*Edited March 2 2014 *

**I don't own Maximum Ride**

Max Point of View


I slowly open my eyes and reach for the horrible ringing device known as my phone. I look tap the answer box on the screen.

"Hello?" I say groggily into the phone.

"Hey girl, how you doing I have exciting news for you!"

"Exciting enough to call me at seven in the morning?" I ask angrily

"Well actually… I was calling to make sure that you got up on time for the first day of you junior year!"

"Wait then what about the news you had to tell me."

"That my friend is the bait, in order for you to find out what the news is you have to get to school early."

"Ella this is so not fair, just tell me or I will personally chop off your hair while you sleep."

"Nice try Max but you aren't very scary over the phone."

"I'll show you scary." I mumbled into the phone.

"Okay you do that Max, but before you do go, get in the shower okay? Do you know how to do that?"

"Leave me alone Ella, you're being a bitch now." I snapped frustrated and pulled the phone away from my ear so that I could hang up but I heard Ella yell wait. So I waited for her to continue.

"Before you hang up, make sure you look hot today okay?"

"Ella I think you have forgotten who you're talking to, it's Max remember the one who breaks mirrors ring a bell?"

"Shut up Max your gorgeous, wait I'll send you a picture of what your outfit should look like just give me a minute."

"Okay, bye Ella." I said feeling defeated, there is no beating her.

A moment later I received a text with a picture of turquoise halter top, black skinny jeans, turquoise bangles, three turquoise rings, you can choose them, black high tops, rose necklace, and feather earrings along with a picture of a smoky eye makeup. (link on my profile)

I quickly grabbed the closest match from my small closet and headed into the shower. In the shower I worried about what this exciting news would be.

I know it sounds pointless right worrying about Exciting news, well you see my friends have very different views than mine, they think that Sephora's new lip color revelation is the best event of the year. I, on the other had think that my favorite band aka Pierce The Veil coming into town is crazy exciting.

I got out of the shower got dressed and ran down the stairs realizing I was running late. I quickly grabbed my pre-prepared lunch and ran back upstairs to do my makeup. I know…I know it's weird sometimes even I wonder why I know how to do my makeup, and then I remember all those times my friends taught me. I yelled a goodbye to my mother and walked into the garage opening up my garage, I quickly contemplated whether to take my Ninja Motorcycle, or my normal car. I decided to take the car because most likely it was going to rain today; seeing as the sky is gray and the wind is cold.

I drove to school and calmly walked to the table where my friends and I usually met before and during school. I see my friends, Ella and Nudge, holding a magazine and giggling.

"What are you guys looking at? Is this the thing that made you call me at 6:50 in the morning?"

"Just shut up and look!"

I looked at the magazine thinking that this was just an article about Taylor Lautner's abs or something like that but noo not even close.

Dylan. Dylan was in the magazine. MY boyfriend was in teen magazine for the My Perfect Boyfriend article.

"Holy SHIT!" was all I said over and over again.

Just then Dylan came up to me and said, "What going on here?"

So then Nudge went into a detailed speech about how I had entered him in the contest months ago and how this meant that we would now be the "popular couple" and how we would be able to go to Lissa's parties now where only the best of the best could go and on and on. I just took Dylan's hand and walked into school just to be bombarded by girls.

These girls were all over Dylan and me mostly Dylan. You know what I think is funny is that no one ever paid attention to him before the magazine and now he is all popular among all the girls thanks to whom? Oh ya me, he was being given the desiring looks and being patted on the back by all of the popular people.

Oh great here comes the bitch… Lissa

"Hey Dylan! I was wondering if you and Max here could come to my party at Fang's house oh and you can bring your friends too." I was about to tell her that I would never in hell go to her party when I hear, "Of course we'll come!"

Oh god that was Nudge. This is dumb I don't want to go!

"Just make sure you dress up."

"Okay," Ella said smiling

Just then the bell rang. And Dylan pulled me into a kiss that made my skin crawl before walking away like nothing happened.

Just then I knew I had started a living hell for me and Dylan. Don't get me wrong I'm really happy Dylan got picked but I didn't know this would happen. If I did I would have never done it. I'm happy being who I am I don't and won't change for anyone. I like being the tough girl at school. I'm the one who stands up to Lissa; hates and hurts all the guys who try to get in my pants.

Well I am Maximum Ride I don't let those things get me down; I stand against them. So now I have to play nice to make Dylan feel okay about this whole mess.