A/N: Hey guys! My last new story, I said that I would try not to put up anything else new unless it was a one-shot or a collaboration. This is a collab that I am doing with the amazing potterheadedgleek22. If you haven't read her story "Baby It's Cold Outside" you should. It's very dramatic and angsty but well written and very good in my opinion.

So this story is a collab between us. First chapter has been written by me of course. Next one will be written by her and so on. :) We hope you enjoy this fic, which takes two popular ideas and kind of puts them both together in one story. Happy reading! And do let us know what you think!

Disclaimer: We don't own Glee or Kurt or Blaine or anyone else. Though it would be awesome to know Chris and Darren and...well, just about all of them but those two the most.

Kurt Hummel was stubborn. That was the long and short of it. Everyone knew it. But the question was how stubborn was he?

"Boo, are you all right?" It was his best friend Mercedes Jones, coming up to his locker one morning. Kurt eyed her warily. He was feeling slightly off. He hadn't gotten much sleep the previous night and his throat for some reason had been burning all morning. It didn't help when he had poured two eight-ounce glasses of cool water right down it. Carole, his stepmother, had noticed his discomfort and insisted that he take a package of lozenges to school with him, not allowing him to head out the door until she had watched him put one in his mouth right away. It hadn't helped. His throat felt as though it were getting worse.

Kurt shut his locker and managed to tug his lips into a small smile. "Fine Mercedes. I just didn't sleep well." He had to fight to keep a straight face and not cringe at the burn that talking put on his throat.

Mercedes, being his best friend knew him better than that. She looked unconvinced but didn't dwell on it. If Kurt wanted to open up, he knew that he could and he would do it in his own time. That was if one Blaine Anderson didn't get to him first.

As if on cue, said boy rounded a corner and met Kurt and Mercedes with a bright smile. Kurt's lips tugged again as he smiled back and threw himself into Blaine's arms in a hug. The two boys hugged tightly and Mercedes was aware that it was all they could do not to further their affection in a public display by connecting to one another at the mouth like she knew they both wanted to.

Kurt and Blaine had been dating for quite some months now. They'd gotten together during the time in the previous school year when Kurt had been attending Dalton Academy, a private all boys school that had a zero tolerance no-bullying policy. Kurt had transferred there just before Sectionals that year because he no longer felt safe at McKinley. And who could blame him? Nobody would have felt safe with a bully who had threatened to kill them. As close as Kurt's McKinley friends were, none of them ever knew why Karofsky had threatened Kurt with death. The only person who knew that was Blaine.

That aside, the two boys broke apart and started walking down the hall with Mercedes beside them. Unknowingly, Kurt raised a hand to his face and started scratching violently at his cheek.

"Kurt?" Blaine asked, looking over at his boyfriend with concern. Kurt dropped his hand and turned his head quickly to look at Blaine. "Why are you scratching your cheek?" Kurt frowned.

"I don't know. It just itches for some reason." He raised his hand again and went right back at it, tearing at the skin with his nails. Blaine reached up and caught him by the wrist, gently pulling his hand away.

"Don't love, you're going to rip that flawless skin of yours. Did you get any new moisturizers or creams?" he asked. Kurt just looked at him for a moment. "You know, something you might have an allergy to?" Kurt shook his head.

"No. You know that Blaine. The last time I replenished my supply was when we went to the mall a month ago. If I'd developed an allergy, it would have shown itself by now," he said. Blaine looked mildly concerned. Or at least he hoped it was mild. He hadn't realized that he had let go of Kurt's hand and it had flown right back up to his cheek. Before he could catch him though, they reached Kurt's first period class and the pale boy gave them both a small smile and a wave as he disappeared into the room.

Mercedes turned to Blaine and shook her head. "Okay white boy. I know you know it too, but something's wrong with Kurt and he isn't saying what. And maybe it's my imagination, but he looks somewhat paler than normal."

Blaine nodded his head slowly. "Not to mention the consistent scratching and did he look a little flushed to you?' he asked. Mercedes sighed and ran a hand over her face.

