AN: Happy Sunday to all! So today instead of doing my homework, I have decided to just devote most of the day to writing my fanfic! Whilst I watch iCarly and Victorious for inspiration :D. So here is the next chapter to follow many!

"I am in serious chizz, man, serious chizz!" Tori cried, barging into André's apartment.

"Hey, Tori, what took you so—"

"We kissed! Beck and I kissed!" she shouted, cutting him off.

"What?" André asked, amazed and confused.

Tori flopped onto André's couch groaned.

"Tori's here!" Cat giggled as she came into the living room holding two cans of Wahoo punch.

André rolled his eyes and sat beside Tori. "What happened, Tori?"

Tori sat up, looking distressed. "Beck called me and asked if I could come over, and we started talking and—"

"Wait, you went to Beck's? You were supposed to—"

"So not the point right now, André!" Tori shouted. "Anyway, we started talking and…kissing happened." She explained, burying her face in a pillow.

"You kissed Beck?" Cat asked, sounding concerned.

Tori moaned, her voice muffled from underneath the pillow.

"Wait a second, you were the one who was trying to get Beck and Jade back together at lunch today." Said André.

"I know!" Tori groaned again, sitting back up. "But then he started saying stuff, and…"

"Tori, we always thought it was obvious you and Beck liked each other." Cat said knowingly, lying upside down on the couch, drinking punch.

"What?" Tori sputtered. Everybody thought that they liked each other? And nobody told her?

"Hey, Cat, how are you drinking that upside down?" A curious André asked.

"What do you mean? It's easy." She replied distantly

"No, if you're upside down, it'd all spill ov—"

"Guys!" Tori reminded them. "You all thought Beck and I liked each other?"


"It was kind of obvious," Cat added.

"And it didn't occur to anyone to tell me this?" Tori cried, getting annoyed.

"Well, we figured you already knew, Tori." André reasoned.

"Yeah, well clearly I didn't!" Tori pouted. "And now I'm the other girl! How could I do this to Jade? I really thought we were finally becoming friends." Tori leaned back on the couch, burying her face in her hands.

André sat up. "Tori, Beck and Jade aren't together anymore."

"Yeah, you didn't do anything wrong." Cat explained, uncharacteristically reasonable.

"Yeah, but Jade is still crazy about him, it's basically the same thing." Tori sighed, feeling remorseful.

"Jade hates you," Cat stated, twisting her Wahoo punch cap.

"Thanks, Cat." Tori said flatly. "But I want to try and be friends with her, and that's not gonna happen if I'm macking on her ex-boyfriend! And I'm gonna hate being at Hollywood Arts if Jade is trying to kill me every single day."

"Well, do you wanna be friends with Jade or do you wanna date Beck?" André asked.

"Do I have a choice?" Tori huffed. "Unless I want to have an extremely terrible time at Hollywood Arts, I've got to get over Beck, and help him and Jade get back together."

"Uh, Tori? Beck likes you too. He's not gonna get back together with Jade." André reminded her.

She knew he was right. That's what Beck had been trying to tell Tori the entire time. He really seemed like he didn't want to get back together with her.

"Then how can we change Beck's mind?" She asked, her heart dropping a little at the thought of never being able to kiss him like that again.

"Well before you came over, Cat and I got an idea."

"I helped!" Cat squealed, braiding a strand of her bright red hair.

"Anyway, we thought if you and Cat performed a love song I wrote for Beck and Jade, then Beck would want to get back together with her." He explained.

"I drew a cat on my hand!" Cat beamed. "It's a cat on Cat! Haha!"

Tori sighed. Well, goodbye, Beck. "Yeah, that sounds like it could work. Do you have a song in mind?"

Tori Vega:

Now commencing plan: "Love Doctor". I've never been so unenthusiastic about performing a number before.

Mood: meh . :l

"Alright, are you guys ready?" André asked Cat and Tori, practicing the opening of his new song on the piano.

"Yeah, just about," Tori sighed, applying some lip gloss. As painful as it was to help Jade and Beck get back together, she knew it was the only alternative besides being in eternal misery via Jade's wrath.

"I feel pretty!" Cat twirled around in her dress and hopped onto the stage they set up in the hallway.

"Alright, Beck texted me, he's on his way," André warned.

"Okay, how about Jade?" Tori asked.

"She texted me! She said she's coming, and she's got a big surprise for Beck." Cat answered, confused about the last part.

"Alright, let's just get this over with." Tori took her place on the stage.

"Woah…" André murmured looking down the hall.

"Is that…Jade?" Tori asked incredulously as Jade came down the hallway.

"Jade?" Beck entered the hallway through the other direction, marveling at the girl who was walking towards him.

