"He shoots! He scores!" Shouted Mouth McFadden, as the orange ball flew though the air and though the netted basket.

Nathan retreats the ball and throws it too Lucas. "You're turn!"

Lucas dibbles the ball but before he can shoot. A black car takes his attention, as well as Nathan's, Mouth's and Skills. The car pulls to a stop and two older man climb out. One very tall. The other, shorter. Their difference in appearance wasn't what caught Nathan Scott's eye. It was their classic car and the old wore out brown leather jacket that the shorter one wore. A smile spread across his face. Lucas looks at Nathan.

"Who the hell are they?" He whispered.

Nathan ignored him. And he walks towards the two men who were coming towards him.

"Nathan Scott." The shorter one greeted, as he held out a hand.

"Dean Winchester." He greeted back, as he takes Dean's extended hand and pull him into a quick hug and pat on the back.

Nathan looked at the taller one. He really didn't notice how tall he was, until his full attention was on him. His eyes grew big, he didn't believe it. "Sammy?"

"Hey ya Nate."

"Holy crap! Did you hit a growth spurt or something? You're so flipping tall! The last time I seen you, you were like this." He placed his hand slightly above his waist. "You're a freaking giant!" Nathan said as he pulled Sam in for a quick hug and pat him on the back.

"He's a freak of nature. What else could explain it?" Dean husky voice cut in, drawing Nathan's amused attention and Sam's annoyed attention.

Sam hated being talked about like that, especially after all the vision crap.

"Are you going to introduce us or what?" Skills shouted across the river court, drawing everyone's attentions.

Nathan looked at the Winchesters, than back at the three guys staring at him. He headed towards them and the Winchesters followed behind.

"Luke, Skills, Mouth," He pointed to them as he said their name, "Dean and Sam."

Everyone just stared at each other, awkward silence filled the river court. It lasts for what felt like hours. Skills cut the tension with his words,

"Okay, than. Mouth, Luke, are you guys ready to go? If I don't make it home before.." Skills looked at this phone, "Oh crap." Panic overwhelmed him, "10 minutes, Bevin is going to kill me."

Skills got up and Mouth followed.

"Um, I think I'm going to stay here. I'll catch a ride with Nate."

"Ok." Skills, waved them a good bye as he headed towards his car.

As soon as Skills and Mouth were out of sight.

Lucas looked at Dean and Sam. The tension still hung in the air.

"As in Dean and Sam Winchester?" Lucas cut the tension. "As in John Winchester's sons?"

At the mention of their father, both boys felt their hearts stop. John Winchester had died less then 5 months before. 5 months which they sent countless hours searching for their father's killer and always ran into dead ends. The mention of their father, left nothing short of a sour taste in their mouth.

Dean clears his throat, "Yea, that would be us."

Lucas' eyes grew with amazement and wonder. "You two are the sons of the great John Winchester? I can't believe it, I've heard so much about you two and your father is an legend in my eyes."

"Are you a hunter?" Sam asked, not knowing how else he would know everything about his father.

"No." Lucas shook his head.

That bought such curiously and confusion to Dean and Sam.

"Than how...?" Dean began.

Nathan cuts him off, "He's not anymore. He used to be."

Lucas picked up from where Nathan left off, "After my parents died, I stepped back to rise my sister. I wanted her to live a normal life. And hunting wasn't going to give her anything close."

Those words hit Dean like a brick. Not only because that's what Dean wished he could do, but also the sadness in his voice. Like he missed it. Missed the thing that will forever hunt Dean's soul and mind. He couldn't wrap his mind around how someone could miss doing such a thing. But than again, Dean knew himself. Hunting was such a big part of him, and without it he probably wouldn't be whole.

"How is John? I miss that guy. He should come and visit. I'm sure my mom and dad would love to see him again." Nate voiced, meaning every world.

Both Winchesters felt the wind be knock from their lungs. They took their father's death worst than anyone. But the reaction of Nate, his family, and probably even this other guy standing in front of them, would be just as worst.

"Actually... um," The words hung on Dean's tongue. He still didn't want to believe it. And saying them out lound made it even more real than he could handle. "He'," He just couldn't say the words.

Sam noticed his brother's hardship, so he took the ball. "He didn't make it." That's about all the words Sam could spit out.

Those were all the words Nate needed. His heart broke, not just for himself, because John was truly like family to him. But also for his two really good friends. Especially Dean, he knew how much he worshiped his father. Luke also understood and he also felt himself turn into a sad mess. The tension was definitely gone, but their was something else hanging in the air. Something worst than tension. Something that they all knew too well, sorrow.

Dean and Nathan walks into Nathan's one bedroom apartment. As the impala speeds out of the parking lot, Sam and Lucas disappearing with it. Nathan throws his keys onto the counter as he goes towards the fridge.

"Want a beer?"

Dean takes his jacket off and throws it on the couch, "Yea."

