The girl looked up at the beautiful gates that loomed up in front of her. She wanted to touch them but did not know what would happen if she did. The people who were standing there with her looked much crueler then her she stood up and brushed off her tunic, a man looked at her leering. She returned his gaze with one of pure malice. No one should say she could not scare men... she had lived because of it.

The gates opened and a woman walked out in a tunic just like her's but the woman had curly black hair, a man in a tunic followed her. "You lot, move out!" The man yelled at all the men and woman in front of him. The girl moved with them. The woman called out, "No, not you." The girl stopped.



"What did I do?"

"I think it's more like what you didn't do." The man said.

"Why is she here?" The woman walked over and touched the girl's skin.

"I don't know." The man looked mystified.

"Should we keep her?"

"She was supposed to die tomorrow anyway."

"Well Heqet, what do you want to do? You can go back to earth or you can stay here, until we find a choir for you to be a part of."

"Who are you?"



"This is GOD." The man said.

"Who are you?"


"Which god are you? You must be Isis because of your beauty."

"I am the one true god."

"Am I dead?"


"Metetron why did you tell her that now she'll be afraid!"

"I'm not afraid, my life made me wish I was dead."

"I'm Sorry"

"Sorry for what? That I am dead I do not feel sorry for that why should you?"

"Well You see I never make mistakes."

"That's all right."

"Would you like to help one of my favorite angels?"

"Of course."

"Then you are now the Angel of death."

A/N: The first few chapters aren't funny but it gets funny, a moody Angel of death and then god deciding for her not to have as big a profile as Loki then God forgives Loki and he comes back as the Angel of Death and the two of them start vanquishing the wicked.

Disclaimer: Don't own them Kevin Smith does.