought he was asking for your phone number." Dan said.

"He was telling me the time." Amy said.

"That's what watches are for," Dan said.

Amy rolled her eyes.

"Are you two fighting again?" Nellie asked, behind them.

"Nah, Amy's just mad that I threw Evan's phone into the river." Dan said, nonchalantly.

"For good reason. We had to buy him another one, Dan." Amy said, sighing.

Dan just shrugged and said nothing. The three of them walked up to the door. Before they could knock, Jonah opened it up. He grinned when he saw them.

"Yo, my homies!" Jonah said.

"Hey, Jonah." Amy said, forcing a smile.

"Nice house," Nellie said. "Is this your own private beach?"

Jonah nodded. "It's cool, isn't it? I stay here every spring break."

"Can we come in?" Amy asked.

Jonah stepped aside and the three walked into the house.

"Is everyone here yet?" Dan asked.

"Yeah, you're the last to arrive." Jonah said.

"Again," Dan grumbled.

They walked into the living room where the other clue hunters were.

"Amy!" Sinead said, smiling.

"Hi, everyone," Amy said, avoiding Ian's eyes.

"Are Belle and Luke coming?" Dan asked.

"We're already here."

Dan turned to see Belle and Luke walk into the living room.

"Hey, guys," Belle said, smiling.

"So, now that we're all here we should- Hey! What are you doing?" Jonah said, turning to Dan.

Dan held a video camera in his hands. "Recording. What does it look like I'm doing?"

"And why are you recording this?" Belle asked.

"I'm hoping I'll catch some entertaining stuff on this thing." Dan said.

"You probably will. When does something entertaining not happen at these reunions?" Belle said, smiling.

Natalie scowled. "Well, don't point that thing at me, got it? I don't want you to have any embarressing stuff about me on that."

"Oh, are you planning on doing something embarressing, Natalie?" Dan asked, innocently.

Natalie glared at him. "Shut up."

"I'm going to go unpack. Would you show me my room, Jonah?" Amy said.

"Sure," Jonah said.

"I as well," Ian said, following the two out of the room.

"Okay, have you kept Evan away from Amy?" Belle asked when the three were gone.

"Yep. He hasn't asked her out once on my watch." Dan said.

"What did you do to him?" Hamilton asked.

"He threw his phone into the river," Nellie said, trying not to smile. "And he poured his soda on him."

"I told him some pretty embarressing stuff about Amy, too." Dan said, grinning.

"Perfect," Luke said, grinning.

"What about Ian? Has Ian gone on any dates?" Madison asked, turning to Natalie.

"He hasn't gone on any dates." Natalie said.

"Good, then there's still hope." said Ned.

"What's our next plan?" Hamilton asked.

"We have to try to get Amy and Ian to talk to each other." said Belle.

"But how? They won't even look at each other." said Reagan.

Belle smiled. "That's where Jonah comes in. Phase One is being done right now."


People throw rocks at things that shine...


Jonah's P.O.V.

Jonah glanced back at the two Cahills. Amy was looking at the ground and Ian was looking everywhere but Amy. Jonah sighed. This was going to be harder than he thought.

"So, how have you two been?" Jonah asked, nonchalantly.

"Fine," Amy murmured.

"The same," Ian said.

"Have you two been keeping in touch?" Jonah asked.

The two didn't answer.

Jonah cleared his throat to fill the awkward silence. "So, how's Evan, Amy?" Jonah asked, trying to get Ian's attention.

Ian's head snapped to attention, making Jonah smile slightly.

"He's fine," Amy said, softly, still not looking up.

"Are you two friends or what?" Jonah asked.

"We're friends," Amy said, finally looking up. She was looking at him suspiciously. "Why do you ask?"

"Just making conversation," Jonah said. "How about you, Ian? How have you and Jazmine been doing?"

Amy flinched at the mention of Jazmine.

Bingo, Jonah thought.

"We've been fine," Ian said, looking at Jonah suspiciously.

"You two friends?" Jonah asked.

Ian looked away. "We keep in touch."

Amy bit her lip and looked down.

Jonah smiled. This was progress.


But this love is ours...


Hamilton's P.O.V.

Hamilton walked along the beach. He looked out at the water. It was a beautiful day, and the water was peaceful. Someone suddenly bumped into him.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't... Hamilton?" said the girl in front of him.

Hamilton looked at the girl in disbelief. "Lacy?"

Lacy was a petite girl with short red hair and big green eyes.

"What are you doing here?" They both said at the same time.

"I'm staying with my cousin here for spring break," Hamilton said. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm visiting my cousin, too." Lacy said, pushing a strand of hair away from her face. "Jonah Wizard."

"Me too," Hamilton whispered.

Lacy looked at him in surprise. "You're friends with Jonah?"

"Yeah, we were in the Clue hunt together, remember?" Hamilton said.

"Oh, right. You guys brought the branches together." Lacy said.

"I guess," Hamilton said. "How do you know Jonah?"

"I'm a Janus, remember? Like Jonah." Lacy said.

"Right," Hamilton murmured, not looking at his ex-girlfriend. "So, you're staying here, too?"

Lacy shook her head. "Just visiting him." she said, playing with her necklace. There were several seashells strung on the necklace.

"That's a nice necklace, Lacy." Hamilton said.

"Oh? My boyfriend bought it for me." Lacy said, nonchalantly.

Hamilton flinched. "Boyfriend?"

Although they had broken up years ago, this was the first time they had seen each other.

Lacy nodded. "How about you, Hamilton? Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Yeah, actually she's staying with us, too." Hamilton blurted out.

He mentally cursed himself. What was he doing?

"Oh, really? That's great! I'd love to meet her." Lacy said, smiling.

"Of course," Hamilton managed to say. "I can't wait to introduce you to her."

Whoever her is, Hamilton thought.

Not Amy, that was for sure. She belonged with Ian. Nellie was too old for him. Hamilton couldn't even imagine himself with Belle. That only left...


Oh, what had he gotten himself into?


'Cause my heart is yours...


A/N: Lacy is Hamilton's ex-girlfriend if you didn't realize it. What did you think of this chapter? Please, review!