Link walked up the ramp, watching the stone ball slowly roll its way up the track on the ceiling. He cautiously looked side to side, expecting a Lizalfos or a Bokoblin to jump out ad try to hack him up. None did.

Link picked a loose thread off his sleeve and looked up.


He was facing away, one hand on his hip, his snowy white hair draped over his eye. Ghirahim gave a breathy sigh and then with a grin, turned to say down to Link, "Oh, it's you again. How embarassing, I seem to be at a loss for your name. Hmm... no, that's not it." He chuckled and put both hands on his hips.

He snapped.

Link drew his sword and looked wildly around him, expecting Ghirahim to appear behind him. He didn't. Link panted raggedly and wiped off his forehead with the back of his hand. Maybe Ghirahim was going to just back off? Would he? Could he?


Ghirahim giggled and ran a hand down Link's back, feeling the boy's toned muscles and his nerves twitch at the unwanted contact. Ghirahim, leaving a hand on Link's shoulder blades, walked around him. He smiled and asked, "Oh, would you like this if I was the spirit maiden? Is it her touch you crave, skychild, instead of mine?" Link jumped forward and turned around, his sword pointed at Ghirahim's white throat and his shield in front of his face.

"Back off!" Link said. Ghirahim turned his pointed ear toward Link, feigning deafness. "Sorry, what? That shield is keeping me from hearing your lovely voice." Link's cheeks blushed red and he moved his shield, and repeated, "Back off!" Ghirahim's shoulders slumped like Link had really hurt him and then he spread his arms wide. "Or what?" Ghirahim asked gleefully.

Link's eyes narrowed and Ghirahim clicked his tongue. "Now, skychild, I can't see those beautiful blue eyes of yours." Link breathed out through his nose and Ghirahim glared. "Fine. I've tried complimenting you and you are stubborn in return. You wish to fight? Fine." He huffed impatiently and waved his hand. A black rapier appeared in his hand. Link did not move. Ghirahim watched him carefully, waiting for any signs of tiredness or a muscle twitch, but saw none. "Your stamina is remarkable," Ghirahim tossed out casually. Link's eyes seemed to widen, then he tossed his hair out of his eyes. Pride.

It pained him to do it, he didn't want to be the cause for a single scar on the beautiful boy's body, but he charged anyway. His sword tore a gash in Link's pantleg. The boy struggled to react in time, but Ghirahim could see the boy's features in detail. His stunning blue eyes, honey golden hair, strong, toned body... Even his smell crippled Ghirahim. Amazing.

Link cried out and reached for his leg. His fingers came back bloody. Link turned his sword in his hand and swung around, slapping Ghirahim across the face with the flat of his sword. Ghirahim's eyes widened in shock and Link used this as an opportunity to slash the demon's shoulder. Ghirahim tensed and swung at the boy. He backflipped away.

His first big mistake was acting rashly. Ghirahim had lost his sense of pattern and order when fighting, a pattern that was reliable and always worked. Except on the boy. He walked forward calmly, his fingertips outstreched for the sword. The boy watched him carefully. He held his sword still, seeming to focus on something over Ghirahim's head. Big mistake, skychild, Ghirahim thought.

Ghirahim inched his fingers toward the sword, thinking Link was distracted. He thought wrong. Just as soon as Ghirahim was within an inch of the tip of the blade, Link made a half circle up and brought the holy metal down on Ghirahim's forearm. He jumped back and stared at the offense. His white jumpsuit was stained with his own blood.

How dare he.

Ghirahim panted through his clenched teeth, feeling the sting of the wounds already. Link cried out one shout in triumph, and Ghirahim summoned some blades. He aligned them carefully in a row and flicked his wrist, sending them speeding at the boy. Link stood for a moment, watching them, and then bashed his shield forward, reflecting the blades back at Ghirahim. It caught him in the chest, and the tip of another caught him in the neck. He yelled in outrage and snapped his fingers. Link backed himself up to a wall, but not before Ghirahim reappeared behind him, silent.

Link pressed his backside into Ghirahim and the demon wrapped his arms around Link chest, trapping him against his front. "Well, I've always liked you, but it's good to know you return the feeling," Ghirahim said playfully into Link's ear. Link squirmed and kicked at Ghirahim's legs, but Ghirahim wrapped his leg around Link's knees and shushed into his hair. The gesture was supposed to be calming. It was overwhelming for Ghirahim. The scent of him, his warm body pressed against his own. He had known he would need this closeness since their first encounter.

