A/N: Sadly, this is the last chapter of this story. I hope all of you enjoyed reading it, as much as I did writing it. I want to thank all the lovely people who reviewed this story and took the time to read it.
25 added this as one of their favourite stories and 19 story alerts. Not bad! :D
I highly recommend reading my other Naruto story – Seven Days of Seduction. You won't be disappointed!
Warning: This chapter contains mature and sexual language, so don't read unless you're comfortable with it.
Unexpected Love – Chapter 10 – A Happy Ending…
The best love story is when you fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time – unknown quote
Yuki looked on in disbelief as I stood in front of him with the sword wedged deep in my body. It was almost like time had stopped. There was silence for the longest seconds of my life, before I felt it…excruciating pain and burning somewhere inside me.
"K-Katsuki…no…" Yuki managed to utter, when it finally registered in his head what'd happened. His hand released the handle of the sword, as he stumbled back in disbelief. I felt my legs give out and fell backwards. Someone caught me from behind and held me.
"Katsuki…" Kakashi cried out, in shock.
"Take the sword out" I told him. His hand shakily grasped the sword handle and pulled it out in one go, tossing it aside. I cried out with the pain and turned to look at Yuki who'd dropped to his knees in front of me.
"Why did you do it Katsuki, why?" he demanded with a look of pain on his face.
"I couldn't let you hurt him" I replied slowly, feeling the taste of blood in my mouth.
"Dammit…why did you do it…?" Kakashi demanded slamming his fist on to the ground. I moved my hand forward to touch his cheek, as I gazed into his eyes, which were currently brimming with emotion.
"I love you, that's why…" I responded with a small smile. His eyes widened at my words and held my hand.
"Kakashi Sensei" someone cried out. It was a voice I would recognise anywhere.
"Naruto…" I whispered. He appeared in front of me and the smile grew on my face. He stood looking down at me in shock, before he closed his eyes, his face taking on a pained expression.
"I was too late…" he said quietly, in a defeated tone.
"We made it…Oh no…Katsuki" Sakura cried out, rushing forward. There were two other guys with them, who I didn't recognise.
"I need some privacy here…" she said urgently. The others turned away while she lifted my blood soaked top, to examine the wound. Placing her hands over the wound, she began healing it. I felt a warm feeling inside and closed my eyes.
"Sakura…will she be okay?" I heard Kakashi say as he held on to my hand tightly. Their voices were getting fainter with each second passing by.
"Kakashi…" I whispered before everything went dark…
What was that noise and where was I? Wait…what was that smell? Flowers…? My eyes opened slowly and I flinched at the bright light. After blinking several times, they finally adjusted and I got to look around. I was in a room, a hospital room to be more precise. What was I doing here?
Suddenly it all came rushing back, everything that'd happened. My hand rushed to touch the place where the sword had pierced my body and found nothing. Not even a scar. Had it all been some kind of dream? No…it'd definitely happened. I struggled to sit up, feeling slightly weak and looked towards the window where I saw a single daffodil in a small vase. It made me smile.
I moved forward and swung my legs to the side of the bed. Holding on to the bed I placed my feet on the floor and stood up wobbly.
I'd to find him…The need to see him with my own two eyes was too great. I took a few careful steps forward towards the window. When I reached it, I looked outside. On closer inspection I realised I was back in the Leaf Village, but where was he? Where would I find him?
It was then I heard the door open and turned around. My eyes widened when I saw who it was. Automatically my feet starting moving forward, but the movement had been too quick for my weakened state. I felt myself falling and was caught by a pair of strong arms.
"You really shouldn't be out of bed…" Kakashi said disapprovingly. My arms went around him as he held me up.
"I'm so glad you came…" I whispered as I held onto him. His arms wrapped around me and I felt a gentle kiss on my head.
"Katsuki…" he said softly. I looked up into his eye as he stared down at me. It was filled with emotion and I felt tears well up in my eyes.
"…I'm so glad you're okay" he added wiping the tears away with his finger. I smiled, before pulling his mask down. He cocked an eyebrow at the gesture, but took the hint anyway. Our lips met briefly before we heard gasps and even a shriek. We looked towards the door and saw Naruto, Sakura and Ino standing there looking beyond shocked.
"Sakura…did I really just see Kakashi Sensei kissing Katsuki?" Naruto remarked disbelievingly.
"I think so and he's not wearing his mask…We finally get to see his face" Sakura replied slowly.
"I never knew Kakashi Sensei would be this good looking…" cried Ino dreamily. Sakura nodded in agreement. Kakashi sighed and pulled his mask back on. I couldn't help, but laugh at the scene taking place.
"I really think you guys should calm down…" Kakashi told them calmly.
"I can't believe we finally saw what was behind that mask after so long…" Naruto said, with a big grin on his face. Sakura nudged him hard with her elbow…making him cry out.
"Why did you do that Sakura? That actually hurt" he moaned.
"Let's go…we should give them some privacy" she replied grabbing hold of his arm and dragging him back outside.
