Author's Notes: This fanfic has three ingredients: a large case, with all of the team highly involved, joined by my OMC, who is also a member of the team. Think our happy CM team plus one. The first chapter will introduce the OMC; the rest will be the case.

I will be very honest. This fic is 37 chapters. However to those of you that know me or those of you just finding this, my mantra is the same. I only start posting a fanfic after it is completed. And I give you my promise that I have always kept: you will get a chapter a day.

Also, to all of you wonderful people that follow my stories: while I truly appreciate your reviews, I know this is a huge story. Please do not feel you have to review every chapter. With this long of story, I don't expect that. If a certain chapter tickles your fancy, I would love to hear about it.

Dedication: If you don't know the players by now, you need to start reading the rest of my fanfics! XOXO's to those wonderful people.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to Criminal Minds. Any back story, or the story content in general that is in these chapters, is the rights of CM, CBS and ABC Studios.

Chapter 1 – Intro

In this not so little world of mine, the scheme of things around the BAU is different. It starts just shortly after Jason Gideon took his leave of absence from the BAU and Aaron Hotchner was named Unit Chief.

After the horrific event in Boston with Gideon and Adrian Bale, the grand plan from the higher ups was quickly hustled into action. The team came into the bullpen the first Monday morning that Hotch took over as Unit Chief to find the upper tier of the bullpen holding three offices, instead of two. The end one was smaller than the other two.

Hotch gathered the team into the conference room. He looked at Morgan, Reid, JJ and Garcia and explained what was happening with Gideon and the new office arrangements. The third office was for the yet to be selected Assistant Unit Chief and head of team security and coordination.

"Security is my job," Morgan argued.

"And coordinating the team's arrangements is mine," JJ added.

"Morgan, you are a profiler first and foremost; and very good at your job. However you, by default, have also served as security lead. While that hasn't gone unnoticed by the Bureau, what has been noticed is your lack of filling out reports in that capacity. And they, and we, need to have someone in that position fulltime and heads down."

"Gideon said it wasn't important," Morgan defended. Hotch just looked at him. Clearly, things would be different around the unit being run by the straight-laced Hotchner.

"Because your first job is profiling, which Gideon wanted you to concentrate on. The Bureau has no qualms with that. And you've done an excellent job with security. Bale is not on you. It's just given the current circumstances, they want someone that will be more focused on team security. That will be the number one job. Assisting with the profile will be number two. And JJ, you have enough on your plate dealing with incoming cases to handle the arrangements as well. Both of you; this not a reflection of the job you're doing. It's an appreciation that you're doing too much and they want to take some of the burden off you."

"And you're OK with this 'Assistant Unit Chief' Hotch?" Reid asked.

"I get to hand pick the person."

Five weeks later, Hotch announced his pick. They all knew him; his reputation preceded him. Yet, they followed Garcia into her little cubby hole.

"SSA Matthew Taylor," Morgan said as he shook his head. "That Marine hard-ass burned me on a security obstacle course."

"I literally didn't survive 30 seconds into the same test," Reid added.

"I ran up against him too," JJ added. "But I don't know much about him.

"But I've just got the full bio," Garcia said, pointing to her screens. "Achieved said SSA status less than two years with the feebes." That was unheard of in the Bureau.

"Rumor has it he has a contact very high up in the JEdgar Building," Morgan said, referring to the FBI Building in Washington DC, named after the longtime director, the late J. Edgar Hoover.

"OMG, you should see the rest of this," Garcia intoned. "Graduate of the US Naval Academy; seventh in a class of 1,007. Duel degrees in History and Linguistics. And didn't go jets."

"Garcia?" Jayje asked.

"Top ten at the Naval Academy usually goes jets. You know; flying them off carriers."

"Linguistics?" Morgan asked.

"He speaks 11 languages; fluently." Garcia continued. "Upon graduation, was commissioned as a 2nd lieutenant in the Marine Corps; joined Marine Recon, which he trained with all through the Academy."

"Damn, explains how he nabbed me," Morgan noted.

"Oh. My. God." Garcia uttered.

"What?" JJ asked.

"Field commissioned to 1st lieutenant the night before Desert Storm ops. Lead a Marine recon team into a heavy guarded forward area," Garcia paused and looked at all of them. "He's an MOH."

"MOH?" Morgan said.

"Medal of Honor recipient," Reid answered before Garcia could get it out.

"Specifically, the only post-Vietnam living MOH; all the rest are posthumously," Garcia added.

"Oh shit," Morgan moaned. "We have to deal with a hard-ass Marine hero."

Garcia pointed to her screen. "What baby girl?"

"He has a Master's in psychology from Georgetown." Morgan groaned.

