Hey everyone!
It's been a while since I've written anything, but this has the possibility of turning into a multi-chapter depending on the response. If you like the story let me know, and I'll continue it! Hope everyone likes it! Please leave me a review!



Check out my other Delena and Tiva stories!

DISCALIMER: I do not own the Vampire Dairies or any of the characters.

Spring Fever

Chapter 1

Elena Gilbert lay on her back in her bed in her dorm. She had just gotten back from her last class before spring break. Sighing, she rolled over. She didn't have enough money for a plane ticket to fly home, so she was stuck on campus while everyone else including her roommate went home for the week break.

"Elena!" Her roommate, Carolyn Salvatore yelled as she ran into their shared room.

"Yes?" Elena asked not rolling back over.

"Pack your bags. You're coming home with me for break." Carolyn said triumphantly.

That got Elena's attention. She sat straight up on her bed, "What?"

"I called my dad and he said it was fine for you to come home with me. It's not like we don't have the room." Carolyn said as she started opening closet doors and put her suitcase on the floor. "What are you waiting for? Our plane leaves in two hours!"

'I don't have the money for the ticket." Elena mumbled.

"Already taken care of. Now get your ass up and pack." Came the snarky reply.

Elena let out a sigh. What did she have to lose? She would get a free trip to Texas out of it.

"Daddy said that Damon was coming home for break too, so you get to meet him and Daddy!" Carolyn exclaimed as she flitted around the room picking up various things and shoving them in her bag.

Carolyn's dad was a famous filmmaker in Austin. Carolyn herself was at NYU, in the film school. Elena was in the journalism program. After becoming roommates, the polar opposites became unlikely friends.

Within an hour, Elena and Carolyn were packed and on their way to the airport. Knowing Carolyn, they would be flying in first class. She put her Dad's credit card to good use. Even with all of her superficial tendencies, she was still one of the most sincere girls Elena had ever met.

Once on the plane, Carolyn asked "Did I ever show you a picture of my brother?"

Elena looked up for her magazine, "Damon? No, I don't think so."

Carolyn whipped out her iPhone and scrolled through her pictures. "Look!"

Shoved in front of Elena's face was one of the most beautiful men she had ever seen. He had jet black hair, on the longish side with piercing blue eyes. His body, from what the picture showed, was nicely toned and had very nice defined muscles. He was gorgeous. Damon and Carolyn shared their cerulean blue eyes.

"Nice." Elena shrugged noncommittally, not showing her true reaction.

"Ha, nice? I saw your eyes explode." Carolyn laughed.

"He's hot. He's really really hot." Elena amended her previous statement.

Carolyn just laughed, and changed the topic for the rest of the flight.

A few hours later, their flight landed and Carolyn and Elena walked into the baggage claim section of the Austin airport. After they got their bags, the two started to look around for Carolyn's dad who said he would be there to pick them up.

Unbeknownst to the two girls, Damon was standing there after being dispatched to pick them up. His eyes were drawn to the beautiful brunette standing next to his sister. At that moment, the brunette spun around, as if she could feel his eyes on her back. She nudged Carolyn and the two started in his direction.

"Damon!" Carolyn squealed as she ran into his arms for a hug.

"Hey sis." Damon replied giving his over exuberant sister a hug.

"This is Elena." Carolyn said when she was released.

"Hi." Elena waved.

"Hey, I'm Damon." He introduced himself, holding out his hand to shake hers.

They both felt the spark that erupted from inside their bodies when their hands touched. Stunned, they both pulled back staring at each other.

Watching her brother and her best friend, Carolyn smiled. Already her plan was working. She could practically see the sexual energy flying between the two of them.

Smirking to herself, she led the way out to the car with the two of them following her and studiously ignoring each other.

It was going to be a fun week.

Let me know what you think!