"Something's going on with Kurt white boy. I don't like it."

Blaine bit his lip. "Neither do I Mercedes. Neither do I."

The sound of the bell sometime later that day had Kurt jumping awake. He stared horrified as he found that he had fallen asleep in class. Even worse, he'd drooled on his notebook. What the hell? Kurt was not known for drooling in his sleep. God, what was wrong with him? If that didn't seem to be bad enough, he found that he felt worst than he had that morning. The burning itch in his cheek had jumped across his face to the other and doubled. His temperature felt like it was climbing, his throat burned something awful and he felt the moment that he stood up, as though he were just going to collapse to the floor at any moment. But he refused to let it show.

It was lunchtime. Kurt trudged along the hallway, feeling weaker by the minute. His vision swam in a weird way making the end of the hall look even further and further away the closer he got to it. Finally, he gave up and slumped down on the floor, dropping his face in his hand.

Maybe he should go home. No, he couldn't do that. If he went home, everyone would know that there was something wrong with him and than all his friends would baby him and he didn't want that. Well, he didn't mind so much if Blaine wanted to baby him but that wasn't the point. He didn't want anyone else taking pity on him.

For a moment, he stared down at the nails on his right hand, seeing the invisible cells of skin ripped from his cheek embedded there. His cheeks burned with the desire to scratch. He forced his hand down, wrapping his fingers tightly around the strap of messenger bag instead. Trying to put the increasing itch, sudden flushing heat, and just overwhelming ill feeling out of his mind, he pushed himself to a standing position, rising slowly so as not to send his head spinning.

Hesitantly, Kurt took a step forward. He held his breath and shut his eyes, trying to recollect himself. He felt terrible. He felt like he was going to vomit. He felt dizzy. He felt overheated. He felt like his whole body was on fire. And yet, he tried to ignore it. He tried to ignore the queasy feeling in his stomach or the light-headedness in his head, or the burning itch on his face, which seemed to slowly jump everywhere, or the fact that his temperature seemed to be climbing.

He took another step.

And that was when he felt someone grab his hand and start pulling him along the hallway. "Come on Kurt! You'll be late for the lunchtime meeting of glee club." Rachel. Rachel Berry was the most annoying human being on the planet. And yet, Kurt somehow found himself her good friend. But she always put herself before others and probably – unlike Mercedes and Blaine – hadn't realized that he wasn't up to par right than.

He didn't have time to protest. Rachel ran him through the halls, skidding to a stop in front of the choir room. And that did it. The moment she stopped, Kurt couldn't hold it in anymore and the next thing he knew the contents of his stomach were being emptied onto the floor in the doorway of the choir room.

Everyone stared.

Kurt slid to the floor and Rachel looked positively horrified. The petite brunette took several steps back and placed her hands on her hips, glaring down at Kurt who had one hand resting over his stomach and his eyes shut as his head rested against the wall.

"A little warning would be nice next time Kurt! You nearly vomited all over my new shoes!" That was typical Rachel; always thinking of herself without really thinking. Kurt opened one eye and looked up at her.

"Ah hell to the no!" It was Mercedes. The pale boy turned his head slowly to see his best friend, accompanied by Blaine and Kurt's step-brother, whose name was Finn, making their way over. Rachel held her arms out for Finn but was seemingly shocked when he joined Mercedes and Blaine in rushing to comfort Kurt.

"Finn!" the brunette shouted, stamping her foot. The tall teen turned an eye on her, a frown written across his face. He shook his head flatly and returned to Kurt. Rachel scoffed and stomped into the choir room, taking a seat far away from the lot of them. How dare they comfort Kurt over her! She was the one who had almost been vomited on! Not to mention, Finn was her boyfriend!

Mercedes, Blaine, and Finn managed to pull Kurt to his feet.

"Babe, I'm taking you to the nurse," Blaine said. That seemed to snap Kurt out of his reverie and he shook his head sharply. "Come on Kurt. You're obviously not well."