"Have fun…" Ino added with a wink before turning to leave.
"Sakura there's no need to drag me. I can walk…" we heard Naruto say before the door closed shut. I chuckled softly as Kakashi sighed once more, shaking his head lightly.
"Those kids…" he started, but my lips silenced him soon enough…
After another couple of days stay at the hospital I was finally discharged and allowed to go home. I never thought I would hate staying at the hospital so much. The only plus had been getting visitors every day and the flowers, of course.
However, during those days I thought a lot about what Yuki had told me about my past. There were still questions I wanted to ask Jiraiya Sensei and Lady Tsunade. They should've been truthful with me from the very beginning, although in a way, I could understand that they'd been considering my wellbeing from the very start. If word had leaked out that I'd such qualities, I would've been targeted for sure. It explained why we were always on the move before coming here. They hadn't wanted Orochimaru to find me.
According to what Kakashi had told me, it seemed Yuki had disappeared. While they were tending to my wound, he managed to give them the slip. In a way I was glad. He was one person I never wanted to see again.
As time went by I began to accept the Hidden Leaf Village as my home. I spoke to Lady Tsunade and she finally told me the entire truth. It seemed Jiraiya Sensei had been the one who'd discovered rumours about me and went investigating. After learning that I'd given Orochimaru the slip, he teamed up with several of the ANBU and came looking for me.
They noticed the huge blast from my powerful attack and appeared just after I'd passed out, taking me back to the village. After several days of lying unconscious, I finally woke up and realised I couldn't remember anything. They conducted a full examination of my body and learned that the attack had afflicted damage to part of my brain, thus leading to my memory loss. The Medical Ninja in charge couldn't for the world figure out why that'd happened. So it was decided that Jiraiya Sensei would take me under his care and watch over me.
I told Lady Tsunade everything Yuki had said about my past. She said the best thing would be to start my training and slowly work on perfecting my powers. I'd discovered a long time ago that I could use all five elements whilst training with Jiraiya Sensei, but having the ability to mould them was something I wasn't aware of.
I couldn't remember what kind of training I'd received from Orochimaru and how I was able to form an attack with all five elements combined in the first place. However, to be honest, it wasn't something I was too fond of doing any time soon. Losing my memories once had convinced me to be more careful. There was no point trying to control a power, which my body couldn't handle.
As for Kakashi…well, he surprised me by taking me to his apartment, instead of my own, after leaving the hospital. All of my belongings, which weren't much, had already been shifted to his place, thanks to Sakura and Ino.
"Are you sure about this Kakashi?" I asked, looking directly at him as we stood in his apartment. He arched an eyebrow at the question and walked towards me. Pulling me into his arms, he kissed my head lovingly, as my arms coiled around his neck.
"Of course I am. Don't tell me you have a problem with it?" he replied, as we locked gazes.
"No…" I answered with a smile.
"Good…" he said and then inclined his face forward to kiss me…
Several hours later I stood in the bathroom, staring at my reflection in the full length mirror. I was wearing a red, lace nightgown with a low neck, displaying a generous amount of cleavage. It was sleeveless and very short, showing off my long legs. Kakashi had left a short while ago, to go see the Hokage and said he would be back in an hour or so, giving me plenty of time to prepare for our first night, after moving in together.
I smirked slyly; feeling the rush of excitement hit me. I couldn't wait to see his face when he saw me wearing this.
More than an hour later I stood on the balcony, with a blanket around me. It was a beautiful night with countless stars twinkling brightly in the darkened sky. The moon was full, basking the whole village in its light and I couldn't resist a sigh of contentment. It was so peaceful and nearly perfect. The only thing lacking was a certain someone, who'd still not shown up. Always late, every time…
Suddenly as if he'd sensed my thoughts, I felt his presence behind me and smiled.
"You're late!" I scolded him, without turning around. I felt his arms snake around my waist as he caressed my cheek with his.
"Sorry…" he replied softly, before planting a gentle peck on my cheek.
"Sorry isn't good enough" I responded, glancing sideways at him.
"Hmmm, I suppose I could make it up to you…" he answered casually.
"Oh really and how exactly are you going to do that?" I replied, raising an eyebrow.
"Why don't you come inside and I'll show you" he whispered into my ear, as I resisted the urge to shiver. I felt a flutter of elation, in the pit of my stomach.
"I'll meet you inside then" I answered calmly and he disappeared. Taking a couple of deep breaths, I followed him indoors a few minutes later. The lights were off, save for the bright light, coming from the bedside lamp. He was sat on the bed and turned his head to look my way when I walked in, closing the door behind me. His mask was off, as well as his headband and we gazed silently at one another.
The air in the room felt heavy all of a sudden and I felt my breathing exhilarate. I knew he was aware of the change as well, judging by the look in his eyes. It was then when I dropped the blanket and revealed what I was wearing underneath. The look on his face was priceless! Once he'd gotten over the shock, his eyes began roaming over my body slowly. I literally felt my skin burning hot, just by his gaze sweeping over it.
