Here is yet another Little Edward story. Edward is around four in this little chapter. Sorry if it sucks. Btw; I don't own Twilight or any of the characters.

Edward never liked the doctor. In fact, there were times I worried that he would grow up hating me, since I am one. But, somehow he was able to tell the difference between "Dr. Carlisle," and "Daddy." Actually, it seems like he has made them two different people. Yes, he loves his daddy, yet hates Dr. Carlisle with a passion. Many times, after a checkup, when I took him home, he would tell me how mean Dr. Carlisle is and how he hopes to "never see that bad man again." I've tried to explain to him that Dr. Carlisle and I were one in the same, but he refuses to acknowledge it. Yet another thing I have to worry about.

Anyway, Edward hates the doctor. And sick or not he always puts up one hell of a fight when he has to be seen by a doctor. I swear, even if he was on the brink of death he would still scream bloody murder if taken to the hospital. That's why I'm stalling.

Edward seemed to be coming down with the sniffles a few days ago, but those sniffles turned into a constantly running nose and a harsh watery cough. He fussed anytime I tried to look him over, even though I was simply "daddy." I dread having to take him to the hospital, but the supplies I may need are there. Also, having someone there to help keep him still makes these things so much easier. For me anyway.

So I put it off, for too long, unfortunately. What had once been mere sniffles had now turned my hyper little boy into a lethargic little beast. He was absolutely miserable and was hell bent on making everyone join that misery. In the daytime, anyway. At night he simply cried. I had spent every night for the past three days trying desperately to get my son to sleep. Nothing worked. I rocked him, sang to him, told him stories, fed him warm milk, and any soothing tonic that I could force down his throat. But nothing could relax my fussy little boy. He simply spent the hours wailing pitifully, begging me to make him better, until he passed out from mere exhaustion. My poor baby.

Today, I could stand it no more. Edward was going with me to the hospital even if it killed me, which possibly could happen. So now, at this moment, I sit, rocking my child, trying vainly to calm his misery long enough to get done what needs to get done.

"Daddy" He whimpered pitifully. "Daddy, make it stop. Make the hurts stop." Oh how I wanted to simply bawl. My poor little, helpless baby.

"I know honey. Daddy's gonna make it better soon. We to get you dressed in something warmer first. Come now, sit up. Can you sit up for Daddy?" I dressed him as quickly as possible, wanting to get this over with as fast as I could. When I was satisfied that Edward was efficiently bundled, I hurried to brave the elements of a Chicago winter.

As soon as I opened the door, a biting gust of wind hit us. I knew it was cold for it even caused me to give a small shudder. I pulled Edward closer, wrapping him in my coat. I quickly ran down the steps of our small house and began making my way to the hospital. I really should think about getting a car. I thought to myself as I hustled along. Edward squirmed unhappily in my arms.

"Daddy, I'm getting' all sweaty." He whined. I gently patted his back and cooed softly .

"Shh, I know darling. We'll get there soon don't worry." At least it wasn't snowing. I quickened my step a bit; no one was out in this freezing weather so I risked going a little faster than normal. Finally we were in front of the hospital. I all but sprinted up the front steps. Edward fussed, trying to turn to see where we were.

"Hold still Edward. Just a little further and you can come out." This seemed to appease his fever riddled mind, for he gave a small nod and laid his warm head on my chest. Moments later I burst into my office, quickly depositing Edward on the desk then stuck my head outside the office door, grabbing the first nurse to pass to help me.

"Daddy!" Edward shrieked as he began recognizing his surroundings. "W-why are we here? I don't wike da 'ospital!" I cringed as he fell into his toddler talk.

"I know baby, but you're sick and daddy needs to make you better." I walked toward him slowly, holding my stethoscope out to show him I meant no harm. It didn't work.

"NOOOOOOOO!" The nurse shot me a worried look, most likely cursing me for bringing her into this. "No, no, NO! No want! No want! Bad Dr. Carlisle! Bad, bad, bad! Want daddy! Just daddy!"

I quickly maneuvered around him, checking his heart, his lungs (which seemed to be working well enough for him to scream), his mouth, eyes, and nose. I came to the unhappy conclusion that Edward had caught that nasty flu that had been circulating about. Most of the kids in his class had had it, but as always, this unwanted bug had hit Edward harder than most.

"Look bud, all done. No need to fuss anymore." Oh, if only. I turned to a still stunned nurse and asked her if she would draw up the necessary shots for me. I looked back down at Edward, his teary eyes making me want to just gather him up and never let go. But I had to play the bad guy one more time.

"Ok, you're going to feel a little bit of a pinch Edward, and then we're all done."

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Yes, I'd say his lungs worked just fine.

Back at home, after many tears, kisses, and "dat Dr. Carwisle is a meanie, Daddy", Edward lay quietly in my arms, getting some much needed rest. Now and then, when he begin to fuss a bit, I whisper soft words of comfort, nonsense words really, but they held enough meaning to help Edward settle. I looked down at his peaceful face, his chubby cheeks had lost their fevered flush and his breathing came smoother without any rasping.

His thumb was held firmly between his pouty lips, his other hand curled delicately in my shirt. Every now and then he would nuzzle his sweet cherub face into my chest, releasing a satisfied sigh. I smiled at my sleeping son. Moments like these make me wish I could climb into bed with my precious bundle and drift off to dream land with him. But alas, I was awake. So I guarded him. Chasing away the monsters, the big scaries, and that mean old Dr. Carlisle.

The end, for now. Please let me know what you all think.