Mercedes frowned. "He's right Kurt. You need medical attention." Kurt shook his head again.

"No, I'll be fine. I just need to rest," he said. Finn pulled his keys out of his pocket. It was still merely lunchtime but he was disregarding that. "What are you doing Finn?" Kurt asked.

"Taking you home. Forget the nurse dude. Forget school. You need bed." Kurt cringed.

"Don't call me that Finn," he said shortly. Finn gave him an apologetic look. He grabbed Kurt's arm but Kurt pulled out of his grasp with surprising strength, despite how weak he was feeling. "No. Are you crazy Finn? We can't leave school now! There's a blizzard raging war outside. We'll be lucky if we can see when we leave later!"

The other three froze. Kurt was right. It was nearing Christmas and it was a Friday, the last day before Christmas vacation. Not the best time for Kurt to be feeling like hell. The problem was there was a massive blizzard raging outside. It had been going on since sometime the night before. The snow was piling up and it was beginning to reach the point where everyone would be advised to stay indoors. This was ugly.

Despite the feeling of wanting to get Kurt home, Finn sulked in defeat and he, Mercedes, and Blaine helped Kurt into the room instead. He dropped into a chair beside his boyfriend and rested his head on Blaine's shoulder. Blaine wrapped an arm around him comfortingly. He hated seeing Kurt feel like this. It was just plain awful. And what was worse, no one knew what was wrong with him.

The rest of the day seemed to pass by in a blur. Kurt could barely keep his mind on what was going on. As the day progressed he felt weaker. The itching feeling seemed to be occupying his entire face by the time he reached the end of the day. He trudged slowly along the hallway to afternoon glee. He really just wanted to go home but there was no way he was going to be able to drive in his condition, much less with the blizzard still brewing outside.

He stumbled into the room and Blaine jumped up to help him. God bless his boyfriend. Kurt managed a weak smile as the shorter boy slipped an arm around his waist and pulled him close, allowing Kurt to lean on him as he led him to a couple of chairs in the back row of the risers. They sat down and Blaine allowed Kurt to lay his head on his lap, absentmindedly running a hand through his soft hair. Even if Kurt weren't sick, he wouldn't have slapped Blaine's hand away. The boy was the only one who could get away with touching his hair other than Kurt himself.

Kurt's eyelashes fluttered and within moments, he'd drifted off to sleep, ears and eyes tuning out everything around him.

It wasn't until sometime later when he heard voices that Kurt finally opened his eyes. Rachel was standing in the front of the choir room, shaking her head, arms folded over her chest.

"I don't get it. If Mr. Schue was going to cancel the meeting this afternoon to give everyone a better chance at getting home, why didn't he just tell us at lunch?" the tiny brunette was saying.

"What time is it?" Kurt mumbled, drawing everyone's attention to the fact that he was now awake. They all looked at him. Blaine was still stroking his head. Kurt felt no better now than he had earlier. He felt worse.

"Quarter after five," Blaine said quietly. Kurt shot up and immediately wished he hadn't. The room spun and he clutched his head, collapsing sideways into Blaine. Normally, the meeting would have ended fifteen minutes ago. What the hell were they all still doing here? From what Rachel was saying, Mr. Schue hadn't even shown up. So why didn't any of them leave.

Kurt wrinkled his face up, closing his eyes and drawing a deep breath, willing the room to stop spinning. "Why are we still here than?" he asked, voice extremely quiet but not without that bitch bite that came when he was irritated.

"Porcelain's right," Santana said. She stood up and grabbed her things, starting to make her way out of the room. "I don't know about you man hands, but we should have blown this shindig ages ago. I'm going home." The Latina turned on her heels and started out of the room.

No one moved oddly enough for a moment. And than Finn seemed resigned. "Come on, she's right." He looked at Blaine who nodded and started trying to coax Kurt to sit up. The boy groaned and clung to the shorter boy. Blaine bit his lip. Finn seemed to get the point. "Kurt, Blaine's not big enough to carry you." Kurt did not like the idea of being carried. He glared daggers at Finn but stayed where he was nonetheless, cuddling into his boyfriend even further. He didn't even try to get up.

