Authors Note: Please let me know what you think, it's something small I began writing at 11pm, so forgive me if this is complete gibberish on my part.

Sometimes the words people don't say are as powerful as the ones they do.

-Ann E. Burg, All The Broken Pieces.

If you'd walk up the hallway of Witch Weekly, you'd see pearl walls, and cream carpet, with gold trimming. You'd see flowers and you'd smell the perfume of roses. If you walked to the end of the hallway and stopped at the door labelled 'Editor In Chief,' you'd be greeted with the name 'Hermione Granger' written in cursive under those three words, and if you happened to reach down and twist the knob, push the door forward, and walk through, you'd be introduced to a frustrated young witch, surrounded by mountains of parchment and quills, with ink splattered across her porcelain features.

The 20 something sat in her office, knee deep in assorted documents, all containing photographs of famous witches and wizards, and all awaited her approval for print. She ran her hand through her brunette locks, and let out a low moan, before signing off on two more articles she had read, and re-read thrice over. She looked up from her desk, and with a wave of her wand, re-organized the pile of papers, into two neat baskets. As she gave herself a satisfied grin, she looked down at the next piece of work for her to check, and her smile was wiped clean from her face, and she was left with a scowl. Staring up at her, was a photograph of a familiar red head, with his arm around a blonde bombshell, with the headline reading 'WAR HERO RON WEASLY, ANNOUNCES ENGAGMENT WITH LONG TERM GIRLFRIEND, ASTORIA GREENGRASS.'

Hermione bit back a scream, and stood from her desk, before marching across the building to the small set of cubicles.

"Malfoy!" She barked.

Not two seconds later, a pair of grey orbs met hers, and she inwardly cringed at his glare. Since the wizarding war, Hermione had gotten a degree in Journalism and began her job at Witch Weekly, quickly climbing her way to the top with her impressive writing skills. Not three months after she had become editor in chief, she was informed that none other than Draco Malfoy was to start working as the Articles Editor. She held a power over him, which she had no problem flaunting around the workplace, while fully aware of her childish acts.

"Yes, Miss Granger?" He replied, as she ignored the heavy sarcasm in his voice.

"Who approved the article on Weasley and Greengrass?" She smirked slightly, anticipating his reaction.

It was no secret that Draco Malfoy had been attracted to Astoria Greengrass during his years at Hogwarts, and the pair was to be wed once they completed their schooling. While Draco had clear intentions, Astoria changed her mind after the war, and pursued Ronald Weasley, who welcomed her with opened arms. Hermione had just begun dating Ron at the time, but if walking in on Astoria's legs wrapped around his backside wasn't enough of a hint that he didn't want to be with her, she didn't know what was. Four years later, she held no grudges, though it appeared her heart hadn't mended as much as she thought.

Draco's eyes widened and he shook his head.

"What article?" He sneered, regaining his cool complexion.

Hermione threw the now-balled-up parchment to him, and watched as he unfolded it, absorbing the title.

Draco frowned and tossed the article back to her, before straightening slightly and replying.

"I never approved such an article, I assumed that was your job, considering you are in charge around here." He smirked before turning away.

He stormed out the door and slammed it hard, Hermione knew she had been pushing her luck with him, she knew she'd only shown him the article to get him fired up, and she knew it was her fault that he was going to be in a horrid mood tomorrow.

That didn't mean she regretted pissing him off, especially when he made it so easy.