Yet Matt Taylor was anything but a Marine hero from the first day he entered the unit. While he wore a suit and dress shirt, there was no tie. His face sported a neatly groomed goatee. And the first time he descended from his office to get a cup of coffee, he was in shirtsleeves, neatly rolled up his forearms. What did catch all of their attention was the Glock he had in a shoulder holster. And while the team quickly learned that he was a hard master on the protocol of safety in the field, in the office, he was a likeable married man with a personality that matched his Irish heritage.

Yet, everyone could quickly see how close he and Hotch had already bonded. In some ways, they were mirror images of each other; soon-to-be fathers yet with radically opposite personalities. Hotch the quiet, rarely smiling type, while Matt was the gregarious Irishman. They became fast friends and worked together seamlessly as a tandem in the field. The team settled in with their newest member, yet not completely trusting him.

Jason Gideon's return threw that all into upheaval. Not happy with his status, or his office space, Gideon and Taylor were like oil and water. Hotch got along with Gideon, having known him from before. Matt Taylor could not say the same. While they never said anything in public, far less in front of the team, everyone, including their newest member Elle Greenaway, knew there was a black current that ran between the two men.

The first time they butted heads was when Max Ryan insisted that he was flying with the team. Matt said an emphatic "No" and started to head out of the conference room.

"Taylor, I've made the call."

Matt spun on his heel and leveled his gaze at Gideon. His voice was even but steel ran through it. "Number one, the Unit Chief has not approved him joining this team. Number two, I only answer to the Unit Chief. Number three, I have final say on the passenger manifest on that jet. And number four; there is no way in hell I'm going to let him on that plane after the disrespect he just showed the members of this team." Matt turned and left the conference room. It took twenty minutes of talking and an apology by Ryan to the team to get Matt to change his mind.

It finally reached the boiling point with the case in LA of the young man doing his "psycho dramas" during bank robberies. When the team thought they had the suspect as he escaped on his motorcycle down an LA aqueduct, Gideon jumped out a head of Taylor, who was in the back seat. He rushed ahead and blocked Taylor's shot. The Irish temper flared but was kept in check.

As they were flying home, Matt started to walk back through the cabin, after talking with their pilots. He was the only one of the team that was authorized in cockpit; post 9/11 rules that irritated Gideon to no end. Taylor looked at him and Reid, sharing a two-top of seats together, playing a game of chess. Very quietly he said, "The two of you; on the Bureau gun range tomorrow. 8:30 am. Please don't be late."

Gideon balked. "You couldn't have made that shot in a thousand years."

Taylor looked at him intently and quietly repeated what he said, took Reid's queen and moved it and gently pushed over Gideon's king. "Checkmate," he quietly said and continued walking to his seat across from Aaron. When they got back to the office, Gideon cornered Hotch. "Are you telling me I have to put up with his bull…?"

"Jason, with all due respect; what did he tell you and Reid?" Hotch burrowed a look into Gideon's eyes that meant business.

The next morning, the two of them were escorted by SSA Polanski, head of the Bureau firing range to the appointed stall. Matt Taylor stood, waiting for them in Bureau jogging pants, T-shirt and firing range gear of safety glasses and ear protection. Both the profilers noted Taylor's safely equipment was of his own choosing. Polanski handed them both the same protection. "Agent Taylor, target is set for 150 hundred yards, per your order. As soon as these other agents don their protective gear, you are cleared to commence firing." Matt just looked at them. They put on the gear.

As soon as the last piece was in place with the two of them, Matt swiftly drew his weapon from his shoulder holster and in less than ten seconds, emptied his clip of 15 rounds. He reached for the button of the mechanical arm that would bring the paper target back to the firing pit while dumping his empty clip on the shelf of the pit. Gideon and Reid could already see his accuracy. The hole burned into the middle of range target's forehead was one they could put a fist through. When the target paper appeared in the pit, Matt silently pulled it down, handed it to Gideon, picked up his clip and walked out of the stall without saying a word. From then on, Matt was in the lead car driving, with Hotch in the front passenger seat.

After that, Reid was much more accepting of Matt and Gideon was more tolerate. Yet it was the case with the "Gitmo" prisoner that finally got the team's attention. "Taylor, you're with me," Gideon said as he started out the conference room door.

"You're taking Agent Prentiss. I speak the language fluently but I don't know their Muslim customs like she does. And I've only cleared the jet for you three." Gideon looked at him as the room fell absolutely silent.

Hotch looked at Gideon. "Don't you think the three of you need to get going?"

