A/N: So there's this min challenge being held on thankyou_bucket over at lj. Basically if you say you're in, you get a prompt. The challenge is it can only be three sentences long. Me in my ignorance said "no prob. I can spit that out in five minutes." Two days later I'm going "holy god. This is hard." Anyway, here's my contribution. And there's two because I can't make decisions and am offering up the choice to you readers on which one you like.

Oh, and if you're a Lucas/Skye Lucket fan, you seriously do need to check out the lj comm. Here's the link .com/

Prompt: Stars


She sits alone, legs tucked beneath her, tea warming her hands and face lifted to the night sky. The stars shimmer brightly in the moonless expanse, one falling across the dark; out of heaven, from grace, losing eternal life, beauty, to rest with the wicked. Finds herself kin to that bright mass hurtling through space as she recalls how she fell from the Colony's favor into the arms of its enemy and she casts a wish, a prayer, a silent breath of hope, that he lives and maybe someday understands and forgives her for all she's done.


It is her eyes he notices; after the soft curves, the thick hair he imagines twined around his fingers, the fullness of her lips; it is her eyes. They are bright like starlight, with a twinkle of mischievousness, a glimmer of fierce hope, survival, shades of pain, and colors of defiance. For the first time he understands why men have written poems, sonnets to a woman's eyes and writes his own in glowing letters and symbols splashed across darkness that reminisce of moonless skies.

A/N: Not my finest work, but... I'll leave ya'll to decide. ;p
