Disclaimer: I do Not own Portal!

I was slowly drifting through mindless matter. Black was all around me and I felt myself slowly slipping away from everything. A mesmerizing voice filled my head, but I couldn't understand a word it was saying. Plus I didn't care, it didn't matter.

I was falling. Through empty space. Ever and eternal. My eyes were still shut. If I had them, that is. I don't know where I am. Who I am. But I know this worked before. Just slowly losing myself, to the enjoyment of whatever held me captive. That is if I was anywhere.

My thoughts slowed down like a giant clock, taking its last breath before it wound down. Leaving its future in the hands of destiny. My lasts thoughts were how peaceful everything was, before I disappeared from the waking world, not even realizing I was leaving.

It's been a long time.

The voice. What voice was that? These thoughts barely made it through my head before my eyes opened quickly, like a mouse trap, some would say. My ears only understood those words, nothing else mattered.

It's been a long time.

I couldn't hear anything else, just that voice. The voice. I remembered it somewhere, from something, I just... Don't remember...

I pulled myself further out of the blackness, lifting my head slightly. Then, I realized I had eyes and they were sending me pictures. My dream replayed in my memory.

There was something that I was reading. My thumb was scrolling upward on a small device... That I can't really identify. The device wasn't the focus, it was the words. It was a story, my story, I never saw it before, or heard it before. As I read I didn't recognize the words, I just was reading them. No I wasn't reading them, something was reading them to me.

A voice in the back of my head whispered the words as my eyes scanned them, never processing this data it received. I have seen something like this before, last time it happened. It seemed like I was getting something from the future, something that even though I have never seen before, seemed familiar.

Then I realized that my eyes were sending me different images, more clearer images. My head tilted slightly up and my eyes focused on a far away but large object. I didn't even wonder what it was as I stared at it blankly.

Music was coming from it. And voices. But most of all a little episode was coming from it. A silhouette covered the screen, with one blinking light in the middle. My slow mind recongnized it but never told me what it was. The object was moving, reshaping itself. Another image popped onto it, this one of a chamber with beat up walls. Levels of flat surfaces and panels came to the screen. Intrancing music streamed from it, as well as that voice that my ears never deciphered.

Another picture appeared on the screen. I knew what it was, as my past self I knew nothing about slapped a name into it. "Wheatley!" I said quietly, not even noticing if there was anyone else in the room with me. No more information came to me from this object with the name of Wheatley. The image of the sphere disappeared from the screen, but still lasted in my mind. I wavered on it a moment, repeating the image in my head.

I lazily moved on, focusing back on the monitor. Not really focusing on it, actually, just staring at it, my brain dead and not telling me anything. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a small green directors chair, empty. Somehow my brain told me this was off and something was supposed to be there. My half-lidded eyes moved back to he dark screen as several different pictures flashed across it.

I wasn't thinking anything, no curiosity of the world, no thought of how my life went and who I was. I barely even registered the screen as I stared blankly at it, not thinking anything, just being silent. This silence was unusual, but I didn't notice.

Instinct suddenly gripped me and took control of my mouth. I didn't even know the words I was saying, although they were somewhat familiar. " We'll put our differences behind us," I wasn't thinking, the fact that I knew these words bribed me to say them," For Science." What? I ignored the question and continued speaking," You monster" Then I saw a small logo on the screen.

My mind was like a giant storage chamber, with thousands of different boxes with locks on them holding a thousand different things. Right now, unlike usual, none of them were open. Somehow, something happened to me that closed all of them and locked them.

The thing had placed a few obvious things to help me through the moment. How to breathe, how to notice things around me, and other things. But, I still didn't know a couple of things such as who I was, what my life was like and where I was. My brain has a processor for this sort of thing. When I am... subconscious you could say. I still need to unlock some things, I noted.

But what are they?


I know it is not much for a first chapter, but I wrote this while half-asleep. This first chapter actually happened to me, I woke up just when the trailer started and GLaDOS frightened me half to death. Then, I thought it would make a great story, that is if I can find a way to continue it... I am thinking Chell wakes up with amnesia and is slowly finding out her past. Please review and tell me if I should continue!