Jade had her hair curled in several segments all around her head and had taken the streaks out of it. She had silver strappy heels on and was wearing a hot pink mini-skirt paired with a lacy white flowing top. Silver bangles hung from her wrists and she was wearing a long necklace. Her makeup was bright and colorful and was only wearing about half the eyeliner she normally had on.

"Haha! She looks like Tori!" Cat giggled, pointing at Jade.

"Yeah, she does," Beck said more to Jade than to Cat, annoyed and confused. "Jade, what's going on?"

"Oh, hi, Beck," Jade replied unnaturally sweet. "How are you today?" she smiled and cocked her head to side.

André hopped down from the stage. "Yo Jade, why do you look all girly?"

"I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about, André." Jade said a little angrily, but still smiling unnaturally. "So Beck," she continued, strolling up to him, "what do you think?" She put a hand on her hip and tried to look flirty.

Just what exactly was Jade trying to do? Cat was right, she looked exactly like Tori. Why would she want to look like Tori? She hates Tori. Unless…

"Jade, did you dress up like this so…so that I would like you?" he asked.

"What do you mean, Beckette?" she asked seductively, putting an arm on his shoulder. Beck stared at her incredulously. 'Beckette'? Tori was the only person that called him that, she was the only person besides Jade that knew it was his full name.

"Don't call me that," Beck said, getting more annoyed. Why did she think that trying this hard would make him want to date her? He pushed her arm off him and stepped away from her.

"Oh, come on—" Jade laughed and stepped towards Beck.

"No, stop!" he interrupted. "Quit being so…desperate. It's not hot."

"But, Beck…" she lifted her eyebrows and put her hands on his chest imploringly.

This was getting ridiculous. He pushed her hands off of him again, this time more forcefully. "Jade—"

"You don't need dress like Tori to get Beck to like you." André interrupted. "You shouldn't change just for someone else. And besides, you're already amazing." He smiled and rubbed his neck a self-consciously.

Jade knotted her eyebrows together. "André, what are you—"

"Look, we've got enough Toris at this school. There's only one Jade West. We might say it that often, but we—I love how unique you are. Nobody speaks their mind like you do. You're one of kind." He smiled nervously. He looked back at Beck. "But, uh…let's see what Beck thinks." He said quietly, looking away nervously.

"I think André summed that up pretty nicely." Beck smiled, looking gratefully at André.

"André…" Jade looked curiously at him. "What are you saying?"

"You're incredible, Jade," he smiled, putting his hand on her arm. "exactly how you are."

Jade blushed a little from underneath her makeup and looked away, smiling. "Thanks." She said flatly, but a little nicer than normal.

André had a crush on Jade? He had no idea. Come to think of it, he'd never seen Jade smile like that before. This may have worked out for the best. He just hoped that this could leave Jade un-heartbroken and he could… Beck looked over at Tori, who was smiling at Jade and André.

"Awww, you guys! This is so cute!" She put her hands on her heart and cocked her head to the side adorably. A huge smile spread across Beck's face. He walked over to Tori. What was he going to say to her? 'Now that Jade's out of the way, let's make out'? Was it too soon to be making a move? He was only a foot away from her now. Looks like it was now or never. Just as he reached his arm out to tap Tori, he was interrupted by the class bell. He tried to pass his outstretched arm off as an attempt to run his hands through his hair.

Tori turned around bright-eyed and jumped a little to find a nervous Beck standing less than a foot behind her. "Beck! Hi." She smiled her usual perfect 100watt smile.

"Hey," he replied, trying to sound as casual as possible. "Can I walk you to class?" He asked in a joking gentlemanly way.

Tori laughed easily and ran her fingers through her hair. She was so easily perfect it was a little impossible for Beck to believe. "Our classes are on opposite sides of the school," she laughed.

"Yeah, but your class is on the west side of the school. You're gonna need a manly man to escort you through the bad part of the school." Beck teasingly explained.

"Alright, I'll just ask Sinjin to escort me." She said seriously. Beck nervously wondered whether or not she was joking. He lifted one eyebrow at her.

She burst out into laughter. "Kidding! You may have my arm to escort." She granted politely.

Beck laughed and took her arm, a huge stupid smile spreading across his face again.

Tori Vega:

Just saw the CUTEST thing in the hallway! Having a great day myself… ;)

Mood: Victorious ;)

AN: Awww! I LOVE this couple :D. Also the ;) at the end was gonna to be a heart, but my symbol won't show up :(. Anyway, yeah…I kind of ended up finishing the whole story…I couldn't help myself, I got carried away! HOWEVER, I have a proposition for you guys. What would you guys think if I were to continue the series, but with Beck and Tori as a couple (possibly Jade and André…tell me what you guys think of them as a couple!). What do you think? Would it be too repetitive to go through the same plot of the episodes? PLEASE give me your input, I'd love to go further with the characters like this! P.S: I may explore a Cat/Robbie relationship… ;)