the forgotten treasure

Hey everyone.

Here is a new story hope you like it.

It's writen over my friend and I's RP, so i can only take half of the honor.

I don't own any of the characters used.

I think that's all so, on with the story.

Chapter one

Lovino's P.O.V.

It was a pretty normal day. The sun was shining, but that didn't mean that I had to be outside.

I was lying flatly on the couch, watching some random reality show. Or tried to watch it, but my attention was caught by Antonio wandering restlessly around in the living room.

"Sit down, it's distracting when you're walking around like that" I said, not looking away from the TV.

"But I'm bored, I can't just sit down doing nothing when it's such a beautiful day" he stopped walking.

"Then find something to do"

"Your right, want to come with me out in the garden?"


"Awww, why not" he chimed

"I don't want to"

"But it's such a great day, we can go out and have fun I the sun" Antonio almost jumped over, grabbing me by the arm, and pulling me up from the couch.

"Hey let go of me, you idiot, I don't want to go outside" I protested. After a bit of arguing, he gave up. He'd let go of my arm.

"If you don't want to come then I'm just going myself" he said and left the room. A little after I heard the front door close and my attention fell back onto the TV.

Antonio's P.O.V.

I walked into the back yard, looking around for something to do.

The sun really was high today, it made every leaf on the trees shine brightly. The grass was moving in the breeze.

The little tomato field, stood proudly next to the biggest tree in the garden. After staring at the tree for some time, the idea stoke me.

I almost ran, over to the tree, getting a good grip around one of the branches. I hailed myself up, and started to climb higher up in the tree.

"Aah, there is such a great prospect from up here"

I sat on a branche, swinging my legs back and forth, as the wind brused through my hair. I leaned a little back. Feeling the sun against my skin.

Lovino's P.O.V.

The program ended, and I sat back up. Grabbing the remote, and flipping through the channels. Nothing seemed to catch my attention.

"I wonder what that idiot is doing, I haven't heard him for a while now" I lifted my lazy body up from the couch. Walked over to the window. And looked through. It took some time to find him, but I spotted him between the green leafs.

I watched him for a while, then the branch he was sitting on, gave a loud crack. I have this feeling that it's going to break in any minute. It gave another crack, and he barely kept his balance.

"Be careful, you're not falling down, idiot" I said, still standing in the window.

A look of surprise spread across his face, when I spoke.

"How long have you been standing there?"

"For quite some time now" I sounded as monotone as I could.

The branch gave another crack, and this time it fell off the tree.

In one swift movement, Antonio succeeded in getting hold of the branch above him. Now hanging in his arm, a little over the ground. I sighed deeply at how helpless he looked.

"Uhm...Lovi, could you please get a ladder?" there was a bit of panic in his voice. I sighed once more and left the window.

I went to the garage, looking around.

In the corner stood a stepladder. I took some time to get to it, because of the chaos in the garage. But finally I got hold of it and took it out into the garden. Antonio was still hanging in the tree, and when he saw me was relieved.

I placed the ladder below his feet.

"Can you get it from there?" I looked up at him.

"Ehh..." he tentatively tried to reach the ladder with the feet, but it was too short.

I looked for a way to make the ladder higher but I wasn't possible.

"There isn't that long from you to the ladder, so if you just let go then you'll land on it" he just shook his head.

"No...I can't do it" he was clinging to the branch.

"There are only a couple of inches down"

"Are you sure?"


"Hmm..." with an unsure movement, he tried to reach the ladder, but his foot missed. I took hold of his ankles, making sure that he was right above the ladder.

He'd let go of the branch, and landed on top of the ladder, he was shaking slightly, like he was going to fall.

"Can you keep the balance?"

"Ehm..." he placed a hand on the tree to steady himself "yes I think it's okay"

"Fine" I waited for him to get down, but he didn't.

"How about getting down?"

"y-yes it's just..." he tried to get down on the next step, but he couldn't.



"Say what it is!"

"I can't..." he was now clinging to the tree. My mouth opened in disbelief.

" can't mean that..."


"It's that little ladder you have to get down from..."

"But what if I fall down? I'm going to hit the ground, or even worse, I'm going to hit the tomatoes"

"You can't fall that long..."