Another sign that something was wrong with Kurt. He was never so clingy before, no matter how much in love with Blaine he was. Kurt just was not a clinger. This was completely unusual behavior for him.

It took some minutes but he finally managed to start struggling up to his feet. The moment Blaine helped him stand the entire ground began to quake beneath them and both boys toppled over. Rachel, fell back against the piano and collapsed to the floor, one hand flying to her back and an eye glaring at Finn who was looking just as clueless as ever.

Just than, Santana stumbled back into the room and clutched her hands to the doorway. Her eyes were wide, an expression none of them had ever seen on the girl's face before. Something was wrong, something that had to do with this sudden earthquake.

The ground continued to shake for what felt like a good five minutes and in that time, everyone had been sent spilling to the floor. Blaine wrapped his arms tightly around Kurt and pulled him close to his body, trying to protect him. Kurt could feel the nauseated feeling in his stomach threatening to throw his insides out again. He sucked in a breath and held it, willing himself to keep it down and not make another embarrassing mess on the floor.

When it was all over, no one dared to move. No one had any idea what the hell had just happened. No one wanted to know what had just happened. It was Puck that seemed to gather himself first. The Mohawk boy cautiously pulled himself to his feet and looked around at his friends.

"Everyone all right?" he asked. Several people nodded slowly. Blaine was still wrapped around Kurt, who was still holding his breath and willing that nauseated feeling to subside. He was forcing himself to breathe through his nose, which was getting harder by the minute and Gaga forbid his face was probably starting to turn blue. Blaine seemed to notice.

"Breathe honey," he said in a concerned voice. Kurt slowly shook his head and pointed to his stomach. Blaine cautiously placed a hand over it and rubbed it gently. Kurt was surprised to find this action seemed to soothe the nausea and he finally released his breath and gulped in air. Blaine smiled and placed a gentle kiss on Kurt's cheek. The touch of lips to itchy skin felt like fire but Kurt forced himself not to react. He didn't want Blaine to think that he was hurting him. The desire to scratch his face was unbearable and he forced his hands to fist themselves in Blaine's shirt, trying to give them an action that would prevent him from scratching. It didn't help that that burning itch was starting to creep down his neck now too.

Puck was speaking again. "I'm going to go check things out. You guys stay here." He left the room but he had barely been gone a minute when he came running back in.

"We're barricaded, aren't we?" Santana asked suddenly and Puck stared at her in surprise, giving her a look as if to ask how she knew before he had even said anything. She sighed and looked around at them all. "I saw the snow. It was rushing at the doors already, starting to tumble. I hadn't even known how high the blizzard had been piling the flurries. I think we just experienced some sort of avalanche."

Everyone stared at her for several long moments.

"Avalanche?" Mercedes asked. "No way Satan. Avalanches wouldn't have happened here." Santana gave her a look and opened her mouth to retort but Puck got to it first.

"Maybe not, black girl, but the doors to the school are shut and unless my Jewish eyes deceived me, there was a wall of snow packed tightly against them." Everyone stared at him with wide eyes. No one could figure out how any of this was possible. Puck went on after a beat. "And I think we're the only ones left in the school. That means we're stuck here either until something digs us out or that snow melts and someone unlocks the doors."

Everyone seemed to grasp what this meant. No one would return to the school for a whole two weeks. It was winter break now. They were stuck here. Oh good God, what the hell had they gotten into?

Well, so much for the perfect Christmas. The worst thing, Kurt was sick and getting sicker by the minute and no one knew what to do about that. All they could do now, was begin the long wait.

A/N: And so it begins! Next chapter will be coming at you from PG22. In the mean time, your thoughts are always welcome! Reviews make us smile! Shouldn't have to guess what's wrong with Kurt. The title gives it away, haha! Happy reading! See you soon.