A/N: WARNING - contains (in my opinion) lots of sexual content and if this makes you uncomfortable, please wait to read the next chapter!

Tino instantly cups his hands behind Berwalds head, pulling the man to him and bringing their lips together in a heated kiss. Their tongues swirling passionately, erotically dancing as Sweden snakes an arm under Tino's torso, pulling the man to him and simultaneously grinding his hips against Finlands. With their bodies moving together, Tino broke the kiss, only pulling away to look at Sweden with sultry eyes and a lip gesture he would never admit to doing. Soon, their remaining clothes are shimmied off, and they are left before each other in bare bliss.

Berwald pauses, propping himself up with the use of his free hand, and looks into Tino's eyes, then falling to the support of his elbow, he presses their chests together, and with Tinos' hands still lingering behind his head, he presses his forehead to the crook of the Finns neck, and takes a breath, after all, he doesn't want to do anything Finland hasn't consented to, though that kiss seemed pretty definitive to him.

"Please." Berwald had reduced himself to the mere human within; he wants Tino, just looking at him would cause a churning, heated, swirling in the lowest region of his abdomen, a craving that had grown stronger with each day, and now, his physical vulnerabilities exposed, hard and aching for Tino's warmth, he truly did not even know how to ask.

"Please." Tino responds, unsure of what Berwald is even asking for, only able to repeat simple words and dialogue with his mind being a flurried mess of haze and lust.

"Tino…" Berwald can't take much more; he slowly rocks his hips, pressing the two lover's groins together, eliciting a deep, airy moan from Finland, a moan that Berwald can feel rumble through his own chest and vibrate from Tino's throat onto his own lips.

Lightly, Berwald rocks again, this time pressing an open mouthed, hot and wet kiss to the base of Tino's neck, and with each rock he moves his lips up slightly more, until Tino's airy moans become calls of lust, whispery names- those of God, Berwald, and Odin- and soon Berwald finds himself gently nipping the skin of Tino's neck, something he found causes Tino to thrust his hips upward, furthering the twisting, heart-rate amplifying sensations already being overloaded unto his person.

Berwald rocks his hips harder, moving his hands to grip onto Tino's hipbones and pressing his thumbs rather intensely into Tino's exposed skin. He wants Tino. He wants to show Tino the stars and it's taking all his self-control to not push anything past Tino's entrance that Tino isn't ready for yet.

But damn, Berwald wanted to pound that sweet, curvy, sexy piece of fuckable ass.

He props himself up, a hand on either side of Tino's head, and he simply views the face of Tino below him. The lightly beaded sweat dotting his hairline, his eyes, dilated pupils making the iris's appear darker in color, his lips, red and plump from the heat of their actions and the scandalous lip biting that Tino does just to tease Berwald. Tino's cheeks are flushed, and his mouth is slightly agape, Berwald gently bumps the tip of his nose against Tino's before capturing his lips in a crime of passion, pressed so intensely together that no oxygen may be received by Berwald nor Tino, a kiss that when they finally separate to breathe, Tino's chest heaves upward, and his hands clench onto Berwald's flexed triceps, pleading for another such kiss.

So Berwald gives him another, this one more indulgent from the last as Tino's hands grasp wantonly but unsuccessfully at Berwald's back. Through the light layer of sweat, Tino's hands slide upwards, starting at the base of Berwald's ribcage, pulling the Swede harder and more intensely to him as Tino digs the balls of his fingers into his scarred muscle and tissue, a feeling and sight he wont admit yet to turning him on.

Berwald moves to break their kiss, when Tino's hand claims the back of Berwald's head, holding their lips together for just a moment longer, until Tino opens his mouth wider, a subdued moan finally breaking surface, and Tino fervently rocks along with Berwald's rhythm. Berwald ceases the opportunity and takes Tino's lower lip between his teeth, biting and pulling, until he himself can't take it, and he presses his lips to Tino's for another flurry of rushed kisses, before Berwald eventually begins moving his kisses lower, to Tino's jaw, where he sucks and nips, leaving bite marks and pleasurably bruised skin all the way to Tino's clavicle.

Berwald's hands had long ago meandered back to Tino's hips, ever so slowly but lustily pulling and pushing the warmth and tenderness of the bit of excess he had on his body. His hands kneaded further, as did his lips, both moving so glacially slow to their destination that no part of Tino's body was left without the chills. Tino's toes curled and his hands danced up and down every inch of Berwald's body, his breath raced and whistled between gritted teeth and his eyes were only open for clips of the scene, only remembering the way Berwald looked at him before their first passionate kiss.

