Hi everyone! This is Silver here, writing my very first fanfic! I'm kinda nervous about how well its going to be and I'm hoping you'll all support me.

Please Review!


DISCLAIMER: I do not own Hetalia…yet. I've got plans though…

It was a quiet morning in the Beilschmidt household. Germany was sitting in his kitchen, his newspaper spread out before him as his three dogs, Blackie, Berlitz and Aster quietly ate their food. The German took a sip of his coffee, glancing at his dogs. So well behaved. He truly was prooud of them. He smiled slightly and returned his gaze to the newspaper. It as perfect right now. The sun was barely up, the birds were chirping, Gilbert was sleeping and it was all beaut-


Germany leaped up from his seat, knocking over his coffee as he swung around to where the sound had come from. The dogs had their ears pricked up, looking at their master with confusion. The scream had sounded distinctly feminine. And it had come from…the basement? "Did it come from Prussia's room?" asked the blond to no one in particular, receiving strange, creeped out looks from his dogs. Was there a woman with Prussia? He shrugged, deciding to leave it at that. His brother brought home many women and he didn't really want to go inside the room. Last time was not so pretty. The woman abruptly cut off, letting silence cover the house again. What happened to her now? Germany sighed and stood up, making up his mind to go check on her. He knew Prussia slept like a rock, so he probably wasn't even bothered by all the screaming. The blond slowly wiped the coffee off the table first and tossed the rag into the sink before walking towards the noise. What could have scared her anyways? Aster, Blackie and Berlitz followed him faithfully, looking only slightly worried. What was making that horrible noise? they seemed to be thinking. But they followed, undettered, because after all, you never knew when your master could get attacked by a huge bone, right? And they had to be there to protect him from that.

Germany hesitated by the door of the basement. The scream had petered out but now the person inside seemed to be wailing. And he couldn't really understand it at all. "Excuse me? Ma'am? Are you okay?" he called hesitantly knocking on the door lightly with his knuckles. The voice hitched, pausing in its wailing. There was a short silence and then a click as the door was unlocked and flung open. A blur threw itself at the surprised German. "Bruder! Save me!"cried the woman, burying her head in his chest as she shook. By now Ludwig was thoroughly confused. Why was she calling him bruder? And- wait. She knew German?

"Um, ma'am? Am I supposed to know you?" he asked awkwardly, not making any move to copy the embrace she had him in. This seemed to get a reaction out of her. The woman pulled back and scowled. Hmmm, she wasn't crying after all, thought Germany. "Was? You can't even recognize the awesome me as a woman?" asked the girl incredulously, lifting her chin and giving a contemptous sniff. Germany blinked and then slowly took complete notice of the woman before him. She had shoulder length, straight white hair and fiery scarlet eyes. "Bruder?" he choked out. The girl nodded firmly. "Exactly. Can you believe vat happened to my sexy body? I can't either! I'm a freaking voman! The awesoem me is a voman!" Prussia's brother was too busy staring at Prussia to even listen to him. First of all his brother got turned into a girl. Now that was something that didn't happen every day. And he was a very good looking girl too. And second of all, how had his uniform been changed?

The Prussian was now wearing an altered version of the blue uniform he usually wore. The blue pants were now blue shorts. Quite short shorts. And the top was a bit more fitting, the swell of his- no her- breasts accentuating with the slightly tight fit. Her legs were bare, and the black boots only came up to her knees. "…bruder. Are you even listening to me?" snapped Prussia irritably. Germany, realizing he had been gaping at his brother while he talked, flushed slightly. "Vear some decent clothes, vill you?" mumbled the younger brother averting his gaze. The Prussian opened her mouth to say something when a peep sounded from her hair. "Gilbrid?" she asked incredulously. The yellow bird hopped out of the white hair and landed on his master's shoulder, pecking her cheek affectionately. The woman sighed and nuzzled the bird before turning back to her brother. "Vat am I supposed to do, Luddy?" she whined, sitting down on her messy bed and tilting her head back. "I can't possibly go anywhere like this. It's so unawesome." Germany sighed and gave his…schwester…a roll of his eyes. "Ve Vill talk on this later. Ve have no idea how long you may be like this, so you need to get used to this body for the time being and learn its limits. See how vell you can fight vith it. But first, dress yourself decently." With that he turned on his heel and left, giving the man-turned-woman some privacy. Prussia slowly slid her gaze to the mirror. "Vell, I do look sexy I suppose," she murmured to herself, standing up and coming closer to examine her refection. "I don't think anything can conceal my sexiness. It's just vay too awesome." Gilbird cheeped and flew to perch on her head. "Gilbird, I think I'm going to take a nice, long, shower before I go for breakfast. After all, I should familiarize myself with this body I'm going to be in…"

After the shower, Prussia spent some time examining her body carefully. After some poking, prodding, gasping and wincing, she dressed herself in a pair of boxers and a t-shirt, watching her breasts bounce as she walked. They kind of jarred her and put her off balance. "Vat's for breakfast, bruder?" she asked, sitting down at the kitchen table with a sigh of relief. Seems like I'm going to break my back, she thought to herself. Germany juped a bit, still not used to her voice, and turned to her, putting down a plate of wurst. "I made you wurst," he replied, eyeing Prussia who still seemed to have the appetite of a man. She practically inhaled all her wurst and looked at the one on her brother's plate expectantly. "Vat are ve going to do about me?" she asked, not sounding particularly worried as she snuck a piece of his food onto her plate. The blond sighed, swatting his sister's fork away and munching on his food. "I don't know. Ve have to find out who did it first. Do you have any enemies?" Prussia snorted. "Ja. Lots of them. But I'm thinking England did this. He's the one vith the magic." Germany nodded thoughtfully before sighing. "True. Let's hope ve find out who did this quickly. I'll tlk about this in the meeting today. Are you going to come?" The woman cringed before smiling. A slow, evil looking smile. "Ja. I vant to see their faces ven they find out about this." This was going to be interesting.

What do you think? Good? Bad? Awesome? Strange? Reviews would be lovely! And so would flames!