Seconds later I felt him behind me, as he pressed his body close against mine.
"Do you have any idea how fucking sexy you look?" he whispered into my ear and I factually melted. I felt his arm curl around my waist while he started sucking lightly on my neck. My eyes closed, tilting my head slightly to give him better access. His other hand landed on my left breast, massaging it softly. My breathing began to intensify, as I felt waves of pleasure course up and down my spine. When his teeth made contact with my collarbone, I shuddered and felt my legs form into jelly.
He chuckled lightly and supported my weight. Narrowing my eyes slightly, I turned around and after pulling his head down, crushed my lips against his. The kiss was hot and passionate, driving the butterflies in my stomach wild. He nibbled gently on my bottom lip before running his tongue over it. My tongue shot forward, eager to connect with his and thus began the clash of the tongues. Almost automatically my arms had wrapped themselves snugly around his neck, bringing our bodies even closer.
I dimly recalled hearing someone moan and realised it was me. His arms tightened around my waist before he started kissing his way downwards. My head fell back as his lips and teeth started attacking my neck. Every time he sucked or bit into my skin, my breath hitched and a sensation of pleasure shot up my spine.
"Touch me Kakashi…I want your hands on my body" I demanded softly, with a hint of urgency in my tone. Somehow I ended up pushed against a wall as his hands began wandering all over my body, scorching the skin, wherever they made contact. I moaned when I felt both of his hands on my breasts. His thumbs started flicking across my nipples as he sucked on my neck. I could feel the bulge between his legs as he lifted me by the ass and pressed me against him. I pushed my body even closer and felt him tremble.
Somehow I found myself beside the bed as he unzipped my nightgown and let it fall to the ground. I was wearing a red strapless bra with matching underwear. His eyes wandered appreciatively and moved to touch me, but I dodged him.
"Strip…" I ordered him and he shot me an amused look, before doing as he was told. Once he was naked, except for the boxers, I let my eyes wander. I took in the muscled body and the six pack, eyeing each and every scar I could see, with keen eyes.
"Are we done staring yet?" he asked, with a chuckle. I ignored him and continued getting an eyeful. My eyes landed on the swell in his boxers and felt the excitement stirring inside me again. He appeared behind me, taking me by surprise and lifted me up into his arms.
"Sorry, I couldn't wait any longer" he said huskily and laid me on the bed before climbing on top of me. The shock of his skin making contact with mine had my pulse racing instantly. He began teasing me right away, as his hands travelled all over my body. I was aware of every kiss, every bite and every touch. No words couldn't possibly describe the pleasures I was experiencing and this was only the beginning. He removed my bra and started sucking on my breast whilst groping the other. My hand grabbed hold of his head, encouraging his actions.
By this time I was feeling hot all over, especially between my legs and could tell he was getting impatient too. The remaining garments came off and I eyed his cock, with half opened eyelids. I sat up and took it in my hand, making him gasp sharply in surprise. I risked a glance at him and saw him staring back at me with eyes filled with lust. Twisting around so he was underneath, I began stroking his manhood up and down. His eyes closed and a look of sheer contentment appeared on his face. I continued pleasuring him, earning a moan of approval. Before I knew it, I had lowered my face and started teasing his cock with my tongue. His whole body shuddered instantly.
Wanting to pleasure him further, I took it whole in my mouth and began sucking, flicking my tongue on the end occasionally. His hand grabbed hold of my hair and began moving my head for me. Hearing his moans and pants turned me on considerably and the need to feel him inside me grew. As if reading my thoughts he pulled away and moved on top of me. Positioning his cock at my entrance, he inserted it inside me slowly. It did hurt a bit, but nothing too drastic. Within seconds he was inside me whole and began moving in and out, at a controlled pace. The pain had vanished and all I could feel were intense sensations of pleasures, coursing through my body.
He leaned forward and kissed me roughly, as I held onto him. He'd quickened his pace and my hips began moving in time with him. I could barely hear our moaning and panting, through the blood rushing in my ears. The heat inside me kept growing, until it got to the point where I couldn't take it any longer. When I was on the very brink, I gripped him tightly and came, screaming his name in pure ecstasy. He was on the verge as well, increasing his speed significantly. When he came, he trembled for a good minute or so before he fell on top of me, panting heavily.
"I love you Katsuki…" he whispered, planting a kiss on my lips. I smiled, hearing those words, coming from him, for the first time.
"I love you too Kakashi…" I replied softly and cuddled up close to him…
It's true what they say about love. It really does show up at the most unexpected time with the most unexpected person…
The End
A/N: I hope you liked the ending…
I really enjoyed writing this story and it came together perfectly. I hope the love making scene was okay, after deciding on adding one at the very last minute… Overall, I am rather proud of completing yet another story. Thank you to all who read and reviewed. It really means a lot.
Please review! I would really appreciate them! Go on, you know you want to... Make sure to check out my other stories. Take care ^_^