"When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure." - Author Unknown

About 3 years ago.

The Ohio air blew though the open window of the Impala. Deans snoring blended with the wind. John Winchester looked at his oldest son, who looked so peaceful and collected. It warmed his heart. it wasn't often he would see his son this way. Which bought a sadness to John's heart, he couldn't seem to get rid of. He wished both his sons could live normal lives. Why was it Dean, his oldest and most loyal son, the one who had to sacrifice everything? His childhood? His chance to go to college? A normal live? He deserved it, just as much as anyone else. But when the answer came to him, it sicken him. It. The damn thing that came into his house, on November 2nd. And took everything from them. From him. The damn thing, that he would not rest, until he had it's head on a stick. Dean's jerking body caught John's attention.

Dean, wide eyed, heart beating, sweat rolling down his face.

"Are you okay?" John asked, taken aback. His son's appearance was different, he didn't look like that a few moments ago. He was peaceful, now he looked frighten.

Dean straighten up, "Yea, I'm fine." He lied. "Just a bad dream." He said, which was true. But bad dream didn't began to cover it. Terrifying memory was a better description.

John turned back to the road, "Oh." Was all he said.

John could tell his son was happy he didn't ask what it was about. But truth be told. He didn't have to, he knew. Since Dean was small, every time around this time of the year, he would have a nightmare that would have him looking like that. One week from Friday, would be November 2nd. So he didn't have to ask, he knew. He just knew.

John pulled into the parking lot of the library. When Dean seen where they were, his heart began to pick up.

"Oh God." He half whisper and half moaned.

John turned to Dean, "I have to go interview the victim's family and I need you to do some research on this town and it's history."

And there it was, the R word. The dreaded R word. He hated that R word. He took a deep breath, faked a smile, and got out. But in his mind, he was cussing up a storm. He watched the black Impala drive out of the parking lot and he just wanted to hit something. He hated researching, it was boring and dreadful. If there was anything that made him miss Sam it was these moments. Not that he didn't miss Sam already, but moments like this just kicked it up.

"Damn you Sam." Dean said under his breath as he walked into the library.

After countless books, billions of words, graphic pictures, and all around dreadful stuff. He needed coffee. As he put back the last book he was looking though, a cozy cafe, across the street, caught his eye.

'Thank God! Coffee!' Dean thought to himself, as he went towards the exit, picking up a newspaper on the way out.

Dean sat at a small table in the center of the cafe, flipped opened the newspaper and waited to be waited on. He took out a pen and started circling the dead's that seem a little shady. When he wasn't circling anything, the pen was in his mouth, pushed against his bottom lip, his beautiful white front teeth showing. His mind was so deep in thought, that he didn't hear or see his waitress.

"Mister?" The young waitress said for the tenth time, finally catching Dean's attention.

Dean looked up, and that was the moment everything in his world changed. The young auburn haired waitress wasn't his typical type, but there was something about her that drew him in. He smiled, as she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"What can I get for you?" She asked, a little annoyed. Which made Dean smile even bigger.

He took the pen out of his mouth, "A coffee."

She quickly wrote it down, "Anything else?" She asked looking back at him.

"A name? If you have one." Dean asked, amused.

She smiled an evil smile, "Sorry, we don't have any of that. But I will get that coffee for you." She said, than went to do that. Leaving Dean staring after her.

Dean shook his head, hard to get? He liked hard to get. He looked back down at the newspaper...

"Dean?" Nathan's voice cut in on his memory. "Dean?"

Dean snapped back to the present. "Huh?"

"Are you okay? You've been staring into space for a while now." Nathan asked, a trace of a laugh hid in his voice.

Dean smiled, "Yea, everything's fine."

Dean looked around him and realized he was sitting at the counter. Nathan was fully dressed, and Haley was no longer in sight. "Where's Haley?"

Nathan laughed, "Dude, she left. You said bye to her."

Dean was taken aback, "I did?" He asked, shaking his head, and chuckling. "I was really in a daze, wasn't I?"