While the reverberations of that case hung in the air, it was Matt's quiet advice and heartfelt counsel that got JJ on board. As they were standing in a corner of Tobias Hankle's home, he looked at her. "This is not your fault JJ. By what you told us, Reid made the call and separated from you. And you defended yourself against a hostile force. I'll back your actions until the cows come home." He rubbed her shoulder. "Let's all just work together on getting that kid back." JJ smiled at him, and although she was tough and proven agent, the hours of no sleep and the situation getting worse by the minute, she showed a tear, which she quickly brushed away. Matt squeezed her shoulder. "If you need to talk…" He motioned with his head towards the door. He was willing to play big brother, but he wanted JJ to come to a conclusion that would make her more valuable to the team. Sometimes you have step up.

"I'm OK," she looked at him resolutely. He nodded at her. She got the message.

"Then let's get this done."

While the team struggled with Reid's choice, Matt left the room with Hotch. "You got this part? You understand what he's saying to you? Because I know my Bible as well," he simply stated.

"Yes Cob." The team entered the room at that response.

"Then let's put our heads together with the rest of the team and goddamn figure it out."

On the jet home, Gideon, Morgan and Hotch were in the galley, too keyed up to sleep. Matt was out like a light. "Marine Corps training," Gideon noted.

"Hotch," Morgan queried. "Cob?"

"That's his nickname. As in Cobra; and if you haven't noticed, that's exactly what he is. He'll dance to the music and lull you and then strike quick and deadly." Hotch left the two of them to ponder that thought. Morgan already had an idea having heard from Stan Gordinski on how "Agent Taylor" pulled rank on him with this wife's status with DOJ and Detective Dennison not "officially' reading Morgan his rights. That would have been a battle supreme between the agents and CPD detectives. Matt played his trump card but got the cooperation they all needed to bring the true suspect into custody.

Seven months later, Gideon was nowhere to be found, Hotch was suspended by Strauss, and Matt had the team. He quietly and efficiently did the job. Matt happened to be in the break room when Emily and JJ were there. Matt had earned Emily's respect weeks after she had joined the team. By then, he had saved every member from harm, including Morgan.

"What do you think Matt?" Emily said as she looked at him.

"I'm not surprised."

"Really," JJ questioned.

Matt shrugged. "It was pretty much written across his forehead. With what happened, it just came sooner than later. I just wish he hadn't taken Hotch down with him."

Then they got the Milwaukee case. Hotch had privately informed Matt about what was happening with him. "Dammit Hotch, fight her. This team needs you as Unit Chief."

"Matt, I can't."

"Well I can." And he did. When Strauss disrespected the lead detective and JJ had tried to politely fill her in on team protocol, only to get cut off by Strauss, Matt entered in.

"Agent Jareau, would you excuse us please?" JJ walked over to Morgan. Matt very quietly said, "Ma'am with all due respect, what Agent Jareau just told you is exactly how this team works. If we keep disrespecting the local PD's they stop calling us and a bunch of monsters are free to kill across the country. How do you think that will play at the JEdgar Building? And since you have zero field experience, I suggest that you stay in the background for the rest of this case." He started to turn to leave, and then looked at her again. "And for the record, my contacts at JEdgar are much higher up the flag pole than yours. Make all the phone calls you want. That's the way it's going to be." Strauss got that message loud and clear.

After Hotch's return to the unit, Morgan and Matt worked together to fill the Lead Profiler role. Morgan, as good as he was, still wasn't ready, nor wanted, the lead spot; and Matt had his own job to do, while quickly proving his profiling skills.

When David Rossi entered the picture, he was first introduced to Matt in the conference room as the team gathered to discuss the case. Matt was just hanging up the phone with their pilot. As they finished the briefing and Rossi had informed Hotch he was ready to work, Matt looked at him. "Agent Rossi, since your office isn't ready, you're welcome to hang out in mine."

"It's Dave and thank you." Rossi followed him across the walkway and had his profile of Matt. Academy grad and a Marine; tough but a family man. Matt waved his hand at the door and allowed Dave to enter first. He walked into Matt's office to see the pictures of his wife and kids. However, Dave noted, no mementoes of his Marine years.

"Mi casa es su casa. Make yourself at home please. It will probably take a week to get your office ready." Matt motioned towards the small coffee table in front of his couch. On it sat a laptop. "Garcia has you ready to rock and roll with the lappie." He noticed Dave's reaction. "You really aren't still pounding out manuscripts on the Smith-Corolla?"

"Hey, I'm old school. What can I say?"

"You better learn; in a hurry," Matt laughed. "The only way you're going to get your office set is by email. I'll help you get logged into the system and how to use it. In the meantime," he continued as he shut the door, "let's talk." Matt waved Dave to the two chairs in front of his desk. He walked back around his desk, sat down in the high backed leather chair, and pulled a desk drawer out to prop up his feet as he rolled the chair back and stretched his 6 foot 2 inch frame out.

