Title: The Boy Under The Bleachers

Author: FlamboyantlyBiBoy

Feedback: Yes please

Summary: When Zack comes back from Iraq, an old friend is there to meet him after three years without seeing each other. Then a case comes along that hits both of them harder then either ever imagined.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter/Bones or the characters

Spoilers: Beginning of Bones season 3.

Pairing: Harry/Zack, Fred/George, Angela/Hodgins

Warnings: Slash, kinky sex later on

Beta'd: Not beta'd

Author's Note: A idea I came up with about Harry and Zack going to college together turned into this. There will be a sequel.


It started when they saw each other again. The thoughts of skin-on-skin, and of a desperate searching of lips for hard kisses. Bodies trembling together in mutual climax. Dancing to sickeningly romantic music at traditions that neither of them believed in.

"Actually, I'd like to get into whatever you were talking about…before Dr. Brennen's mental problem."

There was a soft zing of a security card, "I've found something for you to see, Dr. Brennen." They looked at a monitor the raven haired boy was pointing at, "The bone shows signs of being completely cooked prior to being eaten."

"That's good, comparatively." Hodgins spoke up.

"I'm also looking for any distinctive marks on the bone that might help us to identify who ate it."

"Nice work, Mr. Weasley." Dr. Saroyan praised.

"Zack, I want you to help him look for those patterns." Dr. Brennen patted his shoulder, before heading toward her office.

Slowly, the others drifted back to their stations. However, Zack stayed, watching the raven's back as he studied to monitor. His heart rate was random, and thoughts of late night snuggles plagued his mind. Zack started off their conversation awkwardly, "Hi."


"Can you fill me in on the case?"

"Skull thrown off an overpass shows signs of cannibalism. The only leads we have are the employees at an old bank where we found a vault filled with museum quality pieces. Including a silver skeleton that has the little finger of our victim along with several bones from other victims. All show signs of cannibalism" Mr. Weasley's voice was soft, but powerful to Zack's ears.

"Harry, if you look closely here, here, and here," Zack pointed to the spots in question, "There appears to be evidence of some sort of inset that left marks."

Harry nodded, "Best tell Dr. Brennen and Agent Booth. That will defiantly narrow down the search."

"I'll see if Hodgins can find any particulates to test." Zack quickly turned to go.

"Zack!" Harry called him back, "I'm really glad that you didn't get killed Iraq."

Not looking at him, Zack nodded, and rushed for the emotional safety of Hodgins' desk. After three months of war, Zack had grown numb to fear, and pain, but this pain was different. Nobody had hit him, cut him, or beat him. It was all mental pain. Hearing Harry's husky voice, watching how his muscles twitched, gazing at his lush lips. He was longing to be held by Harry again…

"Zack, are you going to say something or just stand there?" Hodgins interrupted his agonizing thoughts.

"We've found evidence that the skull was gnawed on by someone with an inset. I was wondering if you could look for anything that might tell us what kind." Zack's words were rushed.

"Slow down, I can look."

As they walked back to the remains, Zack started asking questions, "How long has Mr. Weasley been here? Does Dr. Brennen like him? Do you think he'll be allowed to stay? Has he said anything about-"

"Zack! If you're going to do that, let me answer." Hodgins glanced at his friend, "Harry's been here since you left, but this is his first case. He's been doing odd jobs here and there. Yes, we all like him. I don't know if he'll stay. He doesn't say much of anything about his life outside of work, but we know he has a huge family. Is that all your questions?"

"For the moment."

Hodgins didn't find anything on the marks, but Dr. Brennen was quick to figure out the fact that it could only be a diamond. It was nearly ten that night when Harry and Zack were alone together again. This time it was Harry's turn to begin.

He walked slowly up the stairs in their abandoned lab. Of course, he knew Zack wouldn't be sleeping due to time differences.

"Zack," Harry started weakly.

"There's no way…" Zack murmured.


"I'm working."

"It's after hours. I know you care about the case, but five minutes won't make that big of a difference." Harry sat in the chair next to Zack. His buzz cut was strange to look at after Harry being used to the fluffy hair, his face was clear of acne, and his baby blue eyes shone brightly.

