Ell A/N: So this is my first ever Harry Potter/Twilight xover… This story will be AU…. There will also be several pairings but the main pairings that there will be are Hermione/Edward, Harry/Leah, Draco/Bella, Luna/Jacob, and even Severus/Sue…. There will be more pairings other than those but you will just have to wait and see…. So hold on to your seat folks you're in for a ride!

Disclaimer: I don't own HP or Twilight!


Hermione looked around the house that she had grown up in one last time and sighed. It hurt her to even be here but she needed to see it one last time. She looked around each room in the house making sure that she had everything that she wanted to take with her. Once she was satisfied that she had she shrunk the items that she could including all of the clothes that she wanted to take with her along with some family pictures and other things that she wanted with her and placed them all in one of the two trunks that she had open. In the second trunk she placed the cauldron that she had shrunk along with potion ingredients and then all of the books she was taking with her. Once she had everything packed she closed the trunks and locked them and then shrunk them and put them in the purse that she had with her.

Once she had done that she walked out of the place that she had once called home. She wasn't surprised at all once she stepped into the backyard to see Severus, Harry, Draco, Blaise, and Luna waiting for her. "You guys didn't have to come and see me off."

Harry stepped forward and said "Yes, we did 'Mione."

Hermione sighed but gave Harry a small smiled and then hugged him before stepping back and going over to the group and hugging the others before once more stepping back and looking at them all. "Thank you all for everything."

Severus shook his head and frowned as he said "Are you sure that you want to do this?"

Hermione chuckled and nodded. "I'm sure Sev. You will never know how much it means to me that you have helped me so much but if I want the chance to heal then I need to leave for a while. Plus with me being away from here Dolohov will have a harder time finding me again."

Severus sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I don't like the fact that you are going alone Hermione. You just lost your parents and now you are going to a foreign country. What if something happened to you? I still think that you should allow one of us to come with you. What are you going to do if Dolohov finds you?"

Hermione sighed and shook her head. "Why in the world would Dolohov think to look in the States for me Sev? Even if he did who in their right mind would think I would move to a small town called Forks? I promise you that I will be careful. I will not have you all disrupting your lives because of me. I appreciate everything you have done for me Sev and I know that I don't say it but you have been like a Father to me ever since the end of the war and for that I thank you. I do love you Sev. I may not want any of you to come with me but I know that you all will visit whenever you can. I let you set the wards on my new home Sev. You know as well as I do that if my wards were to go off that you would feel it as soon as I did and you would be by my side."

Severus sighed and nodded because he knew that no matter what he said or anyone else said that Hermione would go. "Do you have everything you are going to need? Enough money?"

Hermione chuckled and said "Of course I do Sev. After all you warded my house. Narcissa insisted that I allow her to buy me a car. You called and got me enrolled in school so it wouldn't be weird that I did it myself. Draco, Harry, and Blaise all set up a bank account in my name and wouldn't take no for an answer. Luna made sure that my fireplace was hooked to the floo network. In fact I think you all did more than I did and I'm the one who is moving."

Luna chuckled lightly and said "We love you Mia and we only did what we did because of that. Besides how many time have you helped all of us out in the last year? It was time for us to do something for you.:

Hermione looked over at Luna and gave her a smile. "I know Luna but I still appreciate it. I'm going to miss you all very much but I can't stay here right now. Between my parents being killed, Dolohov gunning for me, Ron cheating on me, and Ginny blaming me for breaking up with Ron even though he was the one who was in the wrong I just need a change. I love you all very much but just because I'm in the States doesn't mean we can't see or talk to one another still. I also have the owl that Draco insisted on getting me. If I'm not mistaken Mercedes is already at my house because Narcissa took him when she went to decorate."

Severus nodded. "Everything is set at the house including Dobby. When he found out that you were going to be on your own he insisted on going with you and I think that is a good idea. You can pay him like I know you will insist on it."

Hermione just shook her head because she knew better than to argue about having Dobby with her. She knew that no matter what she said to anyone here or even to Dobby, himself that he would still stay to keep an eye on her. She stepped forward and hugged Luna, Draco, Blaise, Harry, and Severus once more and then blew them all a kiss. "I will owl you all and let you know how my first day of school goes on Monday."

Severus nodded and said "You better Hermione and if you feel that anything is wrong contact me right away day or night."

Hermione sighed but before she could say anything Draco said "You had better promise us that you will let us know the second you feel something wrong Hermione or we go with you."

Hermione sighed again and nodded. "Fine I promise to let you all know if I feel that anything is wrong. Now you lot be good and don't get into any trouble. I'm not here to keep you out of trouble."

Harry shook his head and said "Be safe 'Mione."

Blaise nodded and said "Call me if you need anything honey. I will have my cell phone on day and night."

Hermione chuckled and said "Blaise you are addicted to that thing but besides writing I promise that I will call you at least three times a week. Okay?"

Blaise smirked and nodded. "Okay Mia."

Hermione looked once more at Severus and said "I promise that I will stay safe and if I think that I am in danger at all I will contact you right away Sev. I don't want you worrying about me."

Severus shook his head and said silkily "All of us are going to worry about you Hermione. And in four weeks I want to know if you have any problems and you know what I am talking about."

Hermione grimaced but nodded. "I'll let you know the second I know Sev. Now I'm going to get going. I love you all."

"We love you." The group said together just as Hermione tapped the portkey she had and disappeared.

Severus looked at Draco, Blaise, Harry, and Luna and said "Make sure that you have your things to go in case we need to go and be with Hermione. I want to go now but I will wait for a while. I do know that Narcissa is already packed and ready to go the second we find out Hermione misses us all or the second we find out that something is wrong."

The group nodded and then all disapparated to their own places to get things ready. They had no doubt that they would be joining Hermione in Forks, Washington before the month was out.


Once her feet were back on solid ground Hermione let out a sigh of relief and then took her two trunks out of her pocket and enlarged them back to their regular size. With a flick of her hand she had her clothes flying to her bedroom and to where she wanted them placed. She had also sent a couple pictures to her room and the rest of the pictures she brought were arranging themselve in the living room along with some of the knicknacks she brought from her old home. Once she was done she smiled and then turned her head to the side to look when she heard a 'pop'. "Hello, Dobby."

Dobby grinned and said "Hello Missy Herms. Can Dobby help Missy Herms with anything? Dobby is glad to be helping Harry Potter's best friend Missy Herms."

Hermione chuckled and said "If you could Dobby I would appreciate some tea when I get back. For now I think I'm going to take a walk and familiarize myself with the area."

Dobby nodded and then disappeared with a pop causing Hermione to shake her head and smile as she made her way to the front door. Right before she opened the door she checked to make sure that her wand was hidden but still easy to access if she needed to and once satisfied that it was she headed out into her new city.

Her eyes took in her surrounding as soon as she was out in the open and she couldn't help but smile slightly. She knew as she walked down the path to the street that she had made the right decision. She passed many people as she walked through town and she saw them all look at her curiously but they didn't stop and ask her any questions which she was grateful for. As she walked by the gas station she looked over and saw five people who were all staring at her. She stopped and looked at them as her brows furrowed as she took in their appearance.

Her eyes widened slightly as she finally recognized what they were and as she turned back the way she came and started walking back home fast she swore. "Oh shit vampires."

A/N 2: *smirks* I know that I'm evil but I just had to end it it there... LMAO... Click the button and let me know what you think!