God, Tino must be under his spell because he finds himself moaning and delighting in each action Berwald affords him, and he wishes to return the favor; but his body is frozen in pleasure, his throat feels as if it might collapse within itself and Tino fears gripping onto the sheets for worry that he may rip them to shreds as soon as Berwald moves between his legs.

Berwald's hands made their way to the base of Tino's ass, groping the cold skin with the fever of a man in intense love, he had begun trailing more heavy kisses from Tino's chest, veering slightly off path to kiss each and every single one of Tino's visible rib bones, one after the other, until he again reaches Tino's navel. Berwald straightens his back and admires Tino's body, the soft, milky skin with hardly any damage on it. His eyes trail from Tino's chest to his abdomen, and for some unknown reason, he leans down and kisses again, just above Tino's navel, and then he sits back up. His eyes flow lower, and his hands soon enter the picture, pressing gently along each and every crevice of Tino's skin until he finds both his hands between Tino's thighs.

Berwald contemplates his desire to spank one of Tino's lush cheeks, when gracefully, Tino too sits himself up, kisses Berwald's lips chastely, and suavely climbs into Berwald's lap.

Tino presses his body and groin as closely as he can to Berwald's before teasing the Swede with a bite of his lip and a saucy, "I want you in me…" whispered into Berwald's ear. Tino furthers his teasing, biting Berwald's lobe, moving to lick and kiss the sensitive area behind his ear, when Berwald's hands make their way to groping the inner abyss of Tino's cheeks, not yet penetrating, but still satisfying. Tino moans and pauses his actions, breathing hotly against Berwald.

Tino rocks his hips in time with Berwald's hands and begins to kiss down his neck; biting and leaving a light trail of red skin down to the middle of Berwald's shoulder, where the remnants of some scuffle lay.

What ever that scar was exactly, Tino could not tell you at this moment. He was sure that Berwald shared the reason behind it on a separate occasion, but at this passionate moment in time, Tino was only able to see the pathway it cut through Berwald's skin, each scar lapping and breaking into a trail of pain and sorrowful memories that all pinnacled just below the Swede's penis.

So Tino too began kissing every inch of skin, scarred or pristine, that he could. And to Tino, this was not him fervently kissing his beloved's skin in a rush of intimate emotion, this was him telling Berwald that everything about him was desirable, and that Tino would never judge him for the way he is because, "I love you…" Tino whispers against Berwald's skin, the truest statement to ever be said from his lips- something he now realizes he does not say often enough.

"I love you." Tino says again, arching his back and kissing and nipping now on one of Sweden's nipples. He feels Sweden's muscles tense, a heavy sigh passes through his airways, and a low, gravely moan accompanying it.

Tino kisses further, lowering himself from Berwald's lap and effectively sticking his rear up into the night for Berwald to view his curves, to make Berwald want him more than his obviously throbbing dick and passion riddled body already did. So, kissing and sucking and occasionally taking Berwald's skin between his teeth until he too reaches Berwald's (rather adorable and not manly in anyway) bellybutton, Tino pauses, if for nothing but dramatic effect before placing both of his hands on Berwald's dick and slowly, yet pleasurably he initiates their real activities for the night.

He hears Berwald sigh, the Swedish whisper of 'yes' making its way to his ears, and he feels Berwald's hands loose their rhythm and stray from his now lonely ass to riddle themselves in Tino's hair. Tino smiles smugly to himself, Berwald was now the one frozen in pleasure with hips rocking on no set rhythm, and Tino knew just how to make it better.

Licking his lips and opening his mouth ever so slightly, he looks up into Berwald eyes; with a face that he was sure Berwald understood the less than pristine emotions behind it.

Before Berwald had time to pull Tino's lips to his own, Tino ducked his head down and enveloped as much of Berwald's member as he could in his mouth.

Berwald's texture was that of satin, silky and clean, yet Tino would not use the word 'soft' in this circumstance. Berwald was certainly well endowed, and Tino only ever rarely allowed himself to try and take Berwald's whole length in his mouth. Tonight was one of those nights, and Tino thought lasciviously about the idea of Berwald's entire length within him.

Berwald grunts loudly, he tightens his grip on Tino's hair and begins pushing Tino further down on him. His breathing is labored and Tino is now acutely aware of the pulsing neglect of his own member, yet he continues to suck, throating Berwald until he tastes the first lick of salty precum, and he questions if he should continue and suck Berwald off entirely, or if he should stop, when a lone finger presses gently against his entrance.