"My office doesn't have any of my Marine mementoes for a reason. I'm an Agent now, not a Marine. And I'm really happy with that."

Dave studied him for second. The kid was good. "Most Academy grads are career officers. What happened?"

"Two things: a really great lady that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with and 9/11."

Dave noticed the respect he was getting and nodded for Matt to continue.

"Abbey and I had gotten pretty serious," Matt nodded at the picture of his wife. "But I was still serving as a field officer overseas. While a lot of people can juggle that life and serve in the military, I knew deep down she could handle it. I couldn't." Matt paused and got quiet. "And then 9/11 happened; Dave, I was sitting on my ass in a battalion HQ twiddling my thumbs when we got the news. My sister-in-law was in Tower 2. To this day, they haven't found a shred of her existence. Like a good Marine, I wanted to get into the fight. But I couldn't being a senior line officer. I was destined to sit on my ass and give orders. That didn't play too well in my head. A former TAC officer of mine from the Academy that I highly respected had joined the FBI shortly after I graduated. He had been nagging me to join for years. It was my opportunity to serve and I grabbed it."

"Wait a minute. Is Mac Taylor, head of the NYPD Crime Lab your brother?"

"How'd you know?" Matt was now the one to be impressed.

"I see the family resemblance. And I know he lost his wife in Tower 2 on 9/11. I happened to be in New York when they had the taxi driver killer case. Did a freebie consult. But the biggest thing," he nodded towards an old picture of the kids. "He has the same one in his office."

Matt smiled. "Yeah, he's big brother." Rossi arched his eyebrows. "OK, maybe not in stature; he battled a kidney disease growing up. But in years, most definitely. Which I get reminded about; frequently." The both laughed.

"And the twins are yours?"

"Yeah, Cameron and Catherine Elizabeth; aka Cam and Casee," Matt smiled broadly. "I do this job to keep the monsters away from them. Dave, I've gotta ask; why come back?"

"Same as you; to catch monsters. But there's something deeper going around here, isn't there?"

"How much do you know?"

"Only that Gideon left. Why?"

"Let me give you the lay of the land." Matt explained to Dave everything that happened. How Emily joined the team, with what was really behind it and a quick profile of all the rest. He concluded with Hotch's run-in with Strauss.

Matt looked Dave intently in the eye. "That man," as he nodded towards Hotch's office, "is our boss. He is also my best friend. I will move hell and high water to protect him; and this team. But we need a seasoned Lead Profiler. Morgan and I have been trying to do that. Key word: trying. We need someone with your expertise. And yet, we know it isn't going to easy," Matt honestly said.

"Excuse me?" Dave questioned.

"You haven't worked as a profiler on a team level. You don't know our technology. You used to be Hotch's boss. And the team is leery of you because of your reputation. They are afraid you will upset the balance of a pretty good thing we have going now without Gideon." Dave just looked at him.

"We're all just hoping you'll adjust and adjust quickly. Hotch most importantly. Please, we both know that will take time. Yet I know you have something over Strauss' head that can get her to back off on Aaron. Bottom line Dave: we need you and need you now. You're the perfect person for the job. Hotch and I couldn't have written it better if we tried. The big question is: are you in?"

Dave smiled and nodded to the laptop. "Why don't you show me how to work that contraption?"

Less than two months later, every agent in the BAU referred to the persons that shared the upper tier of the offices as "The Three Musketeers". They weren't wrong.

The months passed into years and the team had their good times and the really bad ones. Garcia almost lost her life. JJ took the bastard down on Matt's order. JJ gave birth to Henry. Matt and Abbey welcomed Colin into their family. Hotch and Jack had lost Haley. JJ got transferred. Ashley Seaver joined them and became a well-honed field agent. Emily had her battle with Ian Doyle. JJ returned to the team. Matt, in a four week covert operation designed to bring the elite military units that were training in country and law enforcement together to be prepared for possible terrorist attacks, at the range of 400 hundred yards with a sniper rifle, shot Declan's mother as she got off the plane, while the rest that he had trained silently surrounded the airfield. The team, except for Hotch and JJ, never knew who fired the shot. Matt, in his uniform as a Marine Lt. Colonel, with Strauss' help and Prentiss' testimony, blew a Senator and his sub-committee out of the water; Emily rejoined the team. Dave had lost Carolyn. And yet, through the good times and the bad, they were at the end of the day a team; and a family.


A/N: MOH or Medal of Honor is the American highest honor, and medal, that can be given to a member of the US military. DOJ is the US Department of Justice. Smith Corolla is a brand of American typewriter that was very popular in the 1950's through the early 1970's before the advent of the computer age.