"Shh, shh," Ghirahim said against Link's temple. Link stilled his motions, panting. Ghirahim smiled and inhaled one last time before speaking in a soft, lover's voice. "Your smell... It's intoxicating." Link winced in disgust and Ghirahim leaned his head forward, letting his hair tickle the skin under Link's hat. He pressed his nose to the back of Link's neck and mumbled, "Amazing." Link tensed every muscle in his body when he felt Ghirahim pressed against his back. "What do you want?" Link asked raggedly. "I have money," he offered.

Ghirahim silently chuckled into Link's ear, his chest vibrating Link's back. "I don't want money," Ghirahim whispered. "I want you."

Link cried out and lurched forward, trying to use his weight to break away from Ghirahim. Pale arms still encircled him, however, and Link moaned in frustration. Ghirahim cooed, "You don't want me?" Link screamed at the floor, "No!" He hung over Ghirahim's folded arms. His legs were still wrapped in Ghirahim's. Link made incoherent sounds through his clenched teeth and threw his head back, trying to headbutt Ghirahim. White fingers pinched the back of his neck. The fingers spread and moved to the front, then started to squeeze again. "I don't like hurting you, Link," Ghirahim whispered regretfully, "but your behavior is unacceptable."

Link thought about trying to bite Ghirahim's arm, but decided against that when his eyes started to bulge. "Stop!" he choked out. "I'll do whatever you want!" he yelped. The hand stopped squeezing but did not move. "Oh?" Ghirahim asked, his tone curious. Gasping for air, Link stood up. "Within reason," he corrected himself. Ghirahim sighed and replied, "Nothing I want is within reason."

Faster than Link could yell 'Zelda', Ghirahim spun Link around by his shoulders and crushed their lips together. Link pressed the palms of his hands to Ghirahim's chest and shoved, hard as he could, and pushed Ghirahim away. He laughed and snapped his fingers. Link yelped and was pulled to the floor by a diamond chain. They wrapped themselves around him the way vines grew around the lattice at Clean Cut. He was snaked to the floor, and the more he fought, the tighter the chains dug into his skin.

Ghirahim placed his hands on his hips, seemingly his favorite pose, and stood over Link. Blood dripped onto Link's stomach from the wound on Ghirahim's arm, and his own blood pooled in a puddle under his leg.

Ghirahim's sharp teeth had cut the inside of Link's lip when Ghirahim had forced his mouth open, and blood gathered at the hollow under his tongue. Link worked for a second then, with a mouthful of blood, turned his face up to Ghirahim and spit. The blood spattered his thigh and Link gave the meanest glare he could. Ghirahim stared down at him, disapproving. "How could you think," Ghirahim started quietly, leaning down on his knees by Link, "that someone so proper and pent up like the spirit maiden could love you, you with your fierce ways and barbaric manners?" He straddled Link's lap and Link could do nothing about it- his hands were chained above his head and his feet were chained apart. Ghirahim traced diamond patterns into Link's chest. "No," he said, resting his chin on his other hand, "you need someone wild and spontanious like me." He grinned and his huge pupils dilated as he leaned toward Link.

He felt the urge to turn away but refused to show any weakness, so he kept his eyes wide open and faced straight forward as Ghirahim, in a way he must've thought loving, sweetly kissed him. Ghirahim, without pulling his lips away, sighed through his nose and moved a hand to Link's hair, pushing his face into his more.

Link waited, appalled, for Ghirahim to stop, but it seemed like he never would. As the time passed Link became slightly afraid that he never would stop, that he would always be a slave, chained here against the hot wall in Eldin Volcano, being forced to kiss this man. Ghirahim's kisses grew slightly more frenzied and rushed. He was aggravated with Link's lack of response. He pulled away and frowned. Link smirked, enjoying air. "Doesn't do anything," Link said. He was pleased with how strong and confident his voice sounded.

Ghirahim, one of the only times Link had seen him truly angry, wrapped his fist in Link's hair and slammed his head against the wall. Stars and colors exploded behind Link's eyelids as Ghirahim placed his palms on either side of Link's face, gently cradling his head. "Now, you see what you've made me do?" Ghirahim asked sternly. Link couldn't believe it when his lip started quivering, and he he felt like taking his sword to his throat when a tear ran down his face. Ghirahim gasped and touched a finger to the tear, then brought it to his lips. "Link..." he whispered. Link's head was pounding and there was a line on the back of his head that was the sorest. Probably fractured. He hoped he didn't pass out; he might not wake up.