Tino stops his action and breathes, sliding Berwald out of his mouth and presses the top of his head into Sweden's abdomen. He remains, only looking at Berwald's dick- slick with his own saliva and an undoubted mixture of precum, veiny and a familiar pink in color- when Berwald's daring finger just barely presses in. It is no more than the tip, maybe just barely a centimeter, when he feels Berwalds free hand cup below his jaw and lift Tino's face to look into his eyes.

The moment of eye contact is soft, loving and ethereal, as if the two of them had suddenly become glass, carved into who they are today by and through their lives- both independently and together- until this very moment, where their clothes are shed and the glass of each other's body becomes completely transparent to the point of a single understanding- that if they follow through, if they commit to this act, there will be no going back.

It is in that moment of utter understanding that Tino again feels that glacial chill, as if Berwald had gone slow for him all along, and he thinks to himself that he does not want Berwald to hold back any longer- he is ready to embrace the love that Berwald has had, and hopefully will always have for him.

And to Berwald, this moment was unreal. Looking at Tino, he saw his everything. Tino was his everything for as early as he could remember, and now, look at where they were. With a happy home, child, dog, and most importantly, love. Love for each other. Berwald could not have imagined this moment any more perfect than what it already was- that is, until Tino brushed closer, softly and warmly pressing their lips together.

"I love you, Berwald." Tino whispers, with his eyes closed and his lips gently brushing against Berwald's with each word, "I-" Berwald interrupts, pecking Tino's lips several times before relenting with a smile. Tino brings both his hands up, each one gently gripping onto Berwald's shoulders, and Tino feels as if they are wrapped together, with Berwald's hands lingering on his body, he feels safe, confident, and entirely loved. Tino begins again, brushing their cheeks together before finally whispering in his ear, "I don't want you to feel like you have to hold back any longer…"

With Tino's words on his mind, Berwald presses several kisses to Tino's lips, each kiss pushing Tino back, little by little, until Berwald's arm yet again pulls Tino's midsection to his own. Still slowly kissing, he continues to apply more pressure, each kiss a rite of passage for him, breaking through his own doubts and barriers with Tino, until Tino is rested safely on his back, Berwald's other hand acting as a pillow for his head, his body shielding him from everything that is not their love.

"I love ya, Tino," Berwald whispers, his words slow as he fights to enunciate Tino's name perfectly. Berwald wishes to profoundly profess his love for Tino, to tell of every moment that Berwald had fallen in love with Tino, and every moment after that in which he fell all over again- but he could not deny the kisses that were currently showering his face, and he did not know if he would be able to profess his love without proposing, without asking Tino to truly be his wife, or husband, or partner, or whichever name Tino would prefer. So, doing as he does best, Berwald turned off his sentiments and began again toiling with Tino, ready now, more than ever, to be inside of Tino's warmth, to make Tino moan, to make him feel as good as he already makes Berwald feel, " 'n I'm gonna make ya happy, fer as long as I'm aroun'."

Berwald slowly begins rocking his groin against Tino's, and Tino's eyes roll behind his closed lids, pressing his fingers and nails into Berwald's shoulders. Tino hears ad Berwald assumedly clicks open an bottle of lube, and feels as Berwald's hands leave Tino's body temporarily.

Boldly Berwald presses one finger against Tino's entrance. Tino squirms in excitement below, giggling and moaning together, creating a distressed, completely sexy moan that Berwald tries this action again.

Repeating, he finds this replicates Tino's action, but it also amplifies with the amount of pressure applied- and as Berwald soon finds out, the more pressure he applies, the sexier Tino's moans become- until the point where he was half in with his first digit, and in reaction, Tino was firmly pressing the pads of his fingers onto Berwald's flexed biceps. Soon, Tino's moans turned into stuttering syllables and broken murmurs, and though Berwald knew he was trying to say something, he persisted, his actions being too consumingly pleasurable for even him to stop.

Tino gasped for air, and Berwald cut it short, stealing the rest of Tino's breath with a lusty kiss. Tino mewled further and his hands shot from Berwald's arms to grip onto the back of Berwalds head, holding Berwalds lips to his own. Berwald managed to pull away, and before pressing his lips again to Tino's, he paused and breathed out.

"Want more?" Simply a whisper, and Tino responded in such a way that Berwald began craving Tino even more than he ever had before. He felt the breath rush from his lungs, all the blood in his body, everything about him heat and excite to the point of bursting, and as he began using his second finger on Tino, he collapsed into his desires and began lubing up his third, and just as he began fingering Tino completely with two fingers, he smoothly slipped in the third, feeling Tinos tight interior and how it clenched ever so slightly as he penetrated, as if Tino were feeling the intensified want as much as Berwald was.

