X Marks V
Chapter 1: Deal with Red X
The Norsefire regime ruling Britain was having trouble with a pesky rebel known as V. The secret police head Peter Creedy was secretly meeting with a figure from a foreign land.
"I must say, you are quite the skilled warrior and mercenary, that is why we have come to you" said Peter.
"So, this V, does he look that tough?" asked the figure in the shadows to Peter.
"He has killed some of our top agents" continued Peter, "we're already having Scotland Yard investigating V, so far nothing."
"How much are you willing to pay to have V exterminated?" asked the figure.
"Five hundred million pounds" replied Peter.
"I'll take your offer" said Red X as he revealed himself from the shadows.
Red X was given a number of targets that V had intended to strike in Britain as he was riding in a limo with Peter Creedy.
"These are places around Britain that V has intended to strike, Parliament is one of the main ones he intends to" said Peter.
V was indeed planning to destroy some of Britain's monuments in the hopes of getting the people's attention about the true agenda of the Norsefire, Big Ben was among his main targets which V had already saved Evey from some secret police thugs, while Red X was watching from afar.
"I must say" said V, "are you alright?"
"Yes" said Evey.
"Come, I want to show you something" continued V.
As V showed Evey toward Big Ben, V had already planted the explosives he had hoped, as the music started to play, V was hoping to create a big explosion destroying Big Ben. V indeed was successful in destroying Big Ben causing everyone to come out of their homes, as V was leaving the scene, a certain Red X was watching the entire thing unfold.
"Nice fireworks display" said Red X as he was beside the corner.
"Do I know you?" asked V to Red X.
"No, but let's just say the building you demolished, the people whom built it didn't seem to like it" continued Red X.
"Didn't think you were the type to work for someone else" said V as he already did some research on Red X beforehand.
"I work where there is work" said Red X, "and it is to the highest bidder."
"So that's your game, then come get me" said V.
Red X charged at V and took out some daggers trying to slice V, but V ended up dodging them, Evey watched as the two began to fight it out.
"Tell me, do you hope to recruit your little friend over there in any upcoming attacks?" asked Red X.
"Oh, that'll get me to tell you, not!" laughed V who ends up pushing Red X nearly over the edge of the building.
"Ta, ta" said V.
V ends up fleeing the scene, but not before Red X ends up using his suits powers and teleporting himself to safety and right next to Evey.
"Not so fast" said Red X.
"Please, I mean no harm" said Evey.
"Of course you do not" said Red X, "but you're my ticket to the 500 million pounds of money."
"Is that why the Norsefire regime has hired you to hunt him down?" asked Evey referring about V.
"Of course" said Red X, "I do not care the ideology of the government, but if the government has the money, then I take the money."
Red X ends up letting Evey go, but not before placing a tracking device on her, in the hopes that she'll be the bait to lead him back to V. A certain Peter Creedy, however, wasn't happy that Red X failed to stop V when he had the chance to do so. He was having another secret meeting with Red X in his private office awaiting the arrival of the hi-tech mercenary.
"What the hell was that?" roared Peter as he screamed at Red X, "You allowed Big Ben to be blown up!"
Red X ends up responding by shoving Peter Creedy to the wall.
"Listen, I have my way of handling things, and one of them isn't to be pushed around by some incompetent fool" said Red X.
No one in Peter Creedy's entire life except for High Chancellor Adam Sutler could be able to order him around like Red X could. Peter felt the Norsefire regime was running out of options with V, as a few weeks earlier before hiring Red X, V had assassinated a few of its top secret police operatives.
"Alright" said Peter as he gathered his breath, "we'll let you do things your way, so long as you get that rebel."
"Consider it done, I already have information that he might be using an informant" said Red X.
"Good, good" said Peter.
As for V, V continued to bring about his master plan which included killing a few more of the Norsefire's top leaders, along with also broadcasting his message to the rest of Britain. V however, had not counted on encountering Red X. V indeed kept tabs on the former Teen Titans and their current whereabouts just in case of an emergency like this. V although he felt confident he could handle Red X alone, it may not be enough for V to handle if he was going up against someone as crafty as he was.