"Yea." He agreed, putting his jacket on. "Are you ready to go?"

"Go where?"

Nathan looked at him, with an 'Are you serious?' look.

It quickly clicked in his head, "Oh right. Karen and Keith. Yea, I'm ready." Dean stated, getting up and leading the way out of Nathan's apartment.

"Dean!" Karen shouted as she wrapped her arms around him and tightly held on. "It's so good to see you!" She pulled back and placed both hands on either side of his face. She stared at him, felt such emotions, and had to hug him again.

Dean was like a son to her, and not hearing from him in 9 years, had killed her. She hated not knowing if he was okay or dead or what. So having him standing in front of her very much alive gave her such emotions. She pulled back, "Where's your brother?"

Dean thought about telling her the true, that he didn't want to come and he hated it here. But telling her that would break her heart, he was sure of it. "He's at the motel, he wanted me to tell you how sorry he is to have missed seeing you. But something came up." He lied.

"Oh, okay."

Karen moved out of the way, so Keith could get to Dean. "Hey Winchester."

"Hey Scott."

Keith pulled Dean into a hug and pat on the back. "We missed you and your pain in the ass little brother." He pulled back, "It's really good to see you."

"It's really great seeing you both too." Dean stated.

"How's the old man?" Keith asked.

Both Nathan and Dean went stiff. Dean looked down and Keith caught on, as well as Karen. Karen set down on the couch, as she felt her knees go weak. Keith set down too, both wide eyed, and equally heartbroken. Once again, the uncomfortable feeling of sorrow hang in the air, something Dean was tried of feeling. But he knew it sure as hell wasn't done with him.

The rest of the time Dean spend with the Scotts were spend in 'I'm sorrys. How did it happens? And are you okays?' So when Dean was able to get out of there, it was the best thing ever.

As Nathan and Dean walked to the car, Nathan said, "I'm sorry for all that."

Dean turns, stopping Nathan. "I swear man, if I hear one more, I'm sorry. I am going to kill someone."

Nathan looks down and smiles, "Completely understand man."

They both start towards the car again. After they got in and Nathan started the car. He asked, "So, I was wondering, what did you think of Haley?"

Dean looked at Nathan, in shock, never had he once asked that question and never had he once cared about what Dean thought when it came to his dating life. He cleared his throat, "What?"

Nathan quickly looked at him, than back at the road. "I know I usually don't ask that of you. But did you like her? Because you're opinion honestly matters to me."

Dean began to feel really uncomfortable. Which resulted in him having to make a joke, "Dude, you're turning into a girl."

Nathan looked at him, and laughed. "Yea, that did sound like something a women would say, didn't it?" Nathan chuckled. "But honestly did you like her?"

Dean really wish he would drop this. But he knew Nathan that wasn't going to happen. "She seems nice. Dude, lets remember I only met her for a few seconds." He lied. "So how could I really give you an honest opinion, if I don't know her."

"I figured you would say that." Nathan chuckled, "That's why, I was wondering if you would tag along with us, tomorrow. You know, get to know her better. I really want you to get to know her Dean."

No you don't. "Like a third wheel?" Dean laughed, "Nate, you should know that's not my style." Dean said, hoping that would get Nathan off his back.

"I know. But I would appreciate it Dean. You are after all my best friend, and I would love two of my most important people in my life to get to know each other better... " Nathan paused, and than laughed, "Wow, I'm really am turning into a girl. Hahaha."

Dean forces a smile, even tho he dropped the subject, he still knew he would have to go. Just because Nathan dropped something, didn't mean he forgot about it. In Nathan's mind, Dean said sure. Which meant Dean was going. And the thought of being in the same room as Haley, the women he still loved, and her new boyfriend, who was his best friend, would be a pain Dean didn't want to feel, but he knew life wasn't that kind to him. He was going to be the third wheel to his best friend and ex girlfriend's day out. Being set on fire sounded better than that.