"Be-" Tino keened, his abdomen on fire and his ass so willing to be stretched, both were ablaze in a heat of want and lust. Tino felt hard as a rock, his dick so ready for attention that he tried to move his hand to pleasure himself, but the way Berwald's fingers were in him made it nearly impossible to move.

"Ber!" Tino manages, "I'm-" he stutters, breathing heavily, "I'm ready, Berwald…" he moans, clasping his hands to either side of Berwald face, and pushing their faces apart enough so that Tino could look into Berwald's intense eyes, so that he could try and read those all-telling eyes of his and make sure Berwald was as ready for this as he was.

What Tino saw in his eyes sent a hot shiver up his spine, it made his dick twitch. What Tino saw caused him to ejaculate his pre-cum, subconsciously moaning lightly as their eyes met. Berwald's eyes lust-ridden, full of desire and glinting darkly in their room – Tino could nearly feel the things Berwald wanted to do to him, and Tino could hardly wait.

Berwald moans, as if Tino's words were what he was waiting for because his head falls to Tino's chest and his moan dissolves into a hearty grunt. Tino glances to the area between their bodies and watches as Berwald slowly pulls his fingers out from inside Tino, and opens the bottle of lube that somehow made it onto their bed.

He feels the emptiness in him without Berwald's fingers there, and he lightly whines, wanting that heat within him again.

He beings rocking his own hips in anticipation for Berwald's cock, but what he receives is a strong, hotly lubricated hand gripping pleasurably onto his dick, and from the base up, begins stroking him in perfect rhythm.

His eyes close and soon Tino's head is pressing into the pillow.

"Fuck me!" Tino calls, whining and rocking his hips high into the air, hoping to brush up against Berwald.

"Please- Ber!" He tries again, but this time his movement is shut down as Berwald's lower half falls onto his own, pinning him to the bed. He feels Berwald's slick cock against his skin, and he becomes more than excited.

Berwald's lips make their way to Tino's vulnerable neck, nipping and kissing and licking, making Tino moan and squirm against the muscle and hunk that was above him- that was dominating him.

Berwald's dick slides between Tino's ass cheeks, and Tino is almost ready to cum- when Berwald removes his hand from Tino's penis and lines his body up with Tino. The air around Tino becomes very stiff as he watches with half lidded eyes.

He sees Berwald take his pulsing member in one hand and lean in close to Tino. He feels as Berwalds other hand finds one of Tino's and their fingers intertwine, and next he waits for that first moment.

Tino squeezes Berwald's hand lightly, a third attempt to reassure Berwald that he was ready for this next step, and that is seemingly all it takes, because Berwald looks into Tino's eyes, and soon the tip is in, and Tino's lips form into a tight 'O,' his fingers clench tightly onto Berwalds hand, his free hand scrunching up the sheets with all the power he had. As Berwald pressed forward slowly, Tino's breathing increased, his moaning grinding a little as the pleasure waned slightly more into the pain department, and he felt Berwald stop within him.

"Don't stop." Tino speaks, not wanting this to end, and Berwald complies – he begins moving in again at the same pace, and soon Tino asks him to retreat slightly, but Berwald can't handle himself- he pulls all the way out and then penetrates Tino to that depth again.

He receives a positive moan from Tino, and tries this move again, only this time pressing a little further within Tino, grunting as he does so. Berwald's hand that was playing with Tino's cock stopped long ago, as soon as he finally broke through Tino's entrance, so he moves it to Tino's upper thigh, pulling and massaging with each movement.

Tino only gets louder, and Berwald uses a little more force, not only inside of Tino, but also with the way he grabs onto Tino. He wanted so badly to rip into Tino – to devilishly pound that sweet, supple, round ass to nothing more than a moaning puddle of orgasmic overload – but he refrained, knowing that would ultimately hurt Tino, and that was not something he intended to do.

"More, Ber- oh!" Tino called, the hand he had gripping to the bed sheets now latched onto the hand Berwald was using to grip onto Tino's thigh.

Berwald reacted almost instantaneously, pinning Tino's hand high above his head while his dick penetrated much further into Tino's warmth than Tino thought possible. Tino felt so entirely full- as if there was no room for the heat and fullness now within him, that he either had to release or he may break down into a state of complete and senseless ecstasy. Thinking that Berwald is the only person that he would like to feel that way around, Tino holds his release, waiting for Berwald to be fully enveloped within him, waiting for his lover to be on his level of enjoyment before finally climaxing.

Each thrust became more emotional yet primitively needy as the two became closer together, each retreat nearly causing a void within Tino, and leaving Berwald feeling cold and longing to reenter Tino.