Zack looked over, "I got the impression you didn't want to talk to me."

"I just didn't know who might be snooping earlier, but now it's just us." Harry answered as if it was not big deal.

Zack turned back to the monitor. It was painful for him to look at Harry. This wasn't the Harry James Weasley who would help him study, or shower with him. It wasn't just due to the missing snakebites, eyebrow piercing, nose ring, or ear ring. Nor was it due to the solid black hair, lost chains, makeup over only his scars as apposed to all of the stuff he used to wear, or professional clothes. He just wasn't the Harry that Zack had known. The Harry that Zack had loved.

"I'm sorry, okay? I just thought we should talk about it before risking the others finding out."

Zack turned back to face him, "I don't want to cost you this position. You need it to receive your PhD, while I don't anymore. I can find somewhere else to work."

Harry gawked at him, "That's not what I wanted to talk about. I'm officially Booth's intern, so I'm not going anywhere."

"Why are you Booth's intern?"

"I'm working toward my doctorate in Criminology. That's the only thing I need before I get it. Booth found out that I needed a Forensic Anthropology internship before I can take the final steps to receive that doctorate. Since Dr. Brennen was looking for an assistant, he convinced her to give me a chance." Harry shook his head when Zack went to ask more questions, "You know what I want to talk about. It's not going to murder you."

"Actually, I'm not sure why you're here."

Harry sighed, "It's only a matter of time before somebody figures out that we know each other. What do we say?"

"We were roommates in college," Zack shrugged, "I don't mind them knowing that we were sexually involved, but I can infer by the question that you do."

"I just don't think they need to know. We aren't anymore, and it's not going to effect our work."

Zack nodded in understanding.

"I know you're still on Iraq time, but I'm on American time which means that I'm going to bed." Harry started to leave, but stopped at the door, "Let me buy you coffee sometime soon; we can catch up."

With that, Zack was left alone again. He lived alone, ate alone, climaxed alone. He had never realized how much Zack longed for the touch of a man. A man like Harry used to be; dark, but loving life. His callused hands running softly over Zack's skin. The light pink lips, pale skin, and eyeliner had always done things to Zack. Beautiful, sexual things…

The next morning, Zack arrived at work early. Early, yet Harry was the only one not yet there. It was exactly what he hoped for.

He set his bag down, and turned to face them, "You should give Harry the internship. He's worked acutely hard to get here, and deserves it. Dr. Brennen, you're his role model. This, being here, it a huge honor to him. If you knew why he wants this-" Zack hadn't planned to say that last part out loud. He was cursing himself inside.

"Zack, how do you know this information about him?" Dr. Brennen wasn't gawking like the others were, but simply had a quizzical look.

"We shared a room all through college," He murmured.

"Wow." Booth was looking at Zack with new admiration, "I would have thought you'd have a single room."

"That's not my point."

Harry entered the room then, and sat down in the empty chair between Booth and Angela. Zack's eyes traced down his jaw line. All of the others were looking at him as well.

The coal haired boy shifted awkwardly under their gazes, "Did I do something wrong?"

Hodgins was the first to answer, "Zack was just trying to convince us that you should have an internship here."

Harry looked up at Zack, smiling at him, something, Zack couldn't identify, was hiding in his eyes. The brunette blushed lightly, and wouldn't meet anybody's gaze.

Dr. Brennen leaned forward, "Why did you go into this as a career?"

Harry sighed softly, stealing himself up for the big reveal, "My parents were murdered before I turned one. The man who did it was never found. I like to think that I can help people, even if they and their families have been dead for centuries. Nobody should feel alone, and unwanted. Everybody deserves answers."

Angela seemed to be somewhere between crying, and smiling. Even Dr. Brennen had been moved by what Harry had said. Zack was the only one without a reaction since Harry had told him the true story years ago.

"I think it would be a shame to lose somebody with your talent," Dr. Saroyan beamed, "Plus, it'll be nice to have somebody besides Booth who understands modern culture."