Nathan grabs a cold one and hands one to Dean. Dean sits on the couch, Nathan on the weight bench in the corner of the living room.

"So tell me, what have you been up too? Since it's been about 9 years since I've seen your ass." He states as he leans back and starts pumping weight.

"Not a whole hell of a lot." Dean replies taking a drink of beer. There's something that catches his eye. "How about you?" He asked, as he sets down his beer and heads towards the thing that catch his eye. "I see you've been keeping busy."

"Yea, I have."

Dean dangles the pink lacey bra over Nathan's head. "Yea, I see that."

When Nathan realizes what Dean is dangling over him, a smile breaks out.

"Now please tell whoever this lucky girl is. Isn't still here. Because I think this might be a little awkward." Serious covered Dean's voice, but humor lured deep in it.

Nathan breaks out in a laugh, mainly because this was definitely an awkward moment between him and Dean. Dean grabs the weight as he sees that Nathan can't keep it up anymore and is about to drop it on himself. He places it back on the hooks. As Nathan sits up. Dean throws the bra at him and sits back on the couch.

"Dean, man. I can't wait for you to meet her. She's amazing."

Dean takes a sig of his beer. "So this pink bra owner is a serious thing?"

Nathan smiles, the image of her flashes in his mind. "She sure is."

Dean stares at his oldest friend. He has never seen or remember him being as happy as he was right now. Nathan Scott never had serious relationships, it wasn't his style. Hell it wasn't Dean's style either. So whoever this girl is, she must be someone special. As happy as he was for Nathan, He was also envious. Nathan never had to worry about being stuck in the hunting world. He could live a normal life and not have any problem with it. Dean always supported Nathan like a brother. But deep down, their was a hatred, a jealously that burned bright. And no matter how many times he tried to put it out, it always came back full force.

Dean stared at Nathan, the happiness displayed on his face, bought back painful memories. Dean was that happy once, but just like everything in his life that made him happy, was taken from him in some way or another.

And she was no different.

The next morning, as Dean was in shower, Sam Googled recent bizarre deaths in the last few days. And found less hits than he was hoping for. Sam couldn't wrap his head around any of this. It made no sense. His father's death, the yellow eyed demon just disappearing, and more than anything Dean wanting to take a break to come to Tree Hill. Tree Hill, a place Sam had no desire to be. He remembered being here a lot as a kid, but he wasn't that kid anymore. He was a man on a mission and he would be damned if he stopped before he finished. Sam was in such deep thought, that he didn't heard the bathroom door open. But he did jump when Dean grabbed the computer out from under Sam's nose.

"I thought we agreed. No hunting." Dean shut the laptop and threw it on the bed.

Sam face his big brother, his face held nothing less than what he felt. "No Dean. You decided no hunting and than dragged me into town. We didn't agree on anything."

Dean was not in the mood to fight with him. But he was older and he would be damned if he let Sam continue hunting right now. "I don't care! We're not hunting for the next few weeks Sam! Get use to it!" Dean shouted.

Sam jerked his head back, Dean's words, and the way he said them, had Sam seeing red. "Oh, so since dad died, you're going to take his place?" Sam spit out. "Shouting orders and making me obey? Because maybe you've forgotten, But that didn't work for dad and it's sure as hell not going to work for you."

Dean smiled and shook his head. "Oh, I haven't forgotten." And he left it there. Even though he could think of a million more things to say. Dean throws his wore out brown jacket on. "I'm going to go see Nathan. And than he's going to take me to see Karen and Keith." Dean says without looking at his brother. "And since you hate it so much here, you can stay here and continue researching and running into dead ends, that will only make you angrier." Dean than turns to face his brother, "And than lets see who's more like dad." With that Dean walks out.

Leaving Sam staring at a door that slammed in his face.

Dean knocks on Nathan's door. Once, twice, three times, and no one answered. He turns the knob and walks into a messy apartment. Dean's eyes opened wide. Clothes spread all over the place. Things knocked over. "Nathan?" Dean shouted. Dean looks all over the place, it looked like a hurricane hit it. Than it hit Dean, Nathan's girl must have came over and they had a little fun. Well maybe not a little. Dean didn't want to wake them. So he heads towards the exit. But a girl's voice stops him.

"You must Dean?"

Dean turns, "Yea, that's ..." Dean began, but stopped dead sentence when he saw this girl. She was beautiful, even with no make-up and only a hoodie covering her up. Her auburn hair was messy, but still hung around her face like an halo. She was exactly how he remembered her.

"Hey ya Dean, I'm Haley." She greets, a smile appearing across her face.

At that moment, Nathan follows up behind her. And wraps an arm around her. "Isn't she beautiful?" Nathan asked looking into Haley's brown eyes. Haley brushed and leans into him.

Dean doesn't answer, he just stares at them. Yea, she's beautiful. She's the ghost from his dreams. The girl who hunted his soul and mind for the last 3 years. The girl he still loved. The girl that once wanted everything with him, but forgotten who he is. She was her.