Ghirahim pulled him forward, but he forgot the chains. Link cried out as the cold metal ripped into his skin and Ghirahim quickly snapped. Link's head was still spinning as Ghirahim, sitting with his legs crossed, pulled him forward, bringing his torso to rest in his lap. He left him here for a moment but then saw the awkward way his spine was bent over his thigh and pulled him up so his bottom rested in the hole in Ghirahim's legs and Ghirahim kept his back straight with his arm. He held him against him like a baby and gently placed Link's head on his shoulder. Link moaned and tried to pull away. Ghirahim clapped a hand over his ear, keeping him there, but the impact made his head spin again.

"No! Ughnn..." Link cried. Ghirahim 'shh'ed against his forehead, every now and then pressing a cold, gentle kiss to Link's face, rocking him back and forth. "Isn't this nice?" Ghirahim asked, rocking Link. He just squeezed his eyes shut and spoke without sound. Blood trickled from the back of his head. Ghirahim leaned his head down to look in Link's face. His eyes were closed, his head leaned on Ghirahim's chest. His white hair formed a curtain, hiding them, as Ghirahim held his arm out and said in a pleased voice, "Thank you for this lovemark, Link. It'll scar quite nicely, and then I'll always have a reminder of you."

Link shook against Ghirahim, a sheen of sweat forming on his forehead. "C-cold," Link mumbled. He chuckled, "Cold in a volcano?" Ghirahim supported Link with his chest, slowly reaching behind him to untie his cloak. He draped it around their bodies and held Link closer to him. Oh, how he would enjoy the boy later...

He smiled to himself as he heard Link's light snores. His body relaxed and Ghirahim hummed to himself, rocking Link back and forth. Ghirahim felt he could fall asleep himself when Link stirred. The wound on his leg had clotted, and so had Ghirahim's cuts. Link looked around for a moment, and Ghirahim waited for the second when he would look up and realize he had been sleeping in the enemy's lap. Link gasped when he felt the arms tighten around him, and he looked up. His eyes showed alarm, but then, when they flicked over to see the white hair and the purple shadows under the great brown eyes, he relaxed. "Oh," he said, his breath whooshing out. "It's just you."

Ghirahim frowned down at him, still taking in what he'd just heard, when Link placed his hands on Ghirahim's chest, pushed himself up out of Ghirahim's lap, forced his lips open with his own, and kissed him. Ghirahim's eyebrows rose from a frown to touching his hairline when Link delved his tongue into Ghirahim's mouth.

Could it be? Could Link really be returning Ghirahim's feelings, the ones he had kept secret until now? The way that he thought about holding Link when he was alone, about kissing him like he was right now? Could he? It felt like it.

Ghirahim sucked in breath through his nose as he returned the kiss, placing his hands on Link's waist, right over his belt. Link smiled against him, pursed his lips quickly, stealing one more kiss, before pulling away. "Did you lose your memory?" Ghirahim asked. Link laughed and stood up, tenderly fingering the sore spot on the back of his head. "No. What happened here?" he asked, pointing to his head. Ghirahim stood up, still confused. "You fell," he mumbled.

Link looked around the room, then saw his sword laying on the ground by the door where Zelda should've been found. He walked casually toward it and picked it up, sliding it in his scabbard. Link stretched his arms over his head and yawned. "That was a good power nap," he said. Ghirahim stared at him, waiting. Ghirahim walked toward him, and with no words placed his hands on Link's cheeks and pulled him in for an intense kiss. Link's brow creased and he broke away from Ghirahim's tongue. "What's wrong?" he asked, wrapping his hands around the wrists that were connected to the palms that had captured his face. Ghirahim frowned down at him. "Since when do you like me back?" Ghirahim asked bluntly.

Link smiled smugly at him, and that's when Ghirahim knew something was wrong. Link leaned up, touched their noses, and whispered, "I realize how charming I am. I didn't want to leave you without something." Ghirahim, not catching on, asked, "My lovemark?" He held up his arm. Link smiled bigger, and whispered so quietly Ghirahim had to lean closer than he already was. "If that's what you call bruises," Link whispered. The loving look in his eyes changed instantly to malice and he bashed his head forward, sending Ghirahim reeling. He clutched his head and Link unsheathed his sword, pointing it at him.

Ghirahim glared up, genuinely hurt and feeling betrayed, as Link ran backward and opened the door to get to his precious spirit maiden.

Should I continue? Probably not tonight, but I had to get this out- I'm having writer's block on my other GhiraLinks. Let me know what you thought! Much love,