Berwald thrusts in again, and thrice more, and as he does so, he becomes completely sheathed within Tino. His hands act on their own accord, detangling from Tino's and gripping intensely on Tino's hips, his fingers pressing excitedly into Tino's flesh. Berwald's mind and heart is racing as he pulls Tino closer to him, as he wishes to stay within Tino as long as he can, but also reveling in the primary satisfaction that fucking Tino gave him.

The pace Berwald then sets on Tino is perfect, as every inch of their body collides, he feels the heat explode within him, and he struggles to hold it back – but his desire for this moment to last is much stronger. Berwald readjusts his hands, now digging much harder into Tino's skin, likely bruising him, but as he does so, Tino's legs wrap greedily around Berwald's own, and his torso curls up to Berwalds. Tino's hands find their way to Berwald's ass and Tino is soon unable to get out a complete moan, each sound is broken into fragments with each forceful thrust Berwald provides. With the intensity that they're going, Tino's head begins to lightly hit their wooden headboard, and he can't help but to moan for more.

More, which Berwald happily provides. Berwald fluidly rolls onto his back, and with Tino still connected, lands Tino on top of him. Berwald swallows dryly as the probability of him being able to contain himself much longer completely diminishes as Tino seductively presses both hands to Berwald's chest, leans forward, and then slowly back, grinding Berwalds dick against Tino's inner walls in a completely different manner than Berwald had just experienced. Tino rocks and grinds atop of him for several minutes, and Berwald sighs in sexual frustration. He jerks his hips sporadically, thrusting into Tino as Tino rocks his body against Berwalds.

As Tino moved to do it again, Berwald wrapped his arms around Tino's torso, bringing their chests together, and locking Tino in that spot. At first Tino froze, but soon Tino began to rock his hips, and Berwald moved his own so that his dick rapidly and repeatedly gave the both of them pleasure unlike what they were used to experiencing.

"Tino!" Berwald calls out, his lids fluttering closed as he realized that he might not be able to hold on much longer.

"I'm-" Tino's fingers curl between their chests, hot and slick with sweat, "I'm- Ber, Ber I'm going to…!"

"Me too!" Berwald tightens his grip on Tino, and somehow Tino's lips find their way to Berwald's own, and that is the breaking point for Berwald. He moans into the kiss, cumming inside of Tino. Berwald feels his heart pause for a moment as the release over takes him – an enthralling sense of pleasure so overwhelming that he stops breathing for several seconds. The pleasure swirls within him as he becomes dizzy and light headed, such a sense of love and wholeness now overriding his lust that he realizes again that Tino is his one and oly soul mate; that love truly was patient and that all of his waiting had finally paid off. His arms cross over Tino's back as they kiss again, and he pulls Tino's head closer, still needing the intense kisses, his head remaining in that heavy, lusty fog even though his body had reached his climax.

Flipping them over again, and still within Tino, he feels Tino's member twitch, he feels as Tino's spine shivers and as the iron grip of his legs relaxes a little. He feels the heat of Tino's ejaculation seeping between them, and he finds it utterly sexy that he was the one that brought so much pleasure to Tino, that Tino experienced an orgasm. Tino's arms then release themselves from between the two men's chests and wrap themselves around Berwald's torso.

A moment of silence is shared as the couples' lips linger, their bodies still mashed together, both unmoving and slowly cooling from the nights heat.

Tino's heart is still pounding from his orgasm, and he can tell that Berwald's brain has not completely recovered- hell, Tino's brain hadn't recovered yet either. The fact of the matter was that Tino had just realized that he just experienced the best; most mind blowing, orgasm inducing, can't-wait-to-do-it-again sex. And the best part was, he was sure Berwald was feeling the same way.

"Am I makin' you uncomfor'able?" Berwald whispers, as he slips his hands out from under Tino's back to place them lovingly on either side of Tino's head.

"No," Tino whispers, stealing a kiss, "don't ever leave me." Tino crosses his legs over Berwald's back; all the while placing delicate kisses on Berwald's cheek.

Berwald chuckles, kissing Tino's cheeks in return, whispering a soft reply, "I don' plan on it."

A/N: Ehehe… I hope you guys liked that… I'm really sorry for not updating! I don't really have any excuse other than I lost my motivation – but all these recent favorites and follows and most especially the reviews got me motivated! So I guess what I'm saying is please review and I will try my best to deliver the next chapter as soon as I am happy with it!

I love all of you, and now I am going to sleep! Sorry for any typos - it is late and I decided I just needed to get this posted before I chickened out!

Xoxo, OurGloryDays