He didn't answer, he just slowly walked down.

"It wasn't that bad was it?"


"What did I say..."

He turned around and looked at me.


"Nothing" he just said. I rolled my eyes. I took the ladder and walked to the garage again. Placing it the exact same spot where I took it.

I walked back to him, and leaned up against the tree, and folded my arms.

"Why did you even climb up in it?"

"I was bored.."

"Okay...but, we have to do something about this branch"

"Yeah you're right"

"Do we have a saw somewhere?" I looked questionable at him.

"Just give me a second, then I'll take a look" he walked off to the shed. There came a bunch of sounds from the shed.

I sat down in front of the branch, with my back to the shed.

I didn't notice that Antonio had come back, before...

"Look look look!, what I have" I looked over my shoulder to find, Antonio running towards me, he was wearing a long red jacket with a lot of details. A hat with feathers, and a piece of paper in his hand.

"Where do you have that from?" I asked, quiet surprised over the fact that he was wearing a pirate outfit.

"I found it in the shed" he smiled happily. Showing the paper to me. It was an old map, with a black X on it.

"A map?"

"Yes a treasure map" he turned it towards himself.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes look, there is an X on it" he pointed at it.

"Anyone can draw an X on a map..."

"But it was lying with my old pirate clothes, so it must mean something"

"You're sure it's not just something you made in boredom at a point?"

"No it's surely a treasure I never found"

Did he really mean this? That he actually had a map, and didn't find the treasure while he 'was' a pirate. I looked thoughtfully at the map.

"Why don't we try and find it? I'm sure I can get my hands on my old ship again" he sounded even happier.

"Why?" I asked looking bluntly at him.

"Because it could have some kind of value"

"And maybe it doesn't"

"Come on..." he begged.

"Fine, it's probably going to be interesting"

"Yay" he jumped up in happiness, but I just had to pop the balloon he was flying on.

"But, how are we going to do it, even if you can get your ship. We still need, water, food and a crew"

"Just give me one hour"

"Okay..." a sound of disbelieve was in my voice. How was he going to get everything ready in just one hour.

I followed him into the living room, where he grabbed the phone. He was smirking a little at me as he pressed an unknown number on the phone.

I guessed that it got picked up, when he started to talk.

"Hey, it's me Antonio, do you still have my ship?"

I couldn't make out what the person on the other end was saying. But judging by his smile, it's must be good news.

"Where is it? And can you have it ready at the port in one hour?" he continued.

Something was said on the other end but once again I couldn't hear what it was.

"Great. Then I'm going to call the crew" his smile got even weirder as he hung up.

"Can you still get in contact with your old crew?" my eyes widen and mouth opened a little in surprise.

"Of cause I can" he placed the phone on the nearby table.

"Come on, let's go" he walked towards the front door.

"Where are we going?" I asked following him out the door, and locking it behind us.

"To the port, of cause, there should still be some of the crew members there"

"How can you be so sure of that?"

I took some time for him to answer.

"I just can"

The rest of the walk, was in silence.

We reached the port. I looked over the many ships and the calm water that glimpsed in the sun. I was so captured by the water that I didn't notice Antonio walked off.

My attention was so long away, that first when Antonio called for me. I noticed that he had left.

I ran over to him to see what he wanted.

He was standing looking at a massive ship.

"This is my ship" he smiled happy, his eyes never leaving it.

I just stared at it, I didn't know what to say, lost for words.

"But we were looking for the crew" he looked around, and I did so too. I didn't really know what I was looking for, so I just took in the view of the port.

"There's one" Antonio said pointing to a man whose sitting on a barrel a little away, he walked over and I followed.

The man noticed us, and seemed to recognize Antonio.

"Oh, captain what are you doing here?" he asked, a bit surprised.

"I want you to gather the rest of the crew" his trademark grin on his face.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because I say so, get the others and I'm telling you what's happening"

"Ay captain" he jumped down from the barrel, and ran off.

"So now we just have to wait, we could get the things we need at home" he smiled at me.

I nodded.

After an hour, we reached the port once again. With one bag and one suitcase.

I walked up at the gangway to the deck, and looked around.

I was a bit excited, but I didn't show it.