

Chapter Six


Riding out tonight to case the promised land


He looked her straight in the eye, 'Go on then.'

She sat down again, only much closer to him, the silver dress jammed against his thigh, 'You're always in charge, very forceful.' she said breathlessly.

'I am?' he replied, shocked.

'You make me do things, you…..' she stopped speaking and put her hand on his thigh.

'C'mon Bolls.' he said urgently, her hand was burning his thigh, branding it, claiming it. He looked at her; her eyes were soft, pupils dilated, cheeks flushed, breathing rapid.

'What if I show you?' she squeaked.

He took a deep breath, 'Alright.'

She stood up and unzipped the dress; her eyes only leaving his when she pulled it up over her head. He felt his oxygen supply had been cut off as she stood there in her white lace bra with matching knickers and suspenders. She took the bra off, still brazenly staring into his eyes. He licked his lips. Jesus Christ she was taking the knickers off too.

'Hellfire' he managed to gasp as she stood there in the stockings, suspenders and high silver shoes.

'You make me kneel' she told him, getting on her knees. 'You make me do this.' She clasped her hands together behind her back. Her breasts jutted at him. 'You take off your belt and you use it…on me.'

He swallowed.

'Go on then.' she ordered.

'Bolly.' He wasn't sure. She was a thousand fantasies right there in front of him. He stood up and took off his belt. She closed her eyes in anticipation. He stared at her nipples as he stood over her. Primal instinct took over, he let the belt trail over one of them and she whimpered with what sounded like ecstasy.

'Are you hard?' she asked.

'Painfully' he rasped.

'Unzip' she uttered.

He obeyed, letting his trousers drop, ripping off the jacket to his suit and loosening his tie. She opened her eyes, unclasped her hands and pulled down his boxer shorts, her eyes lighting up greedily when she saw how massive he was. Before he knew it she had taken his cock in her mouth. He badly needed something to hold on to, he was shaking so much. The only available thing was her head, his hands grabbed at her hair, tangling in it.

Alex couldn't believe how much she was enjoying it. There were definitely some things about this world that were an improvement on the real one- lack of inhibitions mainly. She licked and sucked and bit his glorious cock, cupping his balls gently, massaging them. The more she worked him, the more he forced her down on to him. God how she loved him, loved doing this to him. Loved that he was somehow managing to repeat her name over and over even though he barely seemed to have any breath at all.

'Hang on' he managed to gasp, pulling out of her mouth he kicked off his boots, peeled away his socks and threw his trousers across the room. Then he reached down and pulled her up to him, his cock bouncing off her belly as he held her close and kissed her.

The kiss was so different from the one against the filing cabinet, he held nothing back. Alex felt her legs give way. When he finally stopped kissing her he scooped her up in his arms and carried her into the bedroom, chucking her on the bed.

'But…' she protested.

'I thought I was in charge?' he said, removing his shirt and tie.

'Yes' she replied meekly.

He knocked her legs open and started kissing the inside of her thigh, working his way along. She squirmed in delight as his hair tickled her other leg. When he reached the top of her thigh his tongue flicked out a couple of times, tasting and teasing, before his strong arms flipped her over and he began gently biting around her bottom.

Pliant and wanton, Alex let him do what he wanted; and it seemed what he wanted was to taste every single inch of her body. When he was finally ready to plunge into her, she was almost over the edge. As he entered her legs crossed over his back, his mouth capturing her already tender left nipple. Her fingers stroked his blond head. She was in tears and didn't know why. She had never expected to be so loved. This man wasn't fucking her, he was making love to her, and it was beyond anything she had expected.


'Jesus Bolly' he rasped exhaustedly, as she lay in his arms several hours later.

'Gene' she replied sleepily.

'You sure you haven't still got that fever?'

'Not that one no.' she replied.

'Gene Genie fever' he said, trying to hide the note of bravado in his voice.

'Looks like it.' she murmured.

'How long do you think it will last?' he asked.

'I don't know, years probably.' she giggled. 'If I get a few repeat performances of what just happened I'll be a very happy girl.'

'Me too.' he said, 'Not the girl bit though, not girly in any way.'

'Of course not; manly, I think is the word' she spoke into his shoulder.

He squeezed her, 'You and me, Bolls' he whispered.


In the small hours of the new day they were on the sofa, Alex on Gene's lap, as they ate toast and drank tea. She was wearing his shirt and he pulled it around her to belatedly preserve her modesty.

'I'm sorry' he said, 'for some of the shit I came out with, before, you know when….'

'Before the heist?' she whispered.

He nodded, 'That stuff I said about your daughter, you being cold. That was me going for the jugular.'

'It doesn't matter now.' she said sadly.

'If there was a way you could have her with you….' he said.

'There isn't.' she replied. 'There's nothing you can do Gene. I'll just have to get used to it.'

He pulled her even closer. 'You and me' he said again.

She realised that those three little words were the best in the world, better even than the other three little words that he'd probably never say anyway.

'We need to sleep' she said, 'In a few hours we have to get to the station.'

'Or we could make a night of it.' he said, 'will you come somewhere with me?'

'Yes alright.' she replied without hesitation.


He took her to Primrose Hill. It was cold and dark, but London was lit up before them as they sat on a seat.

'Never sleeps' he muttered.

'I thought that was New York.' she smiled.

'London too nowadays' Gene replied, 'Life just keeps grinding on.'

Alex longed to tell him she was dead, that her life wasn't grinding on at all. But she stopped and thought about it. Had she ever been happier than now, here on this hill, with a numb bum and him?

'How many women have you brought here?' she asked.

He frowned at her, 'You're the first. You make me sound like a right old womaniser.'

She thought about telling him what Ray had told her about the woman in the alleyway in Manchester, but knew Ray would be in big trouble if she did.

'I think you've had your moments' she said.

'Maybe, in my younger days- I was a bit wild.' he grimaced and changed the subject. 'Ever heard the saying, 'It's always darkest just before dawn?''

She nodded.

'Watch' he said, 'Any second now.'

She watched as London blacked out and stars appeared, a huge display of the brightest stars she had ever seen. She caught her breath.

'This is our world.' Gene said. ' It could be yours and mine, if you get my drift.'

'Gene?' she looked at him.

'Do you remember when we were in the vault and I said 'I know'?' he asked. 'Remember when that Price woman and her husband died and I told you it was all about timing? All the times you've asked me why you're here?'

'Yes' she breathed.

'I've tried to show that I'm on your side, we're in this together.' he said, 'But rule no 1 is that we don't talk of it directly. We have to wait until the timing is right and it may never be right. Understand?'

'I think so.' she whispered, looking at him.

'You know I'll always take care of you don't you?' he said. 'If you want to stay.'

'Yes' she moved nearer to him, 'I want to stay.'

He looked down at her, his eyes full of unspoken love, and dipped his head to kiss the side of her mouth.

'Is your arse frozen solid?' he asked.

'Yes.' she said.

'Bacon butties and hot chocolate?' he suggested. 'And then, we're going back to bed. We're both having a bit of time off to recharge our batteries and do….other stuff.'

'Lovely.' she replied.


As they hurried back to the Quattro the stars faded out and London reappeared. A new dawn was breaking.


A/N- I wasn't keen on those damn stars in series three, but I think they sort of fitted in here. Thanks to everyone who reviewed, put on alert and favourited, and sorry about the cliffhangers , I'm trying to give them